16th April 2004
There's now a separate page for the Maxibon icecream television ad that Wil did a couple of years ago, you can find screencaps on this page
I've also created a Wilaholics Anonymous Webring and updated the Glass House episode guide
15th April 2004
As you can see I've redesigned the index page a bit, and moved a few things to completely new pages. There is now a separate blurb page about Wil, and an about me page with contact details. I tried getting rid of the "stack overflow" error, but unfortunately that's linked to the combination of embedded ads from angelfire and the "quote of the day" coding. So unless I pay money to have an ad free site, or I move the site completely, there will be the error. Major apologies for that!!
19th March 2004
Ok, I updated the Glass House episode guide with the details for the 12/3/04 episode. Sorry about the delay but I have a fairly major university related report that's due in a week so that's been consuming most of my spare time. The important thing is, it's up to date now. I promise I'll be quicker in updating in future weeks.
7th March 2004
Haven't really been writing about my updates on this page for a while (oops, sorry) but I haven't really made *that* many changes to the site. Since I last wrote an update I've added some more Articles, kept the upcoming gigs/news on the front page up to date, kept the Glass House episode guide and the wilpuns page up to date, but not really added anything new. There is however the "highlights from the Glass House" site I made.
2nd July
Well, I've done quite a bit of updating, but not as much as I would have liked. I've updated the detailed GH episode guide with the last two episodes. Sorry, for the delay but I've been kept busy with uni exams.
I've added some new links to the reviews page. I've also added a few more article links to the articles page. The June Cosmo article is already up and the July one will be up tomorrow.
Finally, I've done some interchanging with the sounds page and exchanged the maxibon and nickname files with the KAFRA and emmaclueless files.
27th April
First of all, apologies to those who have been looking for the cosmo columns... I forgot to put the links on the articles index page... the links are there now... thankyou to kat for pointing it out. :)
I've been doing a few little updates... "wilpuns used on The Glass House" list on the wilpuns pagehas FINALLY been updated... it took me a little while to update since I wanted to relist them in order of the episodes they were from... they now read left to right in order... I've left plenty of room for quite a few more to be added, so they wil be updated more frequently. I'm still tracking down the elusive March edition of Cosmo so I can scan the picture of Wil... it'll be up either tonight or tomorrow.
17th April
I've finally had the opportunity to type up most of the missing cosmopolitan columns by Wil (February, March and April)... the accompanying pictures still need to be scanned and reduced and the May column will be coming shortly. Also, apologies with the delay in getting the most recent GH ep details up... it's been a busy week (holidays only started for me today and I'll be away for the next few days). If you're lucky I'll get the article pics up tonight before I leave. But anyway, thanks to those who are visiting the site.
13th April
A few NEW wil puns suggested by Bridget are up on the wilpuns page, and detailed GH episode info from the most recent episode should be up by tonight
11th April
Apologies, most recent GH episode details are now up, VCR was a bit stuffed so I couldn't rewatch the episode until Tuesday night and I only just got around to typing up the details.
6th February
I've done a bit of adding and editing around the site over the last month or so... there are more articles to read... especially in the new review section of the site.
Another major thing I've added has been the message board. My aim is to get people, as they see Wil perform, to come to the message board and add their own review of the show. This way you can get a much better idea of what Wil's performances are like (since hopefully I'll end up with reviews from different nights of the show, and ultimately from people in different states. Also, having reviews from fans may prompt discussion... and may in fact draw more people to the site. You see I'm quite interested in hearing from fellow wilaholics (severe Wil Anderson fans) out there.
1st December
Well, it's done. I've put the final stuff from the "best of" GH episode in the episode guide. I've also put the name of the trophy for each episode up (and that took a while to go through all 40 episodes and find out).
I'm also going to upload a very nice pic of Wil from the Sun Herald this morning... the one of him pole dancing. Aside from that, looks like the updating has been completed... "see ya next year!!"
30th November
O.K. quotes from the "best of" Glass House episode are now up, so is a kind of taping review/commenty thing by me
I've also fixed up the photo for the 24 hours article about Wil.
Index (latest news) has been updated... only have to do a couple more things and then the site will have finished being updated
26th November
O.K a new Wil article is noe up (one from November 2001, not sure what date though... must find that out. I've also put a link up to an article about Charlie Pickering and Bev Killick (who both did the Comedy Circuit show which I went to last Saturday... it was sooo good).
Also, if you want to see my attempts at emoticons go to THIS site.
23rd November
Most recent Glass House quotes are up. I haven't achieved anything else cos I've been busy doing other
(non-computer) stuff *g*
20th November
Sound page is now up. I've only put three files up cos they're anyway quite large. I have a sound file of one of the Maxibon Icecream ads that Wil Anderson once did, why Wil's nickname is sticky chicken and a sound file of Wil and Adam giving me some HSC English help on JJJ Brekkie.
I have a few other sound files I could put up, but I think I'll leave it at three for the moment and change them in January when I return!!
Well I'm off to spend some more time learning how to "eight finger and two thumbs" type!!
18th November
Well, it's taken a few hours but I've finally worked out the coding to make the index look all tidy and pretty. The reason why it took so long is because I'm being stubborn and refuse to learn how to program frames. Frames of course would make everything so much easier.
You may have also noticed that the sounds are gone. That's because that's a whole new days work - creating a sounds page. I'm also planning on finding a way to change them from .wav format so they're a lot smaller and don't use up too much of my allocated bandwidth
Also, if anyone happens to know the spanky coding for displaying a little description box when you mouseover a link (I think it's javascript.... I remember seeing it somewhere) please save me from spending hours searching. :)
17th November
Ok, the Glass House episode guide has been arranged according to seasons (seasons 3, 4, 5) and it should also be completely up to date. I’ll also put a taping review for the next episode up some time this week.
Also, Wil’s article/column from the December 2002 issue of Cosmopolitan is now up... I also might track down some other (older) Wil articles (two from The Good Weekend) from late last year and add them to the site.
I’ve changed the guestbook (from a bravenet one to a htmlgear one). I did this because in two weeks and one day I’m leaving to go on an overseas trip, so I won’t be able to moderate entries... when I return I might swap it back to a bravenet one, depending on how this one goes.
Of course I’ve now added this updates page because I’m planning on doing a bit of fiddling around with the site, so this way people can know what I have done and go check it out.