© 1995 SENAA International



Vol. 1; No. 6                                            1 February 1996

                            MEETING SCHEDULE

Next Executive Council Meeting:  Thursday, 29 February 1996; to be held
                                 at 1314 Wildwood Lake Road
                                 Cleveland, Tennessee  37311
Next General Meeting:  Thursday, 7 March 1996; to be held at
                       1314 Wildwood Lake Road, Cleveland, Tennessee.
      *                   *                   *                   *

                         BRINGING THE FLAME HOME

[Cherokee One Feather, 10 January]
   On 3 June 1996, the Festival of       Runners are being sought within
Fire will open in Duluth, Georgia.    the   Eastern  Band  of   Cherokee
The only  strictly Native American    Indians  to  carry  the flame from
event   approved   by   the   1996    Cherokee,  North Carolina, to  the
Cultural Olympiad, the Festival of    Gwinnett   Fine  Arts  Center   in
Fire  will  include   one  of  the    Duluth,  Georgia.   At Duluth, the
finest   exhibits   of   authentic    runners from Cherokee, NC, will be
Native American art in the country    met  by  runners from the Cherokee
as   well   as   an    intertribal    Nation  and a flame will be lit by
gathering  on  26, 27 and 28  July    the  two  torches  brought  by the
1996.   Bringing  the  Flame  Home    Cherokee  people.   The flame will
will leave a lasting impression on    burn  throughout  the entire three
festival   visitors,   and  Native    months of the exhibit.
Americans alike.                        *          *         *        *

                       FROM A SENAA FRIEND IN DEED

  The Following note accompanied a    prayers are with you all, and I
generous $100 donation to SENAA:      shall always help support.
  "Seyo and much Wado!                  "Best to Kelly and Brian.
  "Just adore your Newsletter.  My                  -- Alethea A. Wells"

1 February 1996              SENAA Newsletter                         2

                 [Sandra Sanchez; USA Today, 5 Jan. 1996]

  A  long-simmering clash  between    all highways  follows a  threat by
Native Americans  and  the federal    the Pojoaque tribe to close  High-
government   over   casinos  could    way  285  near  Santa Fe.   Tribal
result  in  a  blockade  of  major    leaders  announced  Thursday  that
New Mexico highways next week.        they  will  wait  and  join  other
  Native Americans  from  nine New    tribes in a statewide shutdown.
Mexico   tribes  are  expecting to      "We  have   the  capability   to
close all highways running through    really bring a lot of chaos," says
their  reservations  to  protest a    Pojoaque Gov. Jacob Viarrial.  "If
state ban on casino gambling.         the state can break a contract and
  Gambling  compacts  signed early    the   United  States   can   break
last  year  by the tribes and Gov.    treaties,  then we can do the same
Gary Johnson  were  struck down by    thing  like (close)  rights of way
the  state  supreme court  because    for highways."
the New Mexico legislature was not      Kelly, who had no comment on the
consulted.  US Attorney John Kelly    lawsuit,  has been criticized  for
ruled  that  the tribes must close    setting  a  deadline  a day before
their  casinos  by  15 January  or    the   state  legislature   is   to
face legal action.                    reconvene  16 January  and discuss
  The dispute in New Mexico  could    the issue.   The Legislature could
have major  national implications,    overrule   the   court    with   a
Indian  leaders  say.   It  raises    resolution  allowing  the governor
legal  questions   about  a  state    to  enter  into  gaming agreements
court     overturning    federally    with tribes.
approved  state-tribal  agreements      The  tribes   have  requested  a
that   can   have  huge  financial    temporary  restraining  order  and
effects.                              preliminary injunction  that would
  "Tribes  across  the country are    allow  the   casinos   to   bypass
all concerned  that  if New Mexico    Kelly's order.
is  allowed  to  get away with it,      The  state  does  not  have  any
then they'll see the same types of    jurisdiction  over  tribal  lands.
challenges  in their state,"  says    "We are a sovereign nation,"  says
Kevin  Gover,   lawyer   for   the    Ken Paquin,   co-chairman  of  the
Tesuque Pueblo.   The tribe is one    New    Mexico     Indian    Gaming
of nine that have asked  a federal    Association.
court  to  declare  their  casinos      Viarrial's tribe alone can close
legal.                                a major  north-south highway  that
  Their   suit   also   seeks   to    would prevent more than 10% of the
prohibit  the  federal  government    10,000    Los   Alamos    National
from    interfering    with    the    Laboratories     employees    from
operation of the casinos.             getting  to  work.    One  of  two
  Nationwide, there are 150 Indian    federal  nuclear  weapons   design
gaming compacts  in 24 states that    laboratories,  Los Alamos  is  the
involve  using gaming proceeds  to    largest  employer  in northern New
fund  education,   care   for  the    Mexico.
elderly,  infrastructure  improve-      We are  willing  to die or go to
ments and police departments.   At    prison  to protect Indian Gaming,"
stake in New Mexico are 3,000 jobs    says  Viarrial,  whose  270-member
and    $200   million    generated    tribe  near   Santa  Fe   borrowed
annually from casino gaming.
  The  move  in New Mexico to shut    (See CLASH OVER CASINOS, page 3)

1 February 1996              SENAA Newsletter                         3

$30 million  for  their  Cities of    tribal   safe   house   for   teen
Gold casino.   He  fears that lost    runaways.
revenues could force shutdown of a       *        *         *        *

                            OUR NATIVE TONGUE

Syllabary     Tsa-La-Gi            Pronunciation            English

              Ta-wo-di             To-woe-dee               Hawk

              A-wo-ha-li           Ah-woe-ha-lee            Eagle

              A-wi                 Ah-wee                   Deer

              Sa-lo-li             Sah-low-lee              Squirrel

              De-wa                Day-wah               Flying Squirrel

              Sa-quo          (E.) Sah-quoe
              Sa-gwu-i        (W.) Sah-gwoo-ee              One

              Ta-li                Tah-lee                  Two

              Tso-i           (E.) So-ee
                              (W.) Joe-ee or "Joe"          Three

              Nv-gi                Nuh-gee                  Four

              Hi-s-gi              Hee-skee                 Five

              Su-da-li            Sue-dah-lee or "Sue-dahl"  Six

              Ga-li-qwo-gi        Gah-lee-quo-gee           Seven

              Su-ne-la       (E.) Sue-nay-la
              Tsa-ne-la      (W.) Cha-nay-la or "Cha-nel"   Eight

              Sa-ne-la       (E.) Sah-nay-la
              So-ne-la       (W.) So-nay-la or "So-nel      Nine

              S-go-hi             Skoe-hee or "Skoe"        Ten

           *                   *                   *                *

                       CHEROKEE/ENGLISH DICTIONARY

  The Cherokee/English Dictionary,    Cherokee Nation Gift Shop
by Durbin Feeling can be purchased    P.O.  Box 948
for  $17.98,  plus  $4.50 shipping    Tahlequah, Oklahoma  74465
and handling, from:                      *       *        *       *

1 February 1996              SENAA Newsletter                          4

                       One Hundred First Congress
                                 of the
                        United States of America

                          At the Second Session

 Begun and held at the City of Washington on Tuesday, the twenty-third
          day of January one thousand nine hundred and ninety.

                                 An Act
 To expand the powers of the Indian Arts and Crafts Board and for other

 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United
                States of America in Congress Assembled.

