Congratulations! You made it to the Final Round! This is where you show your stuff!
This level is scored the same way as last round. Votes are counted daily and posted
in the "Total" box. The fighter with the highest total at the end of the week will advance
to The Championship Rounds. Don't forget to vote for yourself and join in the Cheers! If you vote for yourself you will receive a
If you have a +1 by your score that is for cheers!
Good Luck!
Please note: Those that do not go to the Championship rounds stay on this level for one
more week, then move back to the South Wind.
Don't know for sure if it's time to vote?
Please click on the link below, pay San Francisco or
Los Angeles a visit and you'll find out if it's time to vote.
Visit Worldclock
Voting Times are from Midnight to 10pm EST Monday - Friday
Maintenance by Luna
Copyright 2002 Mystickal Realms
Designed by Yvanna
Lightningwolf Grafix Inc.