
Dawn Summers
Dawn Summers, 15, is The Key, and Buffy's sister. After protecting The Key for centuries, the monks of the order of Dagon were forced to hide it from Glory by turning it into a human girl. They placed Dawn with the Slayer, disguised as a younger sister, and implanted memories in everyone in Buffy and Dawn's lives that made it seem as if Dawn had always been a part of Buffy's family. It is unclear how the implanted memories are activated or if people outside of the Summers' lives know about Dawn. The insane and those "outside of reality," such as clairvoyants, are able to see that she is not real, and Buffy was able to identify her as part of a spell by going into a deep trance. Joyce seemed to recognize that Dawn was not her daughter at certain moments when she was being affected by her brain tumor. Dawn was initially unaware of her true nature, but learnt the truth, much to her distress, when she broke into the Magic Box and read Giles' diary. Glory's aim in this world was to find the Key — it turned out the Key could break down all the dimensional barriers, and Glory intended to use Dawn in a ritual to get back to her own dimension. This ritual would result in Dawn's death, and the unleashing of countless demon dimensions on earth. Buffy wasn't able to stop Glory from starting the ritual, but by sacrificing her own life she was able to stop it in time to save Dawn and the world. In season six Dawn dealt with her sister's death and her sister being brought back to life by Willow. She was affected greatly by Willow and Tara's breakup and overjoyed at their reconciliation. She was the one to find Tara's body. She finally got to prove to her sister that she could take care of herself and her sister no longer feels the need to protect her so much.
Michelle Trachtenberg
Michelle Trachtenberg, 16, was born in New York, and now resides in LA. She has been acting since she was just three years old, appearing in more than one hundred commercials. Michelle also appeared for two years on the ABC soap opera All My Children as Lily Montgomery. It was at AMC that she met Sarah Michelle Gellar, who portrayed Kendall on the soap, and when Sarah heard about the new character of Dawn, she suggested Michelle for the role. When not working on Buffy, Michelle attends high school, gets tutored on set while filming. Her immediate family includes her parents, one older sister (Irene) and one cat (Casey). Her hobbies include writing, reading, and creating beaded jewelry. She also collects fairies and BtVS items — she was a fan of BtVS long before winning the role of Dawn. Michelle is also active in various charities, including DARE, RADD, Youth of America, and the Starlight Children's Foundation. Birthdate: October 11, 1985 Birthplace: New York, NY Eyes/Hair: Blue/brown Siblings: One sister, Irene Dating status: Unknown

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