
Dragon Slide Show:

Sit back and watch as
various dragon pics are displayed
before your eyes!


Fantasy Toy Box

Here I have constructed a game where you can drag and move various fantasy animations (found at my animation factory), into fun positions. Make them battle each other and cast spells. The scenario is up to you! If you don't want a certain peice, just drag it to the bottom. See what interesting medieval tales to can think up by playing with these toys.


Thanks to mysd.org whose game I took and contorted it into my own version.

The Crimson Realm Word Game

Fill in the blanks to spell words that have to do with the Crimson Realm.
Be sure you know the site well!
The words can be things such as my
characters, categories, about me, etc. Have fun!
More versions may come on later dates.


Fails (6):

Current Games:
Word Search

Found At FreeWebGames.com

What Is Wrong With This Picture?

Look very very closely at the moniter to figure out what is wrong with the picture you are about to see.
Concentrate on the windows. Turn your volume all the way so you can hear the
clues in the static. If you look close enough you will be able to figure out
what is wrong with the picture. It WILL come to you eventually,
DO NOT GIVE UP! Go to this link:


Here is a cheesy but fun version of Pacman I picked up somewhere. Click the link to play.

Pac Man

Any of these games that can be are free for your download, and free to put on your own site.

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