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Below you will find the name of something found on NeoPets and now you have to create as many new words as you can from the word(s) given.

The member who creates the most new words will win this weeks game and prize.

The winner is... CRAZEE_GURL_2002!
She came up with 363 words!!!

The word(s) and the prize for Create-A-Word #28 is...

Red Meerca Balloon

Good Luck!!!

  • TFG Create-A-Word will be posted on every Thursday.
  • The deadline for entries will be 11:59pm NST the following Saturday. Any entries after that will not be accepted.
  • The words you use must be proper words... no slang, abbreviations, etc., and no swear words. If we cannot find it in the dictionary it will not count however, you CAN use words found on the NeoPets site.
  • You may not use any of the given words.
  • One entry per person per game.

    EMAIL your words to the guild email address at with the subject line as Create-A-Word and don't forget to include your neo-username in your
    email so we know who you are

    To see the past Creat-A-Word winners, click here.

    Neomail username huihui82 if you have any questions.

Background by huihui82. Please do not use without permission.
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Neopets images © 1999-2002 All Rights Reserved.