Gackt has become insanely popular since leaving Malice Mizer, and there's little doubt why. His music is emotional, beautifully orchestrated, and quite often rocks! I was really anxious to hear this CD, and now I am glad to share my thoughts on it.
 A 461 year old vampire? |
1. Noah
This is just a short intro track, but I have to admit that I really love it. It has a very mysterious, traditional Japanese sound to it. Lots of chimes and stringed instruments here. It really belongs in an epic samurai movie. Why it's titled "Noah" I have no idea, but it is an exquisitely haunting track.
Rating: 10 out of 10
2. Lu:na
Wow, this song just blasts you away after the quiet atmosphere created by "Noah." It opens with some screaming guitars and nice, loud percussion. Gackt's voice is very rich, tearing through high and low notes with ease. His operatic tone gives the rock songs on this album a uniqueness and flavor you won't find anywhere else. This song is very dramatic, but has a great hard edge. This is one to blast. However, it always ends too soon for my taste as it's only 3:26 long. Still an awesome track!
Rating: 10 out of 10
3. Wa-su-re-na-i-ka-ra
Well, that was fun to type. This song starts with some neat futuristic sounds, but soon breaks into a wonderfully rollicking guitar riff. This was a single, so you expect it to be good, but really it is much higher quality than many singles. It's a wonderfully happy song that hurtles along at an unstoppable pace. I can't help but start bopping my head along with the beat every time I hear it. Consequently, this is a great sing-a-long song. Again, Gackt's voice has that exquisite quality to change tones instantly. The middle, softer section is a great way to lead into the climax and really highlights the beauty of Gackt's singing. This is what all jpop should sound like.
Rating: 10 out of 10
4. Soleil
Another upbeat song here. This one is a little lighter on the guitars and the percussion, but is equally good. This song is just so darned happy. It makes me want to smile. In addition to the usual instruments, there are some trumpets in the background, which seem to complement Gackt's voice very well. Gackt also shows off his range quite well in this song. In fact, the only other singer I know with equal vocal abilities is hyde of L'Arc~en~ciel. My favorite thing about this track is the operatic section in the middle that cuts suddenly back into the rocking chorus. It's just so unexpected. I hate to give out so many high ratings, but I have to be honest.
Rating: 10 out of 10
5. Speed Master
Ok, I always worry when a song has a cheesy title. Sure, it could be worse, but still... Anyway, this is a much harder song. It sounds more like traditional j-rock that would be performed by a visual kei band. There is even some X-Japan type shouting. Gackt's voice sounds like its coming through a speaker or a filter, which is a nice effect, as are the little added sound effects. However, this song is just a little too hard and unrefined. Gackt's singing manages to raise it above most j-rock, but it's not as good as some of the others. You hardcore rockers will enjoy it though.
Rating: 7 out of 10
6. Fragrance
On to something more sublime. This song is so dark it gives me chills. It opens with a few little chime/bell sounds and drums. That's it. Gackt's voice sneaks in, and he sings a rather wandering melody. The vocals in this song are nicely understated, and gorgeously done. Gackt never over-sings. It has a myserious feel that brings to mind "Noah." I particularly the echo effects and the traditional Japanese instruments. This song takes several listens to fully appreciate, but that's because there is so much going on in it. Every element is perfectly woven together. One of the highlights of the album.
Rating: 10 out of 10
7. death wish
Some more little futuristic, almost video game sounds open this track, but it too turns into a hard rock song. The guitars are reminiscent of dozens of other songs, and the voiceless intro to this song lasts a little too long. Luckily, Gackt eventually begins to sing, and his vocals are surprisingly muted. The chorus picks up a little more, and the song develops a nice melody. However, there's not much else going on here, and it seems a little too long.
Rating: 8 out of 10
8. Doomsday
What do you know, another hard rock song! This one too opens loud and then features soft vocals by Gackt. While I enjoy the style, they didn't have to put all these songs in a row. In its favor, this one has some neat sound effects, and the melody is much more sweeping and dramatic. Gackt's voice soars into the high notes, then instantly drops back down. This track shows off this vocal talent much better than "death wish" or "Speed Master." It also has a memorable part in the middle where Gackt sings in a cute, feminine voice. Compared to the other hard songs on the album, this one is much better.
Rating: 9 out of 10
9. Missing
This song opens with some quiet acoustic guitar, then moves into the quicker yet still rather subdued verse. The beat is nice and mid-tempo. Gackt sings the verses very gently. The chorus is one of those happy, hopeful sounding choruses you can't help but like. Gackt gets to show off his range a bit here, but it never sounds forced. There is a cool muted section in the middle that leads into another refrain of the chorus that is worth mentioning. Fans of songs like "Kimi no Tame Ni Dekiru Koto" will like this one. The song in general is very enjoyable, and sure to bring a smile to your face.
Rating: 9 out of 10
10. rain
At first, this song sounds a bit like "Fragrance." However, the percussion isn't as pervasive, and the feeling is less dark. There are some nice sound effects and very quiet piano in the background. That is, until it explodes into the sweeping, melodic chorus. I can't explain how cool this is. Gackt's voice absolutely soars. The verses, in contrast, are so gentle you almost forget the chorus is coming. The emotion in this song is so powerful, it almost made me cry. The string section in the middle is the perfect complement to Gackt's singing. If you appreciate good music at all, you will love this song. To top it off, it clocks in at a near-epic 6:00, and every second is worth cherishing. Did I mention the chorus is a masterpiece? Without a doubt, one of the best tracks on this CD.
Rating: 10 out of 10
If you follow Gackt at all, you should by now be aware of the controversy surrounding this song. Certain parties claim that he stole it from the "Josie and the Pussycats" soundtrack. My personal opinion is that Gackt is too good a musician to need to steal a song from a crappy b-movie, but that is irrelevant. Whether or not you think Gackt is a thief, this song still rocks. It has a pop feel without totally betraying its rock roots. It has a wonderful, rollicking feel that will make you want to dance around your room like an idiot. What makes songs like this unique is Gackt's unmistakable voice, which can turn any song into a work of art. Josie and the Pussycats only wish they sounded this good.
Rating: 9 out of 10
12. memories
Any album this consistently good needs a great song to finish it off. "memories" is the perfect choice. It calms things down after all the hard rock with nice, mellow verses and another patented sweeping Gackt chorus. Seriously, how does this guy manage to create so many instantly memorable choruses? This is an extremely joyful, emotional song with perhaps the best melody of any on the album. The middle section has an orchestra part that feels like it belongs in a movie. Again, Gackt truly pushes himself, going from almost whispering to all-out, heart-wrenching singing. This song is a glorious 6:41, but never feels long. Instead, you are sorry when it is over. The last minute or so is another orchestra section that pulls the entire album together. When it ends, you feel as if you've just stepped off a musical roller-coaster. My advice: get on for another ride! ^_^
Rating: 10 out of 10
Note: This album just missed making a 10 by 2 tenths of a point. That should tell you just how wonderful it is. Please, please buy this CD! You won't regret it!
Overall Rating: 9 out of 10
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