My Tests and Quizes

Welcome! This is my page full of the results of tests and quizes I have taken. The surveys are on my panther journal. Feel free to see what you get. Sayonara!

I am 30% evil.
Take the test ::

I'd get kicked out eventually or just get stuck in an inbetween area.

Visionary, revolutionary, vigilante - these descriptions all fit you well. You are thoroughly disgusted with society and humanity as a whole, and you have several rather diabolical plans to reshape it to fit your designs. You're probably a loner, and most people think you're crazy. That's just because they don't understand, though, and you'll show them someday anyway. Heh heh heh. You are known to become very passionate about many causes, have torrid love affairs, and be seen as a either a demagogue or a hero to the proletariat masses.

Be cool! Take the What Do You Want Out Of Life? Quiz

Yep, that is SO me! hehe

I recieved a tie between these two. I usually take the test a few times and got them both equal times.

i had my niche.
intelligent. creative. or artistic.
what kind of child were you?
(brought you by april)

Yes. I was gifted, but I kept to myself. I knew that I never belonged here and I didn't have many friends


there are no words to describe you.
except maybe: strange. unique. different.
what kind of child were you?
(brought you by april)

I seemed to have an alternate personality because I was also a very weird kid. I always pretended to be something else. I basically had two moods reclusive and insane! But I barely remember anything.

I took this quiz nearly ten times and each time I got either Creativity, Dreamer, or Sympathy.

take the quiz!

I am creative and I am distant from most people. I agree fully with that.

take the quiz!

The only thing I disagree on with that is the whole your life revolves around your loved one. My life revolves around finding truth o.O But I am a dreamer and I always have been.

take the quiz!

I am pretty selfless. But I usually care about my friends and family equally.

Inu-Yasha (find out more)

Find out What Anime Best Suits You by taking the quiz yourself!

SWEET! I GOT INU YASHA! *is amazed * I took it a second time and got Iria

Take the Greek Goddess Test @ Rasberry Rain

Cool! Artemis is one of my favorite mythological goddesses. She's cool.

Legolas fan

Heehee! ^.^ Legolas! *drool*

Dude I had a three way tie on this. All three windows popped up at the same time

Your magical style is Faery.
What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox

Your magical style is Druidic.
What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox

Your magical style is Witch.
What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox

One word for this test: Cool

It's Yuna!

Cool! I got Yuna!

All the great heroes can fly. And thats what I am, a great hero. I am well rounded. I have a good sense of right and wrong. I seek to do the greatest good for the greatest number of people, but my friends always come first, especially if it's a romantic interest. Despite my amazing gifts, I prefer a quiet position away from the limelight, maybe among the clouds.

What's your superpower?

Flying! Cool!

Disney Princesses
Which of the Disney Princesses are you?

Very intersting.

You are zidane
You are a pervert O_O Well, that's what people think when they see you a first, but once they look deeper, they see that you are a caring and loveable person.

take this quiz!

Dude! o.o I'm a pervert? Freakish. Oh well. Zidane's a cool character ^_^


I guess that's true

Dude. I'm dramatic o.O


I'm a Philosopher/Scientist!

SWEET! I knew it! ^_^ I am a big philosopher

Take the Eliteness Quiz Today!

This test was kind of confusing. o.O I dun get it.

i'm a cat.what kinda pet are you?
quiz made by muna.

Meow? o.O

Find your emotion!

Eh, I'm neutral.

You are 10% evil! [?]
That's right! You're the meekest of the meek! You're the least amount evil! The philosophy in ying and yang is that no one person can be completely good or completely evil, but you're pretty close to complete, goodie-two-shoes!

=P so what. Look at my other side. I'm evil when i'm in a certain mood.

I fancy Elves.
The only one that will ever look good in tights. Oh yea.
Which culture from Middle-Earth do you fancy?
By Hannah and Dani

LEGOLAS! *drool* ^.^


Which movie heroine are you?

Cool! She's my fave X-Men character.

Which Woman of Beauty Are You? Find out! By Nishi.

Pretty! ^.^

Which Royalty Are You? Find out! By Nishi.

