For Mother Earth Belgium STATEMENT
for the 'Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America', Reno, November 14th, 2000


We members of the human rights and environmental organization 
'Working Group on Indigenous Peoples issues'
National Office:
Maria-Hendrikaplein 5-6
9000 Gent

support the Dineh resisters of BIG MOUNTAIN, Arizona, in their struggle to save their homeland, their religion, culture and traditions.

For almost 10 years now we follow the issue and organize and participate in workshops, meetings and demonstrations. Numerous lettercampaigns have been set up and during the last year we focused on political lobbywork in the European Parliament in Brussels.

An adopted resolution 'Against the ongoing violations of human, religious and cultural rights of the Dineh' was the result of months of intensive work.

Why do European people, such as we, spend so much of their time and energy to the struggle for Big Mountain?

We believe that issues on human rights, peace and environment are linked with one another. We can not neglect the cry for help of the last resisters of Big Mountain. All they ask is to live in harmony and peace on their ancestral land, in respect with Mother Earth. In our concern and work for the healing of our Mother Earth we can learn from their lessons and way of life.

As long as economical interests have priority on human rights, then the destruction of the environment and all living creatures will go on. Today enough knowledge and experience is available for the replacement of nuclear energy and traditional energy resources (oil, coal .) by renewable energy resources (sun, wind, water .) that do not harm the environment.

Politicians and economy need to put this important issue on top of their list of priorities. We too have our responsibilities in the contribution to a positive change by giving respect to ourselves, others, the environment and all living creatures.

We hope and pray that the Dineh can live in peace on their ancestral homeland Big Mountain.

Together with other European Support Groups, we make a chain of solidarity and support.

For FOR MOTHER EARTH BELGIUM-Working Group on Indigenous Peoples issues.

Lieve De Kinder Ria Verjauw
Const. Meunierstraat 62 Overstraat 80
3000 Leuven 3020 Veltem
Belgium Belgium
Phone: 00 32 16 22 97 51; e-mail: