Magic. The key source of the Crimson Realm. This section of the realm is 100% fantasy, medieval, and yes, magic.Learn the spells, the warriors, the beasts, the enchantments, to fortresses. Everything you need to know magically about the Crimson Realm is here. You could say that this is the true meaning of this site.

About Magic

Magic Users

WIZARD: Nearly always in good heart. Male only. Wizards are users of pure and good magic only. They are quiet capable of battling with magic if neccisary but mostly their magic is for good uses to improve mankind. They carry staves most of the time and live in remote cabins or towers to work alone. But every town around shall know that wizard's name.

WITCH: Sly and devious magic users. Female only.They also work alone in private locations. They can be either good or evil. It can not be told easily. They are mysterios and usually devote magic to brewing potions.They hardly every carry a weapon of magic, but always have cauldrons and scrolls.

WARLOCK: Always evil, practically no matter what. All good hearted humans avoid these users. They carry scepters and staves (mostly scepters). Users of dark magic. Always wishing fo rrevenge and to curse a being of somekind. Usually highered by necromancers to slay someone.

MAGE: Good or evil, male or female, mages are said to have nearly always battle spells. Users of war. They do carry wands and staves but they are particularly trained to conjur magic from their hands only. This is very difficult. Staves and wands...etc. are used to take the persons energy and project it. Mages learn to do this without these.If a mage is good, one would know. They vary the most out of the bunch.

SORCERER/SORCERESS: The odd thing about these two forms of users (male and female) is that the sorcerer is nearly always evil and the sorceress is nearly always good. No one knows exactly why. They use items such as potions, orbs, jewels, gems, and so on. Varying with the types of magic but usually always bounty hunters or monarch heirs.

Magical Color Types

White Magic:
used only for holyness and healing. Pure magic that can only be learned by those who have a heart of straight good. Created by humans. It can clense thoughts, refill stamina, relax an individual or put one to sleep. If one takes the holy path, a projectile for attacks can even be used. It is known as the Holy Bolt.

Black Magic:
Dark and evil magic used only for cruelty and battle. The magic containing the most curses of all. It is illegal nearly everywhere but is learned by many. It is basically every form of magic used in an evil way. Sometimes, if one was simply using red or orange magic to do evil, it woudl be considered black magic, even though it is not true. Black magic consists of its own spells.

Red Magic:
Battle magic used in wars. Conatining fire and lightening spells. Controlation of the elements basically. First created by dragons. It is unforgiven and sometimes cruel, but needed to defend what is right. It falls under the class of projectiles.

Purple Magic:
The strongest and most powerful of all magic. used for many things, but mostly, control. It is the magic that summons items, conjurs feasts, allows a human to fly, changing one object into another. Frequently used by wizards. The every day lifestyle of a channeler's magic, though also very complicated.

Green Magic:
Very rare magic used to control the weather and nature itself. Also capable of healing, green magic (once mastered) can be used alone with out any need of any oteh rmagic. It is a well rounded sort, though it is known as "Earth Magic". Witches use it often as well as Conjurers. It is the mastery of potions and herbs, all pretaining to nature.

Yellow Magic:
Mental magic, sometimes called Psionics. This ipecibly difficult to learn sort of magic use often abused by selfish warlocks or sorcerers. It enables one to move things with their mind (including themselves), mentally cause others pain, control them directly, freeze portions of time as long as wished and memory washing. Channeling weapons such as staves and wands are hardly necessary. Most often, a wizard will conceal this ability as long as possible, making mysterious things happen, baffling anyone who witnesses them.

Orange Magic:
Another form of battle magic, except in a different sort. Orange magic is what enchanters use. They can enchant weapons to attack with element damage or make enemies fly back, or just make the attack a great deal stronger. Warriors are commonly required to learn this, just to add to their combat power. This form of magic can do this with any item that is in the magi's capabilties. Different enchantments ar eof course used. An enchanter could bewitch a rock to follow a person around and spy on them, or simple river water to heal major wounds. It's handy, but never depend on it alone.

Blue Magic:
The art of individual spell creating. The one best known wizard for this occupation: Tevergon. Blue Magic is the most complicated of all. You must read abut it for about four years before trying it out, for it can be dangerous. Once you know and mastery the rules and regulations, you can then create your own spells, wether they are battle or healing spells, it is entirely in the control of the magic user. You can choose from three of the casting methods, entirely mental, gesture, or word speaking, or a combination. From then out, you may construct the spell to do whatever you wish.

Fantasy Characters & Creatures

Warrior Types

The typical hero fighter. Plated with heavy metal armor, usually consisting of a helmet (maybe with a feather the color of their army). They bear a sheild with their castle symbol on it, and a sword to combat with (enchanted or not). Often they ride horses, making them quite a formidable opponent.

Quite often an elf. These fighters are long range and pesky in a battle. They carry a bow (types include, Long Bow, Composite, Stag, Hunter's, Short etc.) and a quiver carrying as many arrows as necessary. Obviously, they attack by shooting these arrows with great accuracy. Because of their remote attack, they usually wear no armor, but green cloth to blend in with the trees.

Blood thirsty fighters that lust for battle. Barbarians have incredible strength and dexterity. Their pain tolerance and stamina can not be matched. Usually bearing an axe and markings of their clan, the barbarians charge into battle with not a thought on their mind but slaying the enemy. It is best to befriend one as quickly as possible, and do not get on their bad side.

As you may have read before, these warriors use magic. Usually projectile battle magic at remote locations. These fighters are terrific to have on your side and can do wonders for an army. They can be very good in battle among other things, depending on which magic type they use (see Magical Color Types above). Magi are considered the elders and key cores to an army and are protected well by all.

More may be posted on later dates.

Fantasy Creatures


Danger: 10
Rare: 7
Intelligence: High
Magic Content: Depends on type
Features: Flight, claws, fire breath (more depending on type)

Dragons are possibly the most well known of all fantasy creatures. They are magical, mystical and veyr dangerous in the fantasy world. Many of their features depends on their coor or type. Some can fly, others blow fire, and others are highly magical. They most of the time are very intelligent and very tricky. Some even know human speech. Dragons are known for flying around and doing whatever they please, whenever they please.

A Dragon Link: Here Be Dragons

Types: (on average their best feature)
Green: Fly
Red: Blow fire
Yellow: Sharp Teeth
Orange: Horns
Blue: breath in water, ice magic
Brown: Massive strength
Gray: Stone scales
Purple: Most intelligent
Black: Magical


Danger: 2
Rare: 10
Intelligence: Very High
Magic Content: Very High
Features: Wings, hooves, crystal fur

Probably to rarest creature you'll ever find in the fantasy world. Pegisi range in very small numbers and are nearly always in teh clouds, touching ground only for meals. They are abl eto levitate themselves to sleep, although they only need sleep once a week. These winged horses have extremely powerful flight power and try to avoid humans and best they can. Humans are ruthless and will do anything to collect one of their fetahorsd or a hoof as they hol dmagic beyond belief. Pegasi are harmless and extremely magical. Their blood, like unicorns, may heal any wound. But if you befriend one, you will be protected for life. A pegasis is the most astonishing thing you'll ever see, and no one would believe you.

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