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We thought it would be fun to post up a list of each Create-A-Word game winners and show all the words they came up with.

If you have any questions, please neomail username huihui82.

Game #21 ~ #40 | Game #1 ~ #20
Game #20 - When The Wind Blows
Winner - kalisha03 - 321 acceptable words created

be, bed, bedew, bee, been, beet, behest, behind, behold, beholden, belie, below, belt, bend, benison, bent, beset, besot, best, bestow, bet, betel, bethel, betide, bid, bide, bidet, bile, bin, bind, bison, bit, bite, bleed, blend, blest, blew, blind, blithe, blond, blonde, blot, blow, bode, boil, bold, bole, bolt, bond, bone, bonnet, bosh, both, bow, bowel, bowl, bowline, debit, debt, deli, den, denote, dense, dent, dentin, dentine, destine, dew, die, diesel, diet, dine, dint, dish, disown, distil, do, doe, does, dole, dolt, don, done, dose, dot, dote, dowel, down, edit, eel, elbow, eldest, elide, elite, else, end, endnote, endow, endwise, enlist, enlisted, entwine, eon, ewe, he, heed, heel, heist, held, hen, hew, hide, hie, hind, hint, his, hist, hit, hod, hoe, hoist, hold, hone, honest, hose, host, hot, hotbed, hotel, how, howl, ides, idiot, idle, idol, in indent, insole, inlet, inn, inset, insolent, intend, intense, into, intone, is, isle, islet, its, led, lee, lees, lei, lend, lenient, lens, lent, leonine, lest, let, letdown, lid, lido, lie, lied, lien, line, linen, linnet, linseed, lint, lion, list, listen, lit, lithe, lob, lobe, lode, loin, lone, lose, lost, lot, loth, loti, low, lowest, neb, need, needs, nelson, neon, nest, nestle, net, new, newel, news, newt, nine, nit, no, noble, nod, node, noel, noise, none, nose, not, note, noted, now, obese, obit, oboe, obsolete, ode, oil, old, olden, on, one, onset, owe, owl, owlet, own, see, seed, seine, send, senile, sent, set, sew, shed, shew, shield, shin, shoe, shone, shot, show, side, sidle, silent, silo, silt, sin, sit, site, sled, sleet, slew, slide, slit, slow, slot, slow, snide, snot, snow, so, sod, soil, sold, sole, solid, son, sow, steel, stein, stew, stile, stone, stow, tee, teen, tend, tenon, tense, tensile, tension, tent, thee, then, these, thin, thine, this, thole, tide, tie, tile, tin, tine, tint, to, toe, toil, told, ton, tone, tow, weed, ween, weld, welt, wend, went, west, wet, when, whet, while, whit, white, whole, who

Game #19 - Desert Petpet Anubis
Winner - wey2kian - 202 acceptable words created

abide, aid, an, and, ant, ape, apt, art, aside, at, ate, bad, bait, ban, band, bar, barn, base, bat, bate, bead, bean, bear, beard, beast, beat, bed, bee, beer, bent, berate, bid, bide, bin, bit, bite, bitten, brain, bun, burn, bus, but, darn, dart, date, dean, dear, debate, debt, deep, deer, dent, depart, die, dine, dirt, drape, drip, dust, ear, earn, ease, east, Easter, eat, eaten, eerie, end, erase, erupt, ester, hear, heard, in, irate, is, it, nap, neat, need, nerd, net, nib, nurse, nut, pad, paid, pain, paint, pan, pant, pants, par, part, pass, past, paste, pat, patient, pear, pee, peer, pen, pent, persist, pest, pie, pier, pin, pine, pint, pipe, pirate, piss, pit, praise, present, pride, Pteri, pub, rain, raise, ran, rape, rat, rate, read, red, repeat, ride, rip, ripe, rise, risen, run, sad, said, saint, sand, sat, sea, sear, seat, see, seed, seer, senate, send, sent, set, side, sin, sip, siren, sit, site, snub, span, pin, spun, star, start, stir, strap, strip, stripe, suit, suite, sun, surd, suspend, tab, taint, tan, tap, tape, tar, taunt, tea, tear, tease, tee, ten, tend, tent, test, tide, tie, tin, tint, train, trap, tree, tried, trip, tub, unite, united, untie, urban, us, use

