© 1995 SENAA International
Vol. 1; No.
4 April 1996
Next Executive Council Meeting: Thursday,
25 April 1996; to be held at
1314 Wildwood Lake Road
Cleveland, Tennessee 37311
Next General Meeting: Thursday, 2 May 1996; to be
held at
1314 Wildwood Lake Road, Cleveland, Tennessee.
A reminder that SENAA's
Ramp Besides getting stuffed on lots
Day Social is Saturday, 20 April,
of delicious home cooking, we will
beginning at 11:30
a.m. also have a
blowgun competition.
The location has been
changed. We ask that our ramp chefs be at
Since we would be at the mercy of
the park an hour or two early,
the weather at Red Clay, we
will since the pavilion is on a first-
hold this year's Social at Tinsley
come-first-served basis.
Park in Cleveland (see map, p.
9), SENAA will furnish drinks, paper
which has a pavilion for shelter,
plates, plastic-ware, napkins, ice
in case of
and ramps (prepared, of course).
Remember, the Ramp Day
Social Invite a friend, fix a pan, pot
will be pot-luck, so plan to make
or bowl of something you like, and
your favorite dish to
share. come on down to
Tinsley Park for
Steve & Al Swilling, Brian
Davis our first annual Ramp Day Social.
and J.R. Davis will gather
ramps It'll be fun---and "full-filling!"
for this year's feast. Anyone else
who would like to help
ramps is
* *
* *
4 April
NOTE: In order to protect the ancestral graves
at the site, this report
and the report in the March newsletter are
purposely vague in regard to
the exact location and the name of the
developer, lest a copy of this
publication fall into hostile hands. SENAA members
know the specifics.
-- T.A.S.
In the March newsletter, we
ran will, Creator willing.
an article about a Native American
village, burial site and
mound in Cleveland, Tenn.,
that In phone
conversations the
is slated for development.
The developer expressed his desire "to
site is called "Autumn Ridge"
on do the right thing," saying he has
the preliminary plat. On 26 March, no
desire to move or disturb any
a meeting was
held by the graves if there was any way around
Cleveland/Bradley County Municipal
it. "The way I see it," he said,
Council. At that meeting,
the "it's wrong to move someone from
preliminary plat for the site was
their resting place. I think they
considered for
should be allowed to rest in
He assured SENAA, that if there
On 11 March, an
archeological are burials on the property, he
team of two men and two women from
will work out a way to avoid them
the University of Tennessee
at and prevent their disturbance.
Knoxville, under the
direction For the time being, at least,
of Chuck Benz, arrived on
the he seems desirous to cooperate
scene and worked until 29
March with us.
shovel-testing the Autumn Ridge
site. The official
is The
forthcoming, but in
interviews At the 26
March Municipal
with the team, it was learned that
Council meeting, City Planner and
the site is Mississippian, dating
council member Craig Bivens
at around 1,100 A.D., with traces
ensured SENAA's opportunity to
of Hiwassee period
artifacts. voice Native
Americans' interest
Among items found in
surface in protecting the burials that
collections were flakes of various most
assuredly exist on the Autumn
materials used for arrow and spear
Ridge site; bringing our interest
points; pottery shards, both plain to
the attention of the Council.
and decorated; a piece of a
finely The developer was heard first,
crafted black steatite (soapstone)
being asked by Council members to
pipe bowl; an abundance of
"daub" brief them on the findings of the
(the clay used by the early Native
archeological team and the
Americans to seal the walls
of ramifications of those findings.
their homes); and pieces of
bone, The developer stated that since
including skull
fragments. shovel
tests were negative on the
In at least one shovel
test, 24 southernmost lots, he wished to
bone was encountered, indicating a
begin development of those lots.
Since the remaining lots on the
Though many artifacts have
been northern section showed positive
turned up over the years
during and indicated a rich archeological
cultivation of the land, we
are area, he said he would postpone
fortunate that any graves
that development of that section until
might be on the site are intact.
