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                          Melusina is said to have been the wife of the founder of Luxembourg, Count Siegfried. When they married, she had one particular request, namely, that Siegfried must leave her alone for one full day and night every month, and that he should not ask or try to find out what she was doing.

Of course, Melusina was such a beautiful girl, that Siegfried could not refuse her this one small wish, and all went well for years and years, when on the first Wednesday of the month, Melusina would retire into her chambers in the "Casemates," a network of caverns underneath the city, not to be seen again until early light on Thursday.

But one day, Siegfried's curiosity got the better of him. Wondering what on earth she might be doing alone all the time, he peeped through the keyhole, and was shocked to see that Melusina was lying in the bathtub, with a fishtail hanging over the rim. As you all know, mermaids like Melusina, have a very keen sixth sense, which tells them instantly that they are being watched, and thus she recognized her husband through the door, and jumped out of the window into the river Alzette below, never to be seen again.

-- Except every now and then, some people say they have seen a beautiful girl's head pop out of the river, and a fishtail rippling the calm waters of the river Alzette.
Melusina was one of the first women I met in VP. She worked at the VP Help Desk. We occasionally "Toured" the pages together, but mostly, we would make a room and talk for hours. Mel used to fascinate me with her taste in "Avatars" with "Captivating Eyes" and we would laugh about it. Her "Screen Name"(Melusina) drew my interest, as well.

Mel told me about the "Legend of Melusina" and it didn't surprise me at all that she chose the name she used.

I found Mel to be every bit as captivating as the legend and I often wondered why we lost contact like we did. I was then and still am "Amazed By You", Mel. I am sure every man you meet must feel the same way, which explains the song I chose for this page.

Mel, for your friendship and many qualities, this page is for you.........

May you always swim with the Dolphins, hun......

This Page Made By SHOOTER On 2 February, 2003

Shooter, Like I said, I spent about 6 hours on all your pages
and I feel they all deserve an award but it would take me
50 years to make this many. Please accept this award and
place it on all your pages, as I feel that every page you have
made is from the heart and with so much caring and feeling.
Great work, and the people who these pages are made for are
so very lucky to have met such an awesome person.

Great Ideas, Great Graphics and most of all, The Most Caring Person
I have ever had the pleasure of having in my life.