My Turtle Collection

Well I'm flattered by your interest in my vast collection of turtle statues. Eventually I hope to have a photo of it on this site, but that may take a while. Currently I have exactly 100 turtles which is a new record for me and a good place to rest in my collecting. I have many many types of these turtles. If you are ondering what they are, they are basically any form of turtle object you can think of. Statues, candles, toys, stuffed animals, you name it, I probably have it. Below are a list of the exotic turtle types I have. I have collected many from different areas and locations. Some from Germany, Mexico, Korea, Canada, etc. I also have a wide variety of valuable turtles. Some were quite expensive, made by artists and are worth a lot. I have even created some of my own. I hope you enjoy learning about my turtle collection, they are probably my most prized possessions!

Current Number Of Turtles: 100

Types I have collected:

  • Candle Turtles
  • LampTurtles
  • Eraser Turtles
  • Wooden Turtles
  • Glass Turtles
  • Golden Turtles
  • Crystal Turtles
  • Onyx Turtles
  • Stone Turtles
  • Macalicite Turtles
  • Window-SuctionTurtles
  • Stamp Turtles
  • Bookmark Turtles
  • Walking Turtles
  • Plastic Turtles
  • Cup-hanging Turtles
  • Clay Turtles
  • Potpurri Turtles
  • Magnet Turtles
  • Container Turtles
  • Stuffed Turtles
  • Clear Turtles
  • Blown Glass Turtles
  • Rubber Turtles
  • Mexican Head Bobbing Turtles
  • Lego Turtles
  • Sea-shell Turtles
  • Hand-held Game Turtles
  • Puppet Turtles
  • Metal Turtles
  • Beanie-Baby Turtles
  • Finger Puppet Turtles
  • Imported Turtles
  • Clock Turtles
  • Quartz Turtles
  • Tongue-Flicking Turtles

    My Favorite Turtle:
    My favorite turtle would have to be a small
    glass blue turtle that looks really neat, especially
    when you look through a whole on its bottom and into the light.
    It was given to me by my grandma at my favorite Italian resturaunt.
    I quote her words: "For your collection." as she handed it to me.
    The thing was, I didn't really have a turtle collection...yet. When she said
    that to me and gave me that turtle, that was what sparked the idea.
    That turtle started my collection.
    That is why it is so special to me.

    Turtles I Want For My Collection:

    A soft shelled turtle
    A turtle statue my brother has that he won't give up
    A snake-neck turtle
    A squishy toy turtle my best friend finds amusing to taunt me with
    A ruby turtle

    First Turtle: A tiny toy rubber turtle I bought at the zoo in preschool.                                    Most Recent Turtle: A group of realistic turtles I bought at a craft store.