We hope to keep it that way -- and (See
4 April
AUTUMN RIDGE (from page 2)
the archeologists had made
their may be revoked if the developer
report and advised him of
his voilates the Council's instruction
or if the archeological report
SENAA's President
and Vice indicates that more
President represented the
Native testing is warranted.
American interests at the
meeting. Approval of the preliminary plat
Upon completion of the developer's
is a first step, and does not
statement, SENAA
representatives allow the developer to do any work
voiced the organization's
and at the site beyond that approved
Native Americans' concerns for our
by the Council; nor can he sell
ancestral burials and our
desire the property or any portion of it
that any graves found on the site
until a second reading by the
remain undisturbed, rather
than Council, at which time all factors
disinterred and
relocated. will be
SENAA also advised the
Council So far, the developer has been
and the developer,
at their very cooperative, and has agreed
request, of state and
federal to provide SENAA with photocopies
Native American grave
protection of the archeological report. The
laws, and the proper procedures to
Municipal Council has also been
follow in the event that a
grave very understanding, and seems
is accidentally disturbed
while willing to assist Native Americans
developing the south side of
the in preserving the integrity of our
ancestors' graves, in this case.
SENAA made the Council aware of
the developer's statements that he AN
would not disturb any burials
if During the archeological study,
if he could avoid doing
so. another interesting
discovery was
With instructions
that the made. The property immediately
developer would only develop
the south of the Autumn Ridge site was
southernmost 24 lots specified on
discovered to be the site of an
the preliminary plat, and pending
Archaic period settlement. The
the results of the
archeological site is so heavily laden
study, the Council approved
the evidence that one can scarcely
preliminary Autumn Ridge
plat. walk without stepping on something
of significance.
SENAA has slated that site as
Since approval was given pending
its next preservation project.
the archeological reports,
and The Cherokee Nation and TIC have
providing the developer
confines been notified of the Autumn Ridge
his initial work to the southern-
site, and their support requested.
most portion of the property,
it *
* * *
Move over, Chuck Norris!
Look the guardians of Moccasin Bend.
out, Stallone! Make way, Jamie
Lee The terrific trio will
Curtis! New action heroes are
on their film debut on 22 April, on
the scene -- and they ain't faking
Chattanooga's PBS station WTCI
(UHF channel 45).
Three of SENAA's NARF
officers, Though SENAA won't be mentioned,
Steve Swilling, Pam Triplett
and we're proud of our celebrities.
Lynn Triplett, may be destined
for I just hope I can get
Hollywood after appearing in
a autographs before their new-found
documentary about NARF's work
as fame goes to their heads.
4 April
Preserving the Resource
by, Ray Zimmerman
[From EnviroLink
Visiting Moccasin Bend is
"walking into a shipwreck or
a Imagine reenactors demonstrating
time capsule." So says Jim
Ogden, the life of a civil war soldier or
historian at
Chickamauga and a Native American Indian. Visitors
Chattanooga National
Military on guided walks might view the
Park. Ogden's comments focus
on campsites and fortifications, but
the Civil War era artillery
and they would also have first-hand
infantry fortifications and
hut experiences of the
sites remaining from a
two-month represented. Children on a field
occupation in
trip may learn to throw a spear
In the words of Tom Kunesh
of with an atlatl, chip an arrowhead,
the Chattanooga
InterTribal or weave a basket. Families would
Association, Moccasin Bend
is hear a storyteller tell legends of
"... the last best piece of native
the Cherokee and Creek nations or
culture in our region
following view a video on the ceremonial
the near-total destruction
of life of the Mississippian culture.
Citico Mound, Heritage
Landing, That's one view of
the way
and Ross'
Moccasin Bend could be developed
archeological material to reveal its important
past and
records a history of 12,000 years
significance in modern develop-
of human habitation and
inter- ment. In fact, most plans revolve
action with the natural
world," around the development of some
says Friends of the Moccasin Bend
sort of center that explains the
member Frank M. Robbins,
III. historical significance of the
Moccasin Bend "is
a treasure Bend and
gives visitors a
standing idle.
Making it a perspective of Chattanooga that's
national park could be a
highly quite different
from other
attractive asset to the
tourism attractions.
Native American groups envision
There seems to be no lack
of a center that is respectful of the
opinion as to what Moccasin
Bend Bend's sacred ceremonial sites.
is -- and what it
should be. According to Kunesh, any center
Fearful and still smarting
from should be an interpretive and
such destructive construction
as cultural center outside the 960
the bulldozing of Cameron Hill and
acres of sacred space. No new
the paving of Ross'
Landing, concrete structures should mar the
several attentive, active, and at
land, and interpretation should
times, aggressive groups
have focus on revealing what is there
proposed plans that
preserve and its significance to Native
Moccasin Bend
and allow Americans. The
cultural center
Chattanoogans and visitors
to would serve Native Americans and
enjoy and respect its
bounty. Native Americans and show visitors
While they differ in
the way that native culture is not dead.
Moccassin Bend should or
should Friends of
Moccasin Bend
not be developed, the groups
all envision a center that opens the
agree on the vast
historical Bend's "time capsule." The center
significance of the thousands
of would provide an educational,
acres of land enclosed by a twist
enriching experience for the
and turn of the Tennessee
River. (See MOCCASIN BEND; page 5)
4 April
MOCCASIN BEND (from page 4)
visiting public by
preserving nations consider wildlife safaris
important artifacts and areas. The a
major part of their economy.
focus would be on sharing the
many Ecotourism has the appeal of
stories in the many voices
of solving two problems at once --
those who lived
providing protection for fragile
resources and providing economic
STATUS opportunities at
the same time.
Secretary of
Interior Bruce Can it work at Moccasin Bend?
Babbitt toured the Bend in
June Friends of Moccasin Bend believe
1995 and lent his support for its
so -- if the Bend joins Lookout
Mountain and Chickamauga Battle-
"(We must) . . . preserve
this field as a portion
of that
extraordinary slice of
America's national park.
According to
heritage for
our kids and Robbins, the National Park Service
future generations," Babbitt
told is "...the best agency to protect
reporters."We can't let developers
the Bend -- bar none." He points
pave over such an important
part out the resolution passed by
of our national
Congress in 1950 and signed by
Though enthusiastic,
Babbitt President Harry Truman, which
stopped short of any commitment on
authorized expansion of the
the government's part to take
on Chickamauga and Chattanooga
the responsibility for the
Bend. National Military Park to include
Park Superintendent Pat
Reed the Bend.
Reed was more direct
in his "The resolution was an historic
comments: "Resources
of the precedent," Robbins says.
Chickamauga and
Chattanooga "Development of Moccasin
National Military Park are already can
happen in a way that maintains
stretched too thin to accept more
respect for the Native American
responsibility," he
says. sites at the
bend, but allows all
Despite federal reservations and
citizens to enjoy its beauty."
tight purse strings,
Robbins Other groups agree, as well. In
believes the best way to
provide 1995, members of the Chattanooga
the public
with such an InterTribal Association
voted in
interpretive site is through
the favor of the National Park concept
development of a national park at
because the National Park Service
has specific rules and regulations
"A visitor center would
provide for dealing with and protecting
protection for the artifacts
at cultural resources. Neither state
Moccasin Bend and
complement or local governments have such
existing facilities
for area regulations.
visitors," Robbins
says. "In A
national park would help
addition, such a cultural
center Native Americans battle three
would keep the visitors in
town fronts for the preservation of
longer and provide a boost to the
sacred sites in the Chattanooga
area, Kunesh says.
The use of natural and
historical "Those three threats to relics
resources as a means of
economic are big money developers, water
development is
hardly new. level fluctuations, and individual
Residents of the Yellowstone area
looters," Kunesh says, adding that
run a variety of businesses
that he believes the sites should not
serve visitors to the park,
from be disturbed by even academic
cafes and guide
services to archeologists.
airports and lodges. Many African
(See MOCCASIN BEND, page 6)
4 April
MOCCASIN BEND (from page 5)
Friends of Moccasin Bend recently
in place at Williams Island, just
received a grant of $25,000
from downstream from the Bend, where
the Benwood Foundation to
study there are numerous prehistoric
the feasibility
of gaining village sites.