Game #18 - Green Chia Pencil Holder
Winner - wey2kian - 242 acceptable words created

aid, ail, air, alone, an, anchor, and, angel, anger, angle, ape, arc, arch, are, cage, candle, cane, cape, car, card, care, cell, chain, chair, cheap, cheer, child, children, chill, china, code, cog, coil, coin, cold, cone, cop, cope, core, danger, dare, darling, darn, deal, dear, deer, den, dial, dice, die, dig, dine, dinner, dip, dire, dog, done, dope, drag, drain, drape, draper, drone, ear, earn, eel, eerie, end, gain, gap, garden, gear, gel, gene, genre, girl, go, goal, gold, gone, goner, gore, grail, grain, grand, grape, grill, grin, groan, had, hail, hair, hale, hall, hand, handle, hanger, hard, harden, hare, head, heal, heap, hear, heed, heir, held, hell, hen, her, here, hid, hide, high, hill, hind, hip, hire, hoe, hog, hold, hole, hop, hope, horde, ill, in, inhale, inner, lad, lair, land, lane, lead, lean, leap, led, leech, leg, lend, liar, lice, lid, lie, line, liner, lip, load, log, lone, loner, long, lope, lord, lore, nag, nail, nap, near, nice, niece, nil, nine, no, node, none, nor, oil, old, on, one, opera, or, ore, pad, page, paid, pail, pain, pair, pale, pan, panda, pardon, pea, peace, peach, peal, pear, pearl, pee, peel, peer, pen, phone, pie, piece, pier, pig, pile, pill, pin, pinch, pioneer, poach, poacher, pole, pore, preach, price, prone, radio, rag, rage, raid, rail, rain, ran, ranger, rape, rare, reach, read, real, rear, red, rend, render, repel, rhino, rice, rich, rid, ride, ripe, roach, roar, rod, rode, role, roll, rope

Game #17 - Techo Guide to Weapons
Winner - darksky174 - 162 acceptable words created

ace, ache, aches, age, ages, ant, ate, aunt, change, changes, chap, chase, cheat, cheats, chest, chew, chews, chute, coat, cottages, dash, dashing, deep, dot, dote, down, dune, dunes, etch, etching, gap, gate, gates, ghost, gnat, gone, got, guest, gun, guns, gust, gut, hang, hangs, has, hat, hate, hated, hates, heat, heats, hen, hide, hides, hinge, hinges, hoot, hoots, host, huge, hunt, hunts, nag, news, now, nude, oat, oats, one, out, own, owns, pace, paces, page, pages, pat, path, pats, paw, pawn, paws, pet, pets, pew, pit, pits, pond, ponds, potted, pout, pouts, sage, said, scoot, sew, sewn, shade, sheet, shine, shined, shoot, show, snag, snoop, snot, snow, snug, song, sow, space, spat, spawn, speed, speeding, spit, sponge, spoon, spotted, stand, step, stone, stoop, stung, swap, sweat, sweep, swing, switch, tang, tape, teach, teaching, teaspoon, that, thaw, thing, things, toasting, tone, tot, town, towns, tug, tugs, twang, wagon, wagons, washing, watch, watches, watching, weep, weeps, wheat, when, wide, wig, wigs, wing, wings, won

Game #16 - Purple Petpet Paint Brush
Winner - twinpoets - 633 acceptable words created

