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Welcome To
New Homepage!!
The picture above symbolizes my "Total Denial" of any wrong doing concerning any content in any of the pages associated with me in any way.
Everything on my pages was either made by me, or borrowed from the Internet, or sent to me by people who I have never met and it is all intended for "Entertainment Purposes" only....SO THERE!!

To begin with, most of my life I've done things backwards. You may ask yourself "what is he talking about"? Well, I'll tell you.
When I first started making web pages, I made my "Links" and "Personal Pages" first instead of a "Homepage" like normal people. Then I realized that I should have made a "Homepage" first but then, since I already started out backwards, I thought it would be too much trouble to redo everything and since everyone I knew already had my url's, I would have to email everyone and tell them what I was doing. Anyway, I kept putting it off until my "Feeble" mind realized it really wouldn't be all that much trouble after all. It took me two years to come to that realization. Practically my whole life has been that way...."Always put off until tomorrow, what you don't feel like doing today" and "Never do things in the logical order...Always keep them guessing".
Well, today is the day to straighten things out, so here goes!!

This was me last year. WHOOPTY DOO!!
My picture is blurry because that is how I am nowdays. I wasn't always that way, it's just the way things have been for the last couple of years. If you would like to know more about me,   CLICK HERE

This is how I used to be a long time ago.

This was me at 18 yrs old..(I sure wish I could be there again).
Come to think of it,
That's when things started to blur.

This was me at 30 yrs old..(A lifetime ago).

See? I did it backwards again. Old habits are hard to break.
Ok, ok....Enough about me. Now, you get to see some of the things the Internet has to offer as well as the "Damage" I have managed to inflict upon it. Thanks for indulging me...........

Please read "BELOW" for instructions for viewing my "Personal Pages"!!

All of my "Personal Pages" made before today (12 July, 2003) were made in 800x600, 24 bit "true color" Resolution. All my "Personal Pages" made from now on are made in 1280x1024, "Highest (32 bit) color" Resolution.

The biggest differences in the two Resolutions are the way the backgrounds look and, in some cases, the positioning of some of the graphics and the brilliance of the colors.

Most people use the 800x600 Resolution, but if you're using Windows XP with a 17" screen, you might be set in the larger Resolution. There are two ways you can change your Resolution in order to view my pages as they are meant to be viewed.They are listed below.

1. "Click" on "Start", "Control Panel", "Display Icon", "Left Click" on the "Settings" tab in the "Display" window and adjust the "Slider" in the lower left part of the window to change the "Resolution" and use the "Drop Down" arrow to it's right to change the color. Then, "Left Click" "Apply", "Ok" and "Yes" in whatever order they come up, close your "Control Panel" and you're done.

2. "Right Click" on any unused part of your "Desktop" and "Left Click" on the "Properties" tab. This will open your "Display" window. "Left Click" on the "Settings" tab in the window and perform the same method as above (Method 1) to change the "Resolution" and "Color" values.

Do either of the two above procedures to return to your regular Resolution when you're done, if you want.

After you perform either of the above procedures, look in the mirror. Your face should look like this:

Don't Panic!! Take a deep breath and you will soon return to looking like this:

Now, you are ready to view my "Personal Pages" on "SHOOTERS LINKS 2"....hehehehehehehehehe!!!

Don't worry! You probably won't have to change anything, anyway. I posted the instructions above "Just In Case".

Michael   (SHOOTER)



I Made This Page On 13 July, 2003
I Updated It On 14 August, 2004