The State of
national park status. They
have Tennessee owns the island, which
engaged the firm of Thomas
I. is managed by the Tennessee River
Martin of Cambridge, Mass., as
a Gorge Trust. However,
consultant in their
endeavor. arrangement also suffers from
The enthusiasm for national park
of a revenue source. The state
status for Moccasin Bend
among does not currently fund interpre-
local government officials
is tation or protection of the
guarded, at present. Both
Mayor Williams Island site, and there is
Gene Roberts and County Executive
no source of revenue for such
Claude Ramsey have
indicated developments in the near future.
reluctance to cede land on
the The archeological digging that
Bend currently owned by
local takes place at Williams Island may
also be controversial to some
In July, Roberts and Ramsey told
elements in the community.
reporters that the cost to the
city and county to give up
portion of the Bend might
include As Chattanooga moves into the
$1.5 million to void the
lease 21st century, numerous development
with Moccasin Bend Golf
Course, opportunities will be evaluated
and $250,000 to replace the police and
pursued, but any such plans
will undoubtedly remain on hold
"I would like to see the
National until the issue of revenue is
Park Service have a plan for
a resolved.
park, and not just intend to
put But during
discussions of
it in their
inventory," says financing,
preservation and
Roberts. "The portions of the Bend
development, it should never be
now owned by local government are
forgotten that the resource at
protected by covenants that allow
Moccasin Bend is finite. Once
only institutional and
recre- gone, it can not be replaced. And
ational development. We don't want all
of us would be the poorer for
to give up that protection
until its loss.
we know what will happen to
the Until a decision is reached to
Moccasin Bend, important sacred
and historical sites must be
protected. Pam Triplett and Stuart
Some officials have promoted the
Aitken are two members of a Native
idea of a partnership plan
to American Reserve Unit (sic) of the
promote protection and
inter- Hamilton County Sheriff's Office
pretation of the Bend. This would
that patrol the area daily. Since
allow participation of the private the
unit began its patrol, looting
sector and
all levels of has decreased dramatically.
A partnership model is
already *
* * *
Happy Birthday Wishes go to the following people:
J.R. Davis . . . . . 13
April Tina Swilling-Falkowski . .3 April
Miss Virginia Johnson . . 9 April
4 April
Do-tsu-wa was the daughter
of beautiful redbird.
the Sun, I-ga E-hi
That is how the redbird came to
One day, Spreading Adder
and be, and why the Cherokees call it
Copperhead killed Do-tsu-wa. When Do-tsu-wa.
she died, her spirit became
Long ago, in the Smoky
Mountains, on his body grew
thicker and
there lived a young Cherokee
boy longer, he grew great claws on his
named Yo-na. Yo-na liked
playing his hands and feet, and his snout
in the forest so much that, after
grew long from always sniffing
awhile, he was spending all
his about. Finally, he was no longer
time there, and would not
answer human. He had become a bear. That
when his mother called for
him. is how the black bear came to be.
As Yo-na spent more and more
of To this day, the Cherokees call
his time in the forest, the
hair the bear Yo-na.
4 April
Yu-no-lv-ta-nv Yoo-no-luh-tah-nuh January
Ka-ga-li Kah-gah-lee February
A-nv-yi Ah-nuh-yee March
Ka-wo-ni Kah-woe-nee April
A-ne-s-gv-ni Ah-nay-skuh-nee May
Di-ha-lu-yi Dee-hah-loo-yee June
Gu-ye-qwo-ni Goo-yay-koe-nee July
Ga-lo-ni Gah-low-nee August
Du-li-s-di Doo-lee-stee September
Du-ni-nv-di Doo-nee-nuh-dee October
Nv-da-di-wa Nuh-dah-dee-wah November
© 1996; White Eagle Publications; Cleveland,
Tennessee 37311
All Rights Reserved