a, able, ah, ails, air, ale, alp, alps, ant, ante, anti, ape, apes, apse, apt, arse, art, as, ash, asp, aunt, bail, bait, bale, ban, bane, bans, bar, bare, barn, base, bash, bat, bate, bath, be, bean, bear, beat, beau, bee, been, beep, beer, bees, beet, belt, bent, best, bet, beta, bias, bier, bile, bin, bins, bit, bite, blah, blue, blur, bran, bras, brat, brie, bun, buns, bunt, burl, burn, burp, burr, bus, bush, bust, but, butt, ear, earl, earn, ears, ease, east, eat, eats, eel, eels, else, era, eras, errs, ha, hail, hair, hale, halt, hare, harp, hart, has, hast, hat, hate, haul, he, heal, heap, heat, heel, heir, help, hen, hens, her, herb, here, hers, hi, hilt, hint, hip, hips, hire, his, hit, hits, hub, hubs, hue, hues, hula, hunt, hurl, hurt, hut, huts, I, in, Iran, is, isle, it, its, lab, lain, lair, LAN, lane, lap, laps, lash, last, lat, late, lbs, lea, lean, leap, leer, lees, leis, lens, lent, lest, let, lets, liar, lie, lien, lies, lieu, lint, lip, lips, lira, lire, lisp, list, lit, lure, lush, lust, nab, nabs, nail, nape, near, neat, nest, net, nets, nib, nibs, nil, Nile, nip, nips, nit, nub, nubs, nut, nuts, pail, pain, pair, pal, pale, pan, pane, pant, par, pare, part, pas, past, pat, path, pea, pear, peas, peat, pee, peel, peep, peer, pelt, pen, pent, peps, per, pert, Peru, pest, pet, pie, pier, pies, pile, pin, pine, pint, pip, pipe, Pisa, pit, pits, plain, plait, plan, plane, plant, plash, plate, plea, pleas, pleat, plus, plush, prate, pre, preen, prep, prier, pries, print, prune, pub, pubes, pubis, pulp, pulps, pulse, pun, punt, punts, pup, pupa, pupae, pupil, pups, pure, puree, purer, purls, purr, purrs, purse, push, put, puts, putt, putts, rail, rails, rain, rains, raise, ran, rant, rap, rape, rapt, rare, rash, rasp, rat, rate, rater, rates, real, reap, reaps, rear, rears, rebel, reel, reels, rehab, rein, reins, relit, renal, rent, rents, rep, reran, rerun, reset, resin, rest, retie, reuse, rhea, rheas, Rhine, rib, ribs, rile, riles, rinse, rip, ripe, ripen, riper, rise, risen, riser, rite, rites, rub, rubes, ruble, rue, ruin, ruins, rule, ruler, rules, run, rune, runes, runs, runt, runts, rupee, rural, ruse, rush, rust, ruts, sable, sail, saint, sale, salt, san, sane, saner, sap, sari, sat, satin, sea, seal, sear, seat, see, seen, seep, sent, set, shape, share, sharp, she, shear, sheen, sheep, sheer, sheet, shin, shine, ship, shire, shirt, shrub, shun, shunt, shut, silt, sin, sip, sir, sire, siren, sit, slab, slain, slant, slap, slate, sleep, sleet, slept, slip, slit, slue, slur, slut, snail, snap, snare, snarl, sneer, snip, snipe, snub, spa, Spain, span, spar, spare, spat, spear, spelt, spent, spilt, spin, spine, spire, spit, spite, splat, split, sprat, spree, sprit, spun, spur, spurn, spurt, stab, stain, stale, star, stare, start, stat, state, steal, steel, steep, steer, stein, step, stern, stilt, stint, strap, strip, strut, stunt, sub, sue, suit, suite, sun, sunup, sup, super, sure, tab, table, tail, tails, taint, tale, tales, tan, tans, tap, tapes, taps, tar, tarn, tarp, tart, tarts, taste, tat, tats, taunt, taupe, taut, tea, teal, teals, tear, tears, teas, tease, teat, teats, tee, teen, teens, tees, teeth, ten, tense, tent, tenth, tents, tepee, terra, terse, test, than, thane, that, the, thee, their, then, there, these, thin, thins, this, three, thus, Tibet, tie, tier, tiers, ties, tile, tiles, tilt, tilts, tin, tins, tint, tints, tip, tips, tire, tires, tit, titan, tithe, title, tits, train, trait, trans, trap, traps, trash, treat, tree, trees, trial, tribe, tries, trip, tripe, trite, true, truer, trust, truth, tsar, tsp, tub, tuba, tubas, tube, tuber, tubes, tulip, tuna, tunas, tune, tuner, tunes, turn, turns, tutu, ultra, unbar, unit, unite, unlit, untie, until, up, upper, ups, upset, urban, urine, urn, urns, us, USA, use, user, usher, usual, usurp, Utah, utter

Game #15 - Wand of The Light Faerie
Winner - no winner

~ We don't get any entries this week. ~

Game #14 - Heart Fruit Tree
Winner - twinpoets - 230 acceptable words created

a, aerie, aether, afire, aft, after, ah, air, are, arete, art, artier, at, ate, attire, attrite, ear, earth, earthier, eat, eater, eau, eerie, eerier, eft, eh, either, era, ere, err, eth, ether, etui, fa, faerie, fair, fairer, faith, far, fare, farer, farrier, farther, fat, fate, father, fatter, fattier, fear, fearer, feat, feather, feature, fee, feet, ferrate, ferret, ferreter, ferrite, feta, fete, fetter, fiat, fie, fir, fire, firer, firth, fit, fitter, frat, free, freer, fret, fretter, friar, frit, fritter, fruit, fruiter, fuehrer, fuhrer, fur, furrier, further, ha, haft, hair, hare, harrier, hart, hat, hate, hater, hatter, haut, haute, he, hear, hearer, heart, heartier, heat, heater, heft, heftier, heifer, heir, her, here, hereafter, hi, hie, hire, hirer, hit, hitter, hue, hurt, hurter, hut, I, if, irate, irater, ire, it, iterate, raft, rafter, rah, rare, rarer, rat, rate, rater, rather, ratite, ratter, rattier, re, rear, reef, reefer, ref, refer, refit, reft, refute, refuter, rehear, reheat, rehire, reiterate, ret, retie, retire, retiree, retreat, rhea, rife, rifer, rift, rite, rue, rut, ruttier, ta, tae, tar, tare, tart, tarter, tat, tater, tatter, taut, tauter, tea, tear, teat, tee, teeter, teeth, teethe, terra, terrier, tether, tetra, that, the, theater, theatre, thee, theft, their, there, thereafter, thereat, theta, thief, threat, three, thrift, thru, tie, tier, tire, tit, titer, tithe, titrate, titter, trait, treat, tree, trite, triturate, true, truer, truth, tuft, turf, turret, tutee, uh, urea, urethra, uteri, utter

