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The Demonstrators L-R: Karen, Julian, Al, Stephen Wing, Unidentified Ga. Green Party Activist (background)
Big Mtn. Veteran (L.) & Ga. Green Party
Activist The young woman on the right brought the cloth banner that read, "CNN, Silence Is Complicity!" We mounted the banner on a construction fence-- right beside the CNN building.
Al & Julian With so many miles separating us, Seeing our brother Julian is a rare treat
Julian & Mignonne This was our first meeting with our beloved brother
Karen, Julian's Friend, Distributing Literature for us to hand out Karen and Mignonne distributed literature, along with our other activist friends.
Thomas Easton, Green Party, and Yonaudante Yona signed the Green Party's petition to show gratitude for their help. Easton is a Tai-Chi instructor and Activity Coordinator at The Appalachian Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Easton is also a Georgia Green Party activist, which can be contacted by e-mail at: |
Al, Julian, and Stephen Wing Stephen Wing is a poet, graphic designer, and freelance writer, using the business name "Prophecy of the Rainbow."
The Photographer gets Photographed Brant Sanderlin, Staff Photographer for the Atlanta Journal/Constitution, making notes as Mignonne gets a quick snapshot.
With Yonaudante (rt.) as our
body guard, not even CNN Security would bother us No one wants to rile even a Gentle Bear.
Julian, Mignonne, and Unidentified Helper The unidentified gentleman in the background to the right has spent time at Big Mountain helping the elders. He happened by as we were demonstrating, read our literature, and decided to stay and help. It's a small world, after all.
The Atlanta CNN Demonstration
When we went across the street to Centennial Park, two young men and their
lady friends approached us and asked if we had any literature. We gave them our last two
copies of our literature and stood on the corner wishing each other a safe journey home
when a Park Police officer came to us and said we could not stand there on that corner
with our picket signs without a permit. I informed him, truthfully, that I had inquired
about necessary permits and had gotten no response. We were informed that I had contacted
the wrong department; so we obtained the contact information from the officers (three by
this time) and agreed to leave. In the Sunday, 5 December edition of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The article and photo below appeared. Our heartfelt thanks go to the reporter, Will Anderson, and the photographer, Brant Sanderlin, for writing the article and shooting the photo. Our sincere gratitude and respect go to Mr Leon Stafford, who took interest in the Dine'h struggle and assigned Anderson and Sanderlin to cover the demonstration. If you would like to thank any or all of them for their help, please e-mail them at:
Mining prompts protest Placards at CNN: Group demands coverage of Navajos dispute with Peabody Coal. Will Anderson - Staff A small group of Native Americans demonstrated
in Atlanta Saturday against what they called "ethnic cleansing" of Navajo
ancestral lands.