Cool. I guess that's what I am.

which children's storybook character are you?
this quiz was made by colleen

Eh, strange, but oh well.

Which LOTR Woman are you?

Cool! She's my fave female LOTR character!

So which letter of the alphabet matches YOUR personality, huh?

I'm a 'H'? Strange, very strange

Take the What Type of Friend are You? quiz, and visit [Me.]

Yay! I'm a good friend ^.^

Take the What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.

Eh, no surprises there

You are Ura!

Take the "Which Anime pet are you?" test!

I have no idea who that is o.O

You are the most universal mythical beast ever. Sightings of the unicorn have been reported from all over the world, even in these modern times. Unicorns are pure and incurruptible. In China, unicorns symbolised gentleness, good will, and wisdom. Christianity links the unicorn with Christ. It is said that unicorns would only allow virgin girls to see them, let alone touch them. They were easily lured into fatal ambushes by a virgin with some potchers waiting for the unicorn in nearby bushes. A unicorn's horn was a highly prised possesion, which was reputed to have great healing capabilities. With the touch of its horn, a unicorn could bring back a person who had been dead for several hours. But when disattached from the unicorn's body, the magic was suggnificantly reduced and could only protect against poison. The unicorn had the body of a horse, a unique spirling horn, and a lion's tail. They were pure white in color. Congradulations, you are a rarity amoung mythical beasts. There aren't enough of people like you in the world.
What mythical beast best represents you? Take the quiz!

Cool! I'm a Unicorn! Too bad i didn't get dragon or phoenix. Oh well ^.^

What Flavor Icecream Are You?

Weird, i got a flavor i hate o.O

If I lived in Middle-Earth, it would be in:
Lothlorien or Rivendell

You prefer the tranquilty and peacefulness of nature and enjoy the milder seasons of the year. While you know it is necessary to keep in contact with other living beings, most of the time you enjoy the seclusion of an aesthetically pleasing, woodland environment.

YAY! Those are such pretty places

Want To Know Which Element You Are?

Truly a rare breed, you're calm and thoughtful but still know how to live life. Things are taken slowly but your large list of experiences (yours as well as others) can help you adapt to new situations with little trouble or people being hurt. Unfortunately, you're the most likely to ignore yourself over other people. Emotions rule you, and though you are quick to kindness, your anger could scare the fiercest of creatures. Learn to relax a bit and live your own life.

Best Match: Fire, they'll pull you out of your shell and teach you plenty of things in life.
Worst Match: Water, they're too intent on their emotions to notice yours.

Streea wasted a bunch of time making this test.

That's kind of strange. I got Spirit, but Water's my worst match o.O freakish.

You're Auron, Spira's most famous Guardian! Often very cold, you're also very resourceful. You have a very good public image, and its not uncommon for people to look up to you, and even want to be you! You always keep your promises, no matter what.
Which Final Fantasy X Character would YOU be? Take the test.

I got Yuna and now I'm Auron. COOL

Disorder Rating Information
Paranoid: High
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: High
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate

Eh... That's very strange o.O

I'm the O:-)
Which smiley are you?

Sure I'm an angel. *laughs*

83% addicted to Instant Messenger. How about you?

I though I'd be even more addicted than that

Which Final Fantasy 8 Character Are You?

You are Ellone! Good-hearted and self-sacrificing,
people often see you as what you are instead of who
you are. You have special talents others envy, but
those who take the time to know the real you will
see you for the sweetheart that you really are.

Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here!

Cute! I'm Ellone. She's one of my fave characters

I am the undyingly dead ByrdTri! Find your whimsy character at

This was a freakish test! But, I got this. lol.
Wanna see what else it says about this result? Check it out here ~~>

I am Little Red Riding Hood Find your fairy tale character at

Very strange, but i think that's me.. Hehe. I'd smack the wolf instead of listening to it though. That wolf is evil. But other wolves are not. =P

I'm completely down-to-earth! Find your soul type at

Cool! I like it. Wanna see what it said? Here's the link.
Check it out! That's what it said about my soul type.

