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Why Is Stem Cell Research So Popular?

One of the latest “trends” of the science world has been stem cell research. But what is it that makes stem cell research so popular amongst scientists? After extensive research, I too have found the reason for its popularity.

A major issue that adds to S.C.R.’s fame is that it has the potential to cure virtually any disease. Since stem cells have the ability to form any cell in the body, and all diseases known thus far originate from a malfunction in a cell, it is obvious how stem cells can be a cure-all for diseases. However, it is not so obvious to do this. Scientists are still discovering ways to manipulate the stem cells to produce wanted cells and tissues.

Another reason stem cell research is held in high esteem is once again dealing with its ability to regenerate itself and yield new cells and tissues: the possibility of developing organs needed for transplantation from the patients own body. When a patient needs, for example, a new lung, instead of having a foreign organ transplanted into them, they’ll have one from their own body. This would prevent the rejection of the organ by the body’s immune system.

A third reason for the high reputation of stem cell research is that it provides scientists with their first insight on the earliest stages of human development. Never before have they had the chance to view this stage first-hand. After extensive studies are done on this stage, scientists may figure out ways to prevent birth defects and other related issues.

After my research was complete, I had finally figured out why stem cell research was such a hot topic in the scientific community today, and most likely in the future too.


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