Game #13 - Baby Fireball Spooky Petpet
Winner - snow_white_4 - 1011 acceptable words created
abaft, abase, abate, abbe, abbey, abbot, abby, abel, abet, ablate, able, abort, abreast, abseil, aerate, aero, aerofoil, aerosol, aery, afar, afloat, afoot, afore, afro, aft, after, ail, ails, air, airy, aisle, akita, ala, alary, alas, alb, albeit, ale, alee, alert, alerts, alibi, alibis, alike, alkyl, all, allay, alley, allies, allot, alloy, ally, aloe, aloft, aloof, alp, also, altar, altars, alter, alters, alto, altos, apart, ape, apes, aping, apis, Apollo, aport, apostle, apparel, appeal, appeals, ppear, appears, appetite, apple, apples, apply, appose, apposite, appraise, apprise, April, April fool, apropos, apse, apt, area, areas, areola, areole, ares, aria, arias, aril, arise, ark, arks, art, artist, artiste, arts, artsy, aryl, as, ask, asleep, aslope, asp, aspire, aster, astir, astral, astray, at, ate, atelier, atlas, atoll, atop, attar, attest, attire, ay, aye, baal, baas, baba, babe, babel, babes, babies, bail, bails, bait, baits, bake, bakelite, baker, bakers, bakes, balas, bale, bales, balk, balky, ball, ballast, ballot, ballots, ballpark, ballparks, balls, bally, balsa, bar,  barb, barbell, barbells, barbet, barbette, barbital, barbs, bare, bareboat, barefoot, barely, bares, barf, barfly,  barite, bark, barkeep, barkeeps, barker, barks, barky, barley, Barolo, bars, basal, base, baseball, basil, basilar, bask, basket, basketball, basketry, baste, bat, bate, bates, batik, bats, batter, batters, battery, battle, battles, batty, bay, be, beak, beaks, bear, bears, beast, beat, beater, beaters, beatify, beats, bebop, bee, beef, beefs, beefy, beeline, beer, beers, beery, bees, beet, beetle, beetles, beetroot, beets, before, belay, belfry, belief, beliefs, belike, belittle, belittles, bell, belle, belletrist, bells, belly, belt, belts, beryl, beset, besot, bespoke, best, bestir, bet, beta, bets, better, betters, bey, bias, bib, bible, bibles, bier, bike, bikes, bile, bilk, bill, bills, billy, biota, bipolar, bite, bites, bitsy, bitter, bitty, blab, blare, blast, bleak, bleat, bleb, blip, blister, blob, blobs, bloke, blot, blotter, boa, boar, boars, boast, boat, boats, bob, boil, boiler, boilers, boils, bola, bolero, bolo, bolt, bolts, booby, book, bookie, bookies, bookplate, books, boost, boot, boots, booty, bop, bore, bores, born, borne, boron, bort, bosky, botany, bottle, bottles, boy, brake, brakes, brat, brattle, bray, break, breast, brief, briefs, brier, brill, brine, brink, briny, brisk, bristly, brittle, bro, broil, brook, brut, by, bye, byline, bylines, byre, bystreet, byte, ear, eared, earful, early, ears, ease, easel, easily, east, easter, easy, eat, ebb, eerie, eke, elapse, elate, elf, elite, elk, else, epistle, epos, era, erase, eros, esker, espial, ester, eye, eyeball, eyespot, eyre, eyrie, fable, fail, fair, fairly, fairy, fake, fall, false, falter, far, fare, fart, fast, fat, fate, fats, fatso, fatty, fay, fear, fears, feast, feat, featly, fee,  feeble, feel, feeler, fees, feisty, fell, felt, fester, fete, fetter, fettle, fiber, fibril, fiery, file, filers, files, fill, filler, fillet, fillets, filter, fire, fires, first, fist, fit, flab, flabby, flail, flake, flap, flappy, flask, flat, flatboat, flatter, flattery, flea, fleas, fley, flip, flirt, float, floater, floor, floors, flop, flora, floral, floret, florist, fly, flyer, foal, fob, foe, foes, foil, folio, folk, folly, font, fool, foolery, foot, football, for, fore, foresail, foresee, forest, forestall, forestay, foretell, forfeit, fork, forks, fort, forte, forty, foster, frail, frank, frap, freak, freaks, free, fret, frill, frit, frost, frosty, ilk, it, Kaiser, kale, keel, keep, key, kill, killer, kilobit, kilt, kilter, kit, kite, kittle, koala, koi, krill, kyat, kyrie, lab, label, labor, laborite, labret, lap, lapel, lapis, lapse, laser, last, late, latest, latter, lay, leaf, leafs, leafy, leap, least, lee, leek, left, let, letter, letters, liable, libber, libel, libra, lie, lief, lies, life, lift, likable, like, lilt, lily, line, linear, liner, link, lip, lisp, list, lit, literal, little, loaf, lob, lobby, lobster, lofty, lolly, look, loop, loose, loot, lose, lost, loyal, lyre, oaf, oak, oar, oat, oblate, oboe, obol, of, ole, opera, operable, operate, opiate, opposite, or, oral, orate, orb, orbit, orbits, orbs, osprey, otter, oyster, pail, pal, pale, pall, pallet, palliate, pallor, paltry, paper, paralyse, pare, parfait, parietal, parity, park, parka, parks, parlay, parlor, part, partake, partial, past, pasta, paste, pastel, pastille, pastor, pastoral, pastry, patriot, pay, payroll, pea, peak, pear, pearl, peat, pebble, peek, peel, peep, peer, pellet, pelt, perry, pest, pester, pestle, pesto, petal, peter, petiole, petrol, petty, pie, pier, piety, pike, pile, pill, pillar, pillory, pills, pilot, pilots, pistol, pit, pita, pity, plaster, plate, plates, play, player, plea, plop, plot, ply, poke, poker, polar, polarity, pole, poll, pool, pools, poor, pop, pope, poplar, pore, pork, port, portal, pose, post, postal, poster, pot, potato, pottery, pray, prelate, pretty, prey, priest, prior, probe, profile, profit, proof, prop, prostrate, prosy, protest, pry, rabbi, rabbit, rabble, rabies, rail, raise, rake, rally, rap, rasp, rat, rate, rates, ratio, rats, rattle, ray, real, reality, rebel, reef, reek, reel, release, rely, rent, repay, repeat, repel, replete, reply, report, repose, reset, respite, rest, restate, retail, retake, retell, rib, rifle, rift, rip, rise, risk, rite, roast, robe, robot, roe, roil, roll, roof, root, rope, rose, rosette, rosy, rotate, rye, saber, sabot, safari, safe, safety, sail, sake, sale, sally, salt, salty, sap, sappy, satire, satyr, say, sea, seal, sear, seat, seek, seer, self, sell, sepal, serial, settle, silk, silky, sit, site, skate, skater, skill, skip, skirl, skirt, slab, slake, slap, slate, sleep, sleeper, slip, slope, sloppy, sly, soak, soap, soar, sob, soft, softball, soil, solar, sole, soot, sooty, sort, spake, spare, spark, spat, speak, speaker, spear, spell, spike, spiky, spill, spiral, spire, spirit, spit, spite, split, spoil, spoiler, spoke, spool, spore, sport, sporty, spot, spotter, spotty, sprat, spray, stab, stable, stake, stale, stalk, stalker, stall, star, starlet, start, stat, state, stately, stay, steal, steel, steep, steer, stellar, step, stile, still, stilt, stir, stool, stop, store, stork, story, strait, strake, strap, stray, streaky, strike, strip, stripe, stroke, stroll, stub, stubby, style, syllable, tab, tabby, table, taboo, tail, tailor, take, tale, talk, talky, tap, tape, taper, tapestry, tapis, tappet, tar, tare, tarot, tart, task, taste, tasty, tea, teal, tear, tease, teat, tee, teleplay, teleport, tell, terse, test, testify, tie, tier, tile, till, tiller, tilt, title, toast, toe, toilet, toiletry, tolerate, toll, too, toot, top, tort, total, tote, toy, toys, trap, tray, treat, treaty, tree, trek, trial, trip, tripe, triple, triplet, trite, trolley, troop, try, type, typist, typo, tyro, yak, yare, yea, year, yeast, yell, yelp, yes, yet, yoke, yolk, yore

