Age: 18
Shoots: Right
Member: 2 years
Number: 68
The booty of gold has returned and this time with a vengence. Now that Kozzy has returned to the lineup, Chaz can take things into his hands. You look at his skill at goal (I know, amazing isn't it? It should be a mortal sin for one man to possess such god-given talent and prowess) and are stunned at his ability....but wait, it gets better.....the booty of gold is returning to his natural position. Forward! Tired of masking his teamates mistakes in net, he has decided to don the skates once more and torture opponents with is awe-inpiring speed. His quickness is bar-none, the best in the league and and wait till you see the passing and scoring abilities. In summary.....the rest of the league should watch out cause Chaz is coming like a scoring blizzard and will freeze adversaries in their tracks