                    TITLE I -- INDIAN ARTS AND CRAFTS

Sec. 101.  Short Title.               corporations,   associations    or
This  title  may be  cited  as the    individuals and to charge for such
"Indian  Arts  and  Crafts  Act of    use  under  such licenses;  (3) to
1990."                                register  any such trademark owned
                                      by  the  Government  of the United
Sec. 102.   Powers  of Indian Arts    States Patent and Trademark Office
and Crafts Board.                     without  charge  and  to assign it
Section 2 of the Act entitled  "An    and  the  goodwill associated with
Act  to  promote  the  development    it  to  an  individual  Indian  or
of  Indian arts and crafts  and to    Indian tribe  without charge;  and
create a board  to assist therein,    (4)  to  pursue  or  defend in the
and  for  other  purposes" (25 USC    courts  any appeal  or  proceeding
305a) is amended --                   with    respect   to   any   final
  (1) in the first sentence --        determination of that office;" and
     (A) by  striking  "the Board"      (3) by  adding  at  the end  the
and inserting "the  Secretary   of    following   sentence:   "For   the
the  Interior  through the board;"    purposes of this section, the term
and                                   'Indian    arts     and     crafts
     (B) by  striking  "the Indian    organization'  means  any  legally
wards  of   the   Government"  and    established    arts   and   crafts
inserting "Indian individuals;"       marketing organization composed of
  (2)  by  amending  clause (g) to    members of Indian tribe."
read   as   follows:   "(g)(1)  to
create  for the Board,  or for the    Sec. 103.   Referral  For Criminal
individual Indian  or Indian tribe    And Civil Violations
or    Indian   arts   and   crafts      The  Act  entitled  "An  Act  to
organization,    trademarks     of    promote the development of  Indian
genuineness and quality for Indian    arts and crafts  and  to  create a
products  and  the  products of an    board to assist therein,  and  for
individual  Indian  or  particular    other  purposes"  (25  USC 305  et
Indian tribe  or  Indian  arts and    seq.)  is amended by adding at the
crafts    organization;   (2)   to    end of the following:
establish      standards       and     "(b) The Board may recommend that
regulations   for   the   use   of    the   Secretary  of  the  Interior
Government-owned   trademarks   by    (See ARTS & CRAFTS, page 5)

1 February 1996              SENAA Newsletter                          5

ARTS & CRAFTS (from page 4)
refer  the  matter to the Attorney        (3)  the  term  'Indian tribe'
General  for  civil  action  under    means --
section 6."                                  (A) any Indian tribe, band,
                                      nation,  Alaska Native Village  or
Sec. 104.   Criminal  Penalty  For    other organized group or community
Misrepresentation    Of     Indian    which  is  recognized  as eligible
Produced Goods and Products.          for  the   special   programs  and
  (a) In General  --  Section 1159    services  provided  by  the United
of title 18, United  States  Code,    States to Indians because of their
is amended to read as follows:        status as Indian; or
  õ 1159    Misrepresentation   of           (B)  any  Indian group that
Indian produced goods and products    has been formally recognized as an
  (a) It is unlawful to  offer  or    Indian tribe by  State legislature
display for sale or sell any good,    or   by  a   State  commission  or
with  or  without   a   Government    similar  organization  legislative
trademark,  in   a   manner   that    vested    with     State    tribal