Game #12 - Five Dubloon Coin
Winner - kalisha03 - 246 acceptable words created
be, bed, befool, befoul, bend, bid, bide, bile, bin, bind, bio, biocide, bled, blind, blood, blue, bode, boil, bold, bole, bolo, bon, bond, bone, boned, boo, booed, boon, boucle, bounce, bound, bovine, bud, build, bun, bundle, bunion, cine, clef, cline, clod, clone, cloud, clove, cloven, club, clue, clued, cob, cod, code, coed, coif, coil, cold, con, cone, coned, confide, confine, confound, connive, connived, coo, cool, coolie, coon, could, cove, cub, cube, cud, cue, del, deli, den, devil, dice, die, din, dive, divine, do, doe, dole, don, done, double, dove, dub, due, duel, dun, dunce, dune, duo, ebon, elf, end, eon, evil, fecund, felon, fen, fend, feud, fib, fide, fie, field, fiend, file, filed, fin, find, fine, flied, floe, flood, flounce, flu, flub, flue, fluid, foe, foil, folio, fond, fondle, fondue, food, fool, foul, found, fuel, fun, fund, I, ice, iced, icon, idle, idol, if, in, incline, include, induce, infield, iodine, ion, ionic, ivied, led, lei, lend, Leo, lice, lid, lido, lie, lied, lief, lien, lieu, life, line, lion, live, livid, lob, lobe, lobed, lode, lone, loon, loud, love, loved, Lu, lucid, neon, nib, nice, nil, Nile, nine, no, noble, nod, node, nodule, noel, non, nonce, none, noodle, noon, noun, novel, novice, nubile, nude, nun, nuncio, oblivion, oboe, ode, oil, old, oleo, olive, on, once, one, onion, ounce, oven, ovoid, ovule, unbend, uncivil, uncle, uncoil, undo, undone, unfold, Uni, union, veil, vein, vend, vice, vide, video, vie, vile, vine, viol, violin, Vo, voice, voiced, void, voile, vole

Game #11 - The Faerie Guild
Winner - selkins - 389 acceptable words created
a, ad, adieu, adult, aerie, afire, aft, after, age, aged, agile, agree, agreed, ague, aid, aide, ail, air, airlift, ale, alert, alight, alter, are, argue, arid, art, artful, at, ate, audit, auger, daft, dale, dare, dart, date, deaf, deal, dealt, dear, dearth, death, deer, defer, defile, deflate, deft, degree, delete, delight, delta, deluge, derail, detail, deter, dial, die, diet, dig, dilate, dilute, dire, dirge, dirt, dither, draft, drag, draught, drug, dual, due, duel, duet, dug, eager, eagle, ear, earl, earth, eat, edge, edit, eel, eerie, egret, eight, either, elder, elf, elite, elude, era, ere, ether, fad, fade, fader, fag, fail, failed, fair, faith, falter, far, fare, fared, fat, fate, fated, father, fault, faulted, fear, feared, feat, feather, feature, fed, fee, feed, feeder, feel, feeler, feet, felt, fertile, fetal, fete, fetid, feud, feudal, fiat, fidget, field, fig, fight, figure, file, filed, filter, filth, fir, fire, fired, firth, flag, flair, flare, flat, fled, flee, fleet, flier, flight, flirt, flit, flu, flue, fluid, frail, fraught, free, freed, freight, fret, fried, fright, frigid, frugal, fruit, fudge, fuel, fur, futile, gad, gait, gal, gale, gate, gated, gather, gear, geared, gel, get, gift, gild, gilt, gird, girdle, girl, girth, glad, glade, glare, glee, glide, glider, glue, glued, glut, grade, graft, grate, grated, grateful, great, greed, grid, grief, grit, gruel, guard, guide, guile, guilt, guitar, gulf, gut, had, haft, hag, hail, hair, hale, haled, half, halt, halter, hard, hare, hat, he, head, heal, healed, healer, hear, heard, heart, heat, heated, heater, hedge, heed, heel, heft, heifer, heir, held, her, herald, herd, here, hid, hide, hilt, hire, hired, hit, hue, hug, huge, huger, hula, hurdle, hurt, hurtle, hut, I, id, idea, ideal, idle, if, irate, ire, it, lad, lag, laid, lair, late, later, lathe, lather, leaf, league, leather, led, lee, leer, leg, legate, lei, let, liar, lid, lie, lied, liege, life, lift, lifter, light, lit, liter, lithe, lug, lure, lured, lurid, lute, raft, rag, rage, raid, rail, railed, rat, rate, rated, read, real, red, reed, reef, reel, regal, regale, relate, retail, rid, ride, ridge, rig, right, rightful, rigid, rile, rude, rue, rug, rule, rut, tag, tail, tailed, tale, tar, tea, teal, tear, tee, thee, their, there, thief, third, thud, thug, tidal, tide, tie, tied, tier, tile, tiled, tirade, tire, tired, trade, trail, trailed, tread, treadle, tree, treed, triad, triage, trial, tried, trifle, true, tug, turf, turgid, urge

Game #10 - Peak O Plenty Scratchcard
Winner - snow_white_4 - 543 acceptable words created
ace, acorn, ant, antler, any, aorta, apart, apathy, ape, apocalypse, apocrypha, apothecary, apparel, appease, apprehend, approach, apron, apt, archer, archers, array, arrest, arsenal, art, arts, attend, cache, cad, cadence, cadet, cadre, Caesar, cake, cakes, caldron, calendar, calendars, calk, calypso, can, Canada, canal, canard, canary, canasta, cancel, canceled, cancer, cancers, candle, candles, candor, candy, cane, caned, caner, canes, canker, canoe, canoes, canola, canopy, cans, canst, cant, cantata, canter, canto, cantor, cantos, cap, cape, caper, capes, capon, caps, capstan, captor, captors, car, card, cards, care, cared, careen, career, careers, cares, caret, carnal, carotene, carp, carpal, carpel, carpenter, carpenters, carper, carpet, carpets, carport, carrel, carrels, carrot, carry, cars, cart, carted, cartel, carton, cartons, carts, cascade, case, cash, cashed, cask, casket, caste, caster, castle, castled, castor, castrate, castrator, cat, catalepsy, catalyst, cataract, cataracts, catch, catcher, catchers, catches, catchy, cater, caterer, caterers, caters, cathedral, cathedrals, catheter, cathode, catnap, catnapped, catnaps, cats, cattle, catty, cease, cedarn, cede, celery, Celt, Celts, cenotaph, censer, censor, cent, center, centered, centers, central, cereal, cetacean, chalk, chance, chancel, chancery, chances, chancy, chant, chants, chaos, chap, chaparral, chapel, chapels, chaperon, chaperone, chaplet, chapleted, chapped, chapter, chapters, char, character, characters, charade, charades, chart, charter, charts, chary, chase, chased, chaser, chasten, chastener, chat, chatted, chattel, chatter, chatterer, chatty, cheap, cheapen, cheaper, cheaply, cheat, cheater, cheaters, check, checker, checkers, checks, cheek, cheeky, cheep, cheer, cheers, cheery, cheesy, cherry, chest, chock, choke, choker, chokes, cholera, chop, chopper, choppy, chops, choral, chorale, chord, chords, chore, chores, chortle, chose, clack, clacker, clad, clan, clank, clans, clap, clapped, clapper, claps, claptrap, claret, clash, clasher, clasp, clay, clean, cleaned, cleaner, cleaners, cleanse, cleansed, cleanser, clear, clearance, clearer, cleat, clench, clerk, cloak, cloaks, cloche, cloches, clock, clocks, clod, clods, clone, clones, clonk, close, closed, closer, closet, clot, cloth, clothe, clothed, clothes, cloths, clots, clotted, coach, coached, coaches, coal, coast, coaster, coat, coated, coats, cock, cocker, cockerel, cockeyed, cockle, cockney, cocky, cod, coda, codas, code, codes, cods, coed, coeds, coerce, coherence, coherency, coherent, coherently, coke, cokes, cola, colander, cold, colder, coldest, colds, colt, colts, con, conceal, concealed, concede, concedes, concept, concepts, concert, concerted, concerts, conch, conchs, concrete, cone, cones, conk, conked, conks, cons, contact, contacted, contacts, contest, contested, contract, contracted, contracts, contrary, contrast, contrasted, copper, coppers, copra, copse, copter, copy, copycat, coral, corals, cord, cords, core, cores, cork, corked, corks, corn, corner, cornered, corners, corns, cornstarch, corny, corps, corpse, corral, corrals, correct, corrected, correctly, corrects, correlate, cost, costly, cot, cote, cotes, cots, cotter, coy, crack, cracker, crackers, crackle, crackpot, crackpots, cradle, cradles, crane, craned, cranes, crank, cranked, cranks, cranky, crap, craps, crash, crashed, crate, crater, craters, crates, creak, creaks, creaky, crease, create, created, creates, creator, creed, creedal, creeds, creek, creeks, creel, creepy, crest, crested, croak, croaked, croaks, crochet, crocheted, crock, crockery, crone, crones, crony, crop, cropped, cropper, croppers, crops, crotch, crotches, cry, crypt, crypts, crystal, cyan, cycle, cycles, cycles, cyclone, cyst, dance, dancer, dances, dark, darn, day, dear, den, doe, dork, dot, dots, enclose,, encrypted, hear, help, helper, helps, hen, hens, lay, lend, lock, locker, locks, Neopet, Neopets, pant, park, parks, part, pay, pear, pen, perch, pop, psycho, rant, rasp, rasped, ray, relate, related, relates, rest, roach, sad, sadly, sap, sappy, sat, say, scorch, search, second, send, sent , snatch, spade, Speedo, starch, stone, store, story, tape, tar, tear, tend, tent, test, the, yard, yelp, yelps

Game #9 - Wand of The Light Faerie
Winner - darksky174 - 211 acceptable words created
age, ail, air, and, ant, art, ate, awhile, dare, daring, darling, dating, dawn, deal, dealer, dealing, dear, deer, dial, die, dig, ding, dire, doe, dot, dote, downer, drown, eager, eagle, ear, eat, eating, eel, eerie, elf, end, faint, fair, fang, fare, fat, fate, father, fear, fearing, feel, feeling, felt, fend, fender, fig, fight, fighter, finger, fire, firing, flaw, flight, fling, fog, foil, fond, for, fort, fowl, fried, friend, frog, front, frown, fear, gender, gift, glade, gland, glare, goal, goalie, goat, goner, got, grand, grief, grin, hag, hail, hair, half, hand, hang, hanger, hare, hat, he, head, heading, hear, heat, heater, height, here, hide, high, higher, hind, hinge, hint, hire, hit, hot, hotter, lad, laid, land, lather, lathering, law, lead, leader, leaf, lean, leer, liar, life, light, lighter, log, nag, nail, night, note, noting, oat, orange, raft, rage, range, raw, read, reading, ready, real, red, reef, reel, regal, render, ride, rider, riding, rift, right, rile, ring, rotten, row, rowing, tad, tart, tea, tear, tender, than, that, their, there, thigh, thin, thing, tiger, tight, tile, tiled, tin, toad, ton, toner, tong, tot, tower, trail, trial, wade, wading, waft, wag, wage, wager, wail, wait, waiter, wander, want, wanted, war, ware, wear, were, whale, what, where, wind, wing, wonder, wore, wrath, wreath, write, yarn

Game #8 - Fruity Faerie Easter Negg
Winner - wey2kian - 185 acceptable words created
after, age, air, anger, angry, ant, are, art, at, ate, eager, ear, earn, east, eat, eaten, eerie, egg, engage, enter, eye, Eyrie, faint, fan, fang, far, fare, fart, fast, fat, fate, fatigue, fear, feast, feat, fee, feet, ferret, ferry, fin, fine, finger, finite, fire, fist, fit, fray, free, fry, fun