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My Poems and Lyrics

If you would like to use one of my poems please be polite and ask me first.

I Wish that I was Invisible

I wish that I was invisible,
Then people would only see,
The things that I do for them,
Not the size I happen to be.

I've been told that size makes no difference,
But what a lie that is,
When fat comes before each bad word,
And fat is the greatest sin.

We are brats looking for attention,
Or so you may have read.
But what you do not see inside,
Is that I am already dead.

A gift is a gift when it's given to you,
But pain when it's not accepted.
Whether it's wrapped or simply given,
It should be no less protected.

I wish that I was invisible,
Or that the world was blind,
Maybe we would see the value we had,
And not be so unkind.

Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror on the wall,
Who's the fatest of them all.
Sin's lay on my dinner plate,
Calling me to an obese fate.

The strength of man cannot resist,
But still I work to persist.
My body aches to have more,
But still my body I do abhor.

I cannot obey its commands
Until it follows my demands.
Hunger and pain are not allowed
I must be thin to please the crowd.

To be accepted has its price;
You feel the pain but still act nice.
I'm selfish and spoiled is what they say,
Unless I act their robotic way.

Lies and lies are what I see,
Upside-down cartoon reality.
It's not so bad to be insane,
At least the players match the game.

Stains of Silence

Verse 1

My room is so silent all that I can hear
Is my clock ticking away my life.
Turn up the stereo and drowned out all the sounds
Of things that scream in the night.
The sirens the childrens screams the sounds of broken dreams
They drone in my head till its light.


You did it in God's name
Your pretend you are the same
But what will reamain from the pain you inflict is the stain.

Verse 2

Put a smile on your face pretend its a happy place
Never let them know what's inside.
You must play the doormat game and never whince from the pain
Taking their dirt in stride.
It's not the truth your lying you must have deserved the sting
you must be a monster inside.


Verse 3

Beware of him who does not sleep for the wolf dresses like a sheep
He plots and he plans his kill.
He quotes a verse from his pew in secret plans what he will do
His empty soul he just cannot fill.
You tell the truth you say it clear but they don't really want to hear
They believe sin is only for evil.


But what will remain is the stain.

Simon of Cyrene

( These lyrics definately need to be reworked but I think it has a good idea)

On the way to gethsemani
Jesus God incarnate
he fell, he fell to the ground.

Would there be no redemption?
Would there be no crucifiction?
Who would help, him who would help him carry his cross?

Simon of Cyrene an unacceptable
He was told to carry his cross.
And he carried it, oh he carried it for my Lord.

Simon of Cyrene was just a man.
Jesus Christ fell under his cross.
Simon boar it an example for all of us.

Who among you has a burden,
A heavy load you just cannot bare?
Who will carry it, who will carry it one of us.

Feed the poor and help the orphans.
Visit those who are sick or in jail.
But bare their cross, bare their cross for my Lord.

Simon of Cyrene was our example.
Bare your soul and carry his cross.
God will lift you up, he'll lift you up to his home.

God will lift you up.
He'll lift you up.
To his home.

Do it for the least of these
Do it for me.


How is life so grand and great,
Measured by what's on your plate?
Good and bad as an accepted weight,
Balanced out as your escape.

Pain, fear, rejection and loss,
The weight carried on your cross.
Stumbling, dragging, bleeding dross,
The evil man your only boss.

He dances and dines upon your heart,
Slowly tearing you apart.
Handsome lover his counterpart,
Your mind is shadows in the dark.

He offers what you can't resist,
Painless, fearless, accepted bliss.
Endless always you co-exist,
He's fattened by your lifelessness.

The angered demon no indiscretion,
Sins are fat in your reflection.
All the wrongs your perpetration,
Keep you in his carceration.


A birthday greeting pink with lace,
A sister's lies of love and grace.
The sky is crying full of scorn
For the little girl's heart is torn.

Colors red and blue and green,
Can I slip through in between?
Wishing, hoping it would end,
The endless cartoon starts again.

The days are long or are they short?
The seer's mind, it will distort.
Is it real; can I make it end?
I close my eyes and try to pretend.

The love is there deep in my soul,
It burns inside a red hot coal.
It smoulders slowly causing pain,
Her open heart would cause the rain.

If this cartoon world is real,
Why is it my heart can feel?
Backdrops, props, and actors change,
Still my heart remains the same.