Slayer Speak

...age: suffix added to verbs for no particular reason. Usually replaces -ing. Also can be added to nouns to create verbs. Ex. "that vacuum has major suckage."

baddie: (adj.) One who is bad. Evil perso(n.)

bail: (v.) to leave suddenly. Ex. "I've gotta bail"

bitch of the year: (n.) position Cordelia and Buffy are vying for. Ex. "Are you campaigning for bitch of the year?"

book: (v.) leave quickly, get one's ass in gear. Ex. "I've gotta book if I want to make it to that funeral on time."

bosom friend: (n.) close friends, friend of your bosom.

brainsick: (adj.) Insane, looney. Ex. "I'm brainsick. I can't have a relationship with Angel."

buds: (n. pl.) friends. Ex. "My buds are here. I love my buds."

Buff: (adj.) Attractive, sexy; (n.) nickname for Buffy.

chick fight: (n.) kinda like a bitch fight, only less vulgar. Ex. Faith and Buffy engage in a chick fight.

childhood trauma: (n.) problem, presently, or popping up from the past. Ex. "God! What's your childhood trauma?"

chocolatey goodness: (n.) anything chocolate. Ex. "...someone else's loss is my chocolatey goodness."

country music: (n.) the music of pain

coffee: (n.) the non relationship drink of choice.

doable: (adj.) Able to be done. Ex. Playing E flat diminished 9th is doable.

dollsome: (adj.) Pretty.

dust: (v.) to get rid of vampires. So called because its what they turn into.

Evita-like: (adj.) Hoity toity, stuck up, snooty. Ex. Cordelia Chase

five by five: (adj.) Cool, things are going well. Ex. "It's okay that you just ate my mother. We're still five by five."

fluffy bunny feelings: (n.) sweet, nice, furry, warm feelings. Ex. "It's not like I have fluffy bunny feelings for them."

Freaky deaky: (adj.) Odd, ironic, funky, strangely strange.

fuddy-duddy: (adj. or n.) stuffy git; sexy older librarian. Ex. Giles

funky: (adj.) Odd, strange, weird. Ex. "Buffy's new haircut looks funky."

gathering: (n.) calm party with mellow song stylings and brie. Ex. A party Giles would throw

guy friend: (n.) platonic friend. Ex. "You're my guy friend that knows about girl stuff."

happy, a: (n.) tingly feeling; (adj.) Pleasant, pleased as punch ex. "It gives me a happy."

hootenanny: (n.) a party "chock full of hoot with just a little bit of nanny."

honey: (n. or adj.) very hot guy, babe. Ex. "Wow! I never realized that Xander was a honey!" or "Oh, honey at six o'clock."

hottie: (n. or adj.) see honey

Huh: (interjection) "I think I speak for everyone here when I say, huh?"

ick factor: (n.) the degree of nastiness something contains. Ex. Drinking an entire gallon of gatorade without taking a breath has a high ick factor.

idiot box: (n.) computer.

inner moppet: (n.) inner child. Ex. "Spank your inner moppet"

Joan Collins 'tude: (adj.) A bitchy attitude. Ex. "What's with the Joan Collins 'tude?"

John Tesh: (n.) the devil

kiss of death: (n.) the words "Have a great summer" when written in a high school year book.

linoleum: (n.) 1)a floor covering usually found in homes made in the '70's. 2) something that makes teenage boys horny.

maiden voyage: (n.) first date. Ex. "There is no other date. This is my maiden voyage."

major: (adj.) A lot, great amounts of, big, ect.

... much: (adj.) A lot, bunches. Ex. "Morbid much?"

new girl/guy: (n.) plot device

nice teacher: (n.) bad guy/vamp food

ookie: (adj.) bad feeling. Ex. Cordelia felt all ookie when the bug man rained on her.

one-Starbucks town: (n.) small town. Ex. Sunnydale.

overachiever: (n.) one universally disliked

resolve face: (n.) "You've seen it before, you know what it means"

Scooby Gang: (n.) used by Buffy's friends to describe themselves. See also Slayerettes.

scone: (n.) english tea biscut. Ex. "Blah blah, blabbity blah, I'm so stuffy, give me a scone."

shindig: (n.) a party, medium intensity, less mellow song stylings, dip and malt beverages are often served. Ex. College frat party before 9 pm.

sitch: (n.) situation, problem. Ex. "God, what's your sitch?" (this term was most often used in the movie)

slayage: (v.) the act of slaying.

Slayee: (n.) one who is slayed.

Slayer: (n.) one who slays. Ex. Buffy, Faith, Kendra.

slayerette: (n.) assistants to the slayer. Usually knocked unconscious, kidnapped, or are otherwise blundering. Ex. Xander, Willow, Oz, Cordelia.

so... (adv.) used to mean really, extremely, totally. Ex. "Oh! Great. I’m so the net girl."

sparkage: (n.) sexual chemistry.

spider sense: (n.) a feeling something bad is about to happen. Ex. "My spider sense is tingling."

smoochie: (n.) kiss [pl, smoochies] Ex. "I want smoochies."

studly: (n. or adj.) see honey

testosterone: (n.) chemical found in guys, turns all men into morons.

that way: (n.) sexual. Ex. Xander doesn't think of Willow that way.

tragedy masks: (n. pl.) sad faces

übersuck: (n.) a very large sucky person/place/thing. Ex. "It's the übersuck."

undead: (n. or adj.) Dead, yet still alive. Ex. a Vampire

vampire: (n.) reanimated dead guy with an icky disposition and a craving for blood. Leaves really gross hickey. Ex. Spike, Drusilla

Wacky, the: (n.) irrational behavior, most frequently as a result of love. Ex. "Love makes you do the Wacky."

Watcher: (n.) person who trains and prepares the slayer for her duties. Ex. Giles

wiggins: (n.) creeps, ookie feelings (see def. for ookie), chills. Ex. "That walking dead guy gives me the wiggins"

Yadda: (interjection) Blah. Ex. "Prophecy, Anointed One, yadda, yadda, yadda..."

yen, a: (n.) a craving. Ex. Buffy’s got this big old yen for you

yodel: (n. or v.) a weird vocal sound; something you do in a graveyard to warn others that you're approaching.

zombie: (n.) an undead dude who acts alive, but more pissed off. Also, they like to eat brains.

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