falsely  suggests  it  is   Indian    recognition authority; and
produced, an Indian product or the        (4) the term  'Indian arts and
product of  a particular Indian or    crafts  organization'  means   any
Indian tribe  or  Indian  arts and    legally   established   arts   and
crafts   organization,    resident    crafts    marketing   organization
within the United States.             composed  of   members  of  Indian
  (b)  whoever  knowingly violates    tribes.
section (a) shall --                   (Sect. 1159) (d) In the event that
     (1)  in  the  case of a first    any  provision  of this section is
violation,  if  an  individual, be    held invalid,  it is the intent of
fined   not  more  than   $250,000    Congress    that   the   remaining
or  imprisoned  not more than five    provisions  of  this section shall
years,  or both,  and if a  person    continue   in   full   force   and
other than an individual, be fined    effect."
not more than $1,000,000; and         (Sec. 104)(b) Conforming Amendment
     (2) in the case of subsequent     The item relating to section 1159
violations  if  an individual,  be    in  the  table  of  sections   for
fined not more than  $1,000,000 or    chapter  53  of  title 18,  United
imprisoned  not more than  fifteen    States Code, is amended to read as
years, or both,  and,  if a person    follows:  "1159  Misrepresentation
other than an individual, be fined    of  Indian   Produced   goods  and
not more than $5,000,000.             products."
  (c) as used in this section --
     (1)  the term  'Indian' means    Sec. 105.   Cause  of  Action  For
any individual who is a member  of    Misrepresentation     of    Indian
an   Indian  tribe,   or  for  the    Produced Goods And Products --
purposes   of   this   section  is    The  Act  entitled   "An   Act  to
certified as  an Indian artisan by    promote  the development of Indian
an Indian tribe;                      arts  and  crafts  and to create a
    (2) the terms 'Indian product'    board  to assist therein,  and for
and   'product  of   a  particular    other purposes"  (25  USC  305  et
Indian  tribe  or  Indian arts and    seq.) (as amended by section 3) is
crafts    organization'   has  the    further amended  by  adding at the
meaning   given   such   term   in    end of the following:
regulations  which  may be promul-      Sec. 6 (a) A person specified in
gated  by  the  Secretary  of  the    subsection  (c)  may,  in  a civil
Interior;                             (See ARTS & CRAFTS, page 6)

1 February 1996              SENAA Newsletter                          6

ARTS & CRAFTS (from page 5)
(Sec. 105, continued)                 of   the   suit   and   reasonable
action  in  a  court  of competent    attorney's fee awarded pursuant to
jurisdiction,   bring   an  action    subsection  (b)  and  deposit  the
against  a  person  who  offers or    amount of such costs and fees as a
displays for sale or sells a good,    reimbursement     credited      to
with  or  without   a   Government    appropriations currently available
trademark,in a manner that falsely    to  the  Attorney General  at  the
suggests it is Indian produced, an    time  of  receipt  of  the  amount
Indian product,  or the product of    recovered; and
a  particular  Indian   or  Indian          (B) in the case of paragraph
tribe  or  Indian  arts and crafts    (1)(B), the  amount  recovered for
organization,  resident within the    the  costs of suit  and reasonable
United States, to --                  attorney's   fees    pursuant   to
     (1)obtain injunctive or other    subsection (b)  may  be   deducted
equitable relief, and                 from  the  total   amount  awarded
     (2) recover the greater of --    under subsection (a)(2).
        (A) treble damages; or          (d) As used in this section --
        (B) in  the  case  of each         (1) the term  "Indian"  means
aggrieved individual Indian,Indian    any  individual who is a member of
tribe  or  Indian  arts and crafts    an  Indian  tribe;   or   for  the
organization, not less than $1,000    purposes  of   this   section   is
for each day on which the offer or    certified  as an Indian artisan by
display    for   sale    or   sale    an Indian tribe;
continues.                                (2) the terms "Indian product"
  (b)  In addition  to  the relief    and  "product  of   a   particular
specified  in subsection (a),  the    Indian  tribe  or  Indian arts and
court  may award  punitive damages    crafts   organization"   has   the
and  the   cost  of  suit   and  a    meaning   given   such   term   in
reasonable attorney's fee.            regulations  which  may be promul-
  (c)(1)   A  civil  action  under    gated  by  the  Secretary  of  the
subsection (a) may be commenced--     Interior;
       (A) by the Attorney General         (3) the  term  "Indian tribe"
of the United States  upon request    means --
of  the  Secretary of the Interior           (A) any Indian tribe, band,
on behalf  of  an Indian  who is a    nation,  Alaska Native Village  or
member  of an Indian tribe,  or on    other organized group or community
behalf   of  an  Indian  tribe  or    which  is  recognized  as eligible
Indian     arts     and     crafts    for   the   special  programs  and
organization; or                      services  provided  by  the United
       (B)  by  an Indian tribe on    States to Indians because o f their
behalf of itself, an Indian who is    status as indians; or
a  member  of  the  tribe,  or  on           (B) any  Indian  group that
behalf  of   an  Indian  arts  and    has been formally recognized as an
crafts organization.                  Indian   tribe    by    a    State
     (2)   Any   amount  recovered    legislature   or    by   a   State
pursuant  to this section shall be    commission or similar organization
paid  to  the  individual  Indian,    legislatively  vested  with  State
Indian tribe,  or  Indian arts and    tribal recognition authority; and
crafts organization, except that--         (4) the term "Indian arts and
        (A)  in   the   case    of    crafts  organization"   means  any
paragraph  (1)(A),   the  Attorney    legally   established    arts  and
General may deduct from the amount    crafts    marketing   organization
recovered the amount for  the cost    (See ARTS & CRAFTS, page 7)