I got another tie, but here they are

what's your battle cry? | | merchandise!

That's for my quiet and normalish side.

what's your battle cry? | | merchandise!

This is for my more...hmmmm.. my stranger side. Hehe. But i think my REAL battle cry is...DUDE!

I am Sweet and Sour Chicken!
Take the What Kind of Chinese Food Are You? test!

I've had this. It's pretty good. Though, I like the beef kabobs better ^.^

Which car are you?

o.O Hmm, i guess i'm like that. Some of the questions were really strange.

what adjective are you?
quiz by maikamariel

THAT"S ME ^.^ Creative!yay! *hugs a moogle*

What sort of geek are YOU?

I am like that! Even though I wasn't an avid D&D player. I love renaissance fairs and i love Star Wars.

Take the Desert Creatures Test!

Sweet! I love coyotes! ^-^

Damn, ANOTHER tie >.< This is annoying!

I Am
Celtic Goddess of Poetry.
I'm a freaky writer type that doesn't like to leave the house. I'm probably a lot smarter than you.
What Celtic Goddess are You?
Quiz by Aoibhell

I agree with that one. I am the freaky writer type. o.O, but I dunno about leaving the house.

I Am
Celtic Goddess of Justice.
I like to hurt evil people. I also like truth and equality and am probably involved in some hopeless yet noble cause.
What Celtic Goddess are You?
Quiz by Aoibhell

I agree with that mainly because i DO like to hurt evil people *viciously beats up Deku* GO AWAY YOU DAMN BASTARD! *kicks Deku out the window* hehe.

take free enneagram test

I found this a VERY interesting test. I agree with what it says.

What Element Are You?

I'm not really dark and dismal..but i can be.I'm an outsider, so this kind of fits.

The Band Quiz By Rahel

Cool, i'm a lot like that. I checked to see if they had a percussion thing, but NO! ;.; I am a percussionist! No offence meant to the french horns.

I'm a Freak!
How much of a freak are you?

I KNEW IT! ^.^ hehe. I am 93.7% freak after all. I knew i was one!

You're mostly like Steph! What Steph and Friends personality do YOU have?

You're friendly, out-going, caring and always up for a good laugh. You have lots of friends, but you only regard a few of them as being close to you. Generally speaking, you don't like fighting with people, but given the right reason, you can turn into a major bitch.

hehe, that's funny. I also agree. hehe.

I got a straight tie for two.

I Died then my Instinct was BORN

You are Shinshoku -lose control- ..and you are a complete psycho.
Your pastime is scaring old people on the bus,
and i'm guessing you were released from the mental ward a little too early.
Hey!! Stop eating those butterflies!! o_O

"Which L'Arc~en~Ciel song am I?" test by mifyuu

I found this REALLY amusing! I laughed so hard I nearly choked on the twizzler i was eating.


You are Pieces.
You're an emotional person who tends to always be lost in thought.
Friends look to you for sympathy, but you're not always the best person to give it.
And.. you're a bit of a sociopath. Who likes knives.

"Which L'Arc~en~Ciel song am I?" test by mifyuu

This is the one I got first. I got others, but they were SO not me. I wanted to find Neo Universe though. Oh well.

I am a hip critter. I showed up fasionably late with Super Mario World and have started launching your own career since then. In maybe 10-15 years, my popularity will rival Mario's. Not that I'm competing with him. He's my bud. I'm good at getting and keeping friends, and they value me for that. After all, who else would carry them on their back through ice, fire, and rain? Sometimes I think I'm taken for granted, but I know that my friends have my back. Of course they do. Who would screw over Yoshi?

What Super Mario Bros character are you?

YAY! Yoshi's so freakin' cool! He's the best character in the Mario games. ^.^

Which PPG would you be?

YAY I got Buttercup! I am like her. I'm kinda nice, but I am very bad tempered and I'd beat the villains up instead of forming a plan. hehe

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

Neat! I got Kanga. She's a good character.

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz

YEEHAW *starts breaking all of Deku's lab equipment* HAHAHA! ^.^ I THINK I CAN KEEP THIS RESOLUTION!



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