Things I Dislike

Before I start THIS list I want all of you to know that if you don't respect my OPINIONS you are a bunch of idiots who need to expand your mind and be more OPENMINDED... ok enjoy :) Things that irk me to no end... Geroge W. Bush's decisions about almost everything (also his speech... I really think he needs to work on that. If you agree with me on this, copy/paste this into the URL box it is very amusing.) , people who think war is holy, hunters who hunt for sport alone and not necessity, people who think war helps situations (sometimes it MIGHT but not usually) tasteless music, most rap music, most country music, people who don't do things because of the risk invoived (life is full of risks, if you don't take them, you will be dull - trust me), people who don't know what an on/off button is on anything, people who critisize my work by telling me off, people that make me use technology for them beacuse they don't know how to use it themselves, not being able to find something I'm looking for when I have it with me the whole time, some people who think humanity is the best damn thing on the planet (we are a greedy animal), people who are greedy (I might be this sometimes, only for my music and boyfriend though), homework, the way I have to set this webpage up (grrrr at some of the things I can't do here that would help a lot!), boybands and some pop music, my old glasses, not being able to get the music I want to listen to (I'm so poor!) and there's probably more... when I think of it, I'll add.