You Know You’re Obsessed With Angel If...

...You carry a stake, just in case.

...You find yourself quoting the show and laugh hysterically at the quotes while your friends stare you like they don't know you.

...After coming home and seeing your VCR didn't tape (damn VCRs!!) you break down in tears.

...You patrol.

...You wear crosses.

...You get the priest to bless you're drinking water.

...You plan your schedule around the show.

...You can't even begin to comprehend how someone has never seen Angel.

...No one, I mean no one interrupts you or calls you on Monday nights for fear of what you might do.

...No calls you after Angel because of your ranting.

...You never invite people into your home without doing the mirror check first.

...You keep stakes, holy water, crosses, around your house.

...You watch every scene over & over until you can prove that Angel smiled at Cordy.

...The highlight of your month is getting your Angel tapes in the mail.

...You buy everything that has the word Angel on it, or the brand name is Angel.

...People *think* the little shirts, frames, pillows, etc. that say Angel are not referring to the show. But you know better.

...When you're not watching Angel you're on the internet looking at Angel stuff.

...Your parents actually ground you from Angel.

...You find yourself wondering why you don' slip into vamp face when you get angry.

...You daydream about marrying Angel...What do you mean he's not real!!

...You turn down a date with the hottest guys cause it's Angel Night.

...Every Monday morning you wake up & yell TGIM!!

...You try to persuade your librarian that he's your watcher & you're his slayer.

...You stake everyone in dark alleys wearing a lot of black.

...You try to justify this to the police.

...You couldn't pay your apartment bills because you bought Cordelia's entire wardrobe (God that girl has a lot of clothes for being poor!).

...Whenever you go somewhere new you look for sewer exits.

...You sleep with a stake under your pillow.

...When you're apartment hunting your first question is always, "Has there been a lot of ‘suicides‘ here?"

...When you need to use the phone you yell, "Dennis, phone!" and can't figure out why the phone doesn't float to you.

...Your horrified of people who've never heard of Angel, yes, there are some unfortunate ones out there.

...When you go to LA you ask the operator where Wolfram & Heart is.

...As far as you are concerned, Angel, Cordelia, Gunn, Wes, Fred, Lindsey, Lilah, and everyone else are real people.

...You look for the Caritas while in LA.

...All of the actors on the show are shown a picture of you and told to stay away from you at all costs.

...You have a nervous break down when re-run season comes.

...Your refer to your life before Angel as BA (before Angel), The dark age, or BISTL (Before I saw the light).

...You cast the spells you see on the show & can't for the life of you figure out why they might not work.

...You answer to the name Cordelia (or Fred, or Gunn, or Wes, or Lorne...).

...You need four Angel Video sets, 1 to put aside, 1 to watch, and the other two for when the other goes bad.

...Before you umm...get some action you make sure your boyfriend isn't trying to impregnate you with his master's demon spawn.

...You steer clear of stages at karaoke bars. Wouldn't want to be sucked into another dimension, now would you?

...Life without Angel seems meaningless.

...You discuss the show with people as if the events happened in real life.

...You blame your migraines on those mind-numbing visions.

...You position those posters in your room so Angel & Cordelia are facing each other.

...You kiss your Angel posters good night.

...You're not afraid of dark city alleys cause you know if you run into some vamps Angel will swoop in & rescue you.

...You refer to David's wife as "That other Woman."

...David has a restraining order against you.

...When Cordelia got her hair cut, coincedently you got your mid-back length hair cut, too.

...You interact with the TV while watching.

...You rant at the TV when you don't like what you're seeing (ex. Darla, grrr).

...You laugh, you clap, you cry while watching Angel.

...You use "You know you're obsessed..." lists as a checklist.

...You read obsession lists and realize you've done most of the things.

...You name your children after the characters (Angel, Cordelia, etc.).

...When filling out job applications for previous or other jobs you put demon slaying & helping the hopeless You find yourself ending sentences with "____ much?"

...You abstain from sex for fear of losing your soul.

...You spell the word "gun" with two n's.

...When singing along to Simon and Garfunkel, you find instead of "Cecilia" you're singing "Cordelia."

...You've called someone a "poof".

...You find yourself singing "Mandy" because Angel thinks the words are pretty.

...Walking in a cemetery makes you think romantic thoughts.

...When things are good, they're five by five.

...You have to bite your tongue to keep yourself from making Angel related comments during work.

...You actually make Angel related comments and wait for someone to acknowledge you, but no one knows what the hell you're talking about.

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