1 February 1996              SENAA Newsletter                          7

ARTS & CRAFTS (from page 6)
composed  of  members  of   Indian    individual, be fined not more than
tribes.                               $1,000,000 or imprisoned  not more
  (e)  In  the   event   that  any    than fifteen years,  or both, and,
provision  of this section is held    if   a  person   other   than   an
invalid,  it  is   the  intent  of    individual, be fined not more than
Congress    that   the   remaining     $5,000,000."
provisions  of  this section shall
continue in full force and effect.    Section  107.   Certification   Of
                                      Indian Artisans.
Section 106.  Penalty For Counter-      For the purposes of section 1159
feiting  Indian  Arts  And  Crafts    of  title 18,  United States Code,
Board Trademark                       and section 6 of the Act  entitled
 Section 1158  of title 18, United    "An Act to promote the development
States Code,is amended by striking    of  Indian arts and crafts  and to
"be  fined  not  more than $500 or    create  a board to assist therein,
imprisoned   not  more   than  six    and  for  other purposes"  (25 USC
months or both" and inserting "(1)    305 et seq.)  an Indian tribe  may
in the case of a  first violation,    not  impose a fee in certifying an
if  an  individual,  be fined  not    individual  as  an Indian artisan.
more than $250,000,  or imprisoned    For  the purposes  of this section
not more than five years, or both,    the  term  "Indian tribe"  has the
and  if  a  person  other than  an    same  meaning  given  each term in
individual, be fined not more than    section  1159 (c)(3)  of Title 18,
$1,000,000 and  (2) in the case of    United States Code.
subsequent   violations,   if   an       *         *         *        *

                         1996 CALENDAR OF EVENTS
                           FOR CHEROKEE, N.C.
                [Reprinted from the Cherokee One Feather]

23 March -- Honor "Elders" Powwow; Cherokee Ceremonial Grounds 497-3028.
30 March -- KOA Trout Fishing Tournament; KOA Kampground  497-9711
5-7 April -- Jamboree; Cherokee Ceremonial Grounds
13 April -- Ramp Day; Cherokee Ceremonial Grounds
13 May  --  Veteran's Powwow; Cherokee Ceremonial Grounds
24-26 May -- Memorial Day Powwow; Cherokee Ceremonial Grounds
4-6 July -- Fourth of July Powwow; Cherokee Ceremonial Grounds
22-24 August -- Blue Grass Festival; Happy Holiday Campground 497-7250
24 August -- KOA Trout Fishing Tournament; KOA Kampground
21, 22 September -- Shelby Mustang Show; Best Western Great Smokies Inn
1-6 October -- Cherokee Fall Festival; Cherokee Ceremonial Grounds
11 November -- Honor Veterans Powwow; Cherokee Ceremonial Grounds
28, 29 November -- Christmas Bazaar; Qualla Civic Center 497-9115
7, 8; 14, 15 December -- Christmas Bazaar; Cherokee Ceremonial Grounds

                           OF LOVE AND COURAGE
                      A True Story, by Al Swilling

  It was early morning, still dark    bed, slept,  and now he was awake.
outside,  when four-year-old De-Wa    He was ready to  get up,  get out,
awakened.   He couldn't tell time,    and  learn  all he could about the
of  course,   but   knew  it   was    world  and  everything  in  it  --
morning,  because  he  had gone to    (See LOVE & COURAGE; page 8)

1 February 1996              SENAA Newsletter                          8

LOVE & COURAGE (From page 7)
at least,  as much as  he could in      It  was  just  beginning  to get
the  small piece of it  his mother    light  enough  to   see  into  the
would allow him to explore.           depths  of  the pool,  when  De-Wa
  It  was  this curiosity that led    heard  his  mother   calling  him.
him to get up at five o'clock this      Reluctantly,  he stood.  Peering
particular    morning    and   get    one last time  into the water,  he
dressed.                              started  back toward home.   Molly
  To keep from waking his parents,    rose and followed, staying between
he was  especially careful opening    De-Wa  and  the  water.  They were
the  front  door  and  closing  it    almost  to the footpath leading to
behind him.                           his   grandparents'  house,   when
  De-Wa  and  his  folks  lived in    Molly  suddenly darted in front of
a quiet valley,  next door  to his    De-Wa.
grandparents.   Beyond their house      Turning sideways,  she  used her
was a footpath that led to a brook    body  to gently push him back  and
at the base of a ridge.               make him stop where he was.   When
  He  had  been  to the brook many    De-Wa was still,  Molly turned her
times,   though  usually  in   the    attention  to   something  in  the
company of his older cousins.   He    path,  crouched low,  and  growled
had  marveled  at  the small fish,    viciously.
turtles, crayfish and periwinkles,      She  crept forward  a  few steps
and  would  watch  them for hours.    and stopped.   As she moved to the
This morning, he had awakened from    left, De-Wa saw what had riled the
a  dream   about   a  strange  new    dog so.   Coiled in their path was
aquatic creature he had never seen    a  huge  Water  Moccasin.  It  was
before  that  lived  in the brook.    facing Molly;  mouth  open,  fangs
His dawn mission  was to go to the    extended,   following   her  every
brook  and get  a  closer look  at    move.   To  a  four-year-old,   it
this new life-form.   He knew just    looked monstrous and evil.
where to look.   It was downstream      Suddenly, Molly attacked.  De-Wa
from the footpath,  in a pool near    watched in fear,  as  Molly fought
a stand of willow trees.              with  the  snake;   biting,   then
  As  De-Wa   walked   across  his    jumping back  to  avoid the deadly
grandparents'  lawn,  their collie    fangs.
rose  to  her  feet,  wagging  her      Finally,  Molly's  mouth  closed
tail,  and slowly  approached him.    around the snake,  just behind its
De-Wa  patted her on the head  and    head.    She   shook   the   snake
hugged her.                           violently,  again and again, until
  "Come on, Molly,"  he whispered.    the  snake  hung limp and lifeless
"You wanna go with me?   I'm goin'    from her mouth.
to the branch to see the fishes."       After  disposing  of the corpse,
  Through  the deep shadows of the    Molly  returned  to  De-Wa,   tail
trees  they  passed  quietly,  and    wagging happily,  and escorted him
were  soon  at  the  banks  of the    safely home.
brook.  The gurgling sound  of the      De-Wa's  young  heart  and  mind
water  was like music  to his ears    were   overwhelmed    by   Molly's
as  De-Wa  walked  along  its edge    courage; that she would so readily
toward   his   destination.   Upon    risk her life  to  save  his.  His
arriving at the pool, De-Wa peered    love  was  boundless,  as he threw
into its depths.   It was too dark    his small arms around her neck and
to see any details,  so  he waited    hugged her tightly.
for daylight. Molly sniffed around    "I love you, Molly," he whispered.
the area, then settled down beside
him.                                     *        *        *       *

© 1996; White Eagle Publications; Cleveland, Tennessee 37311.
  All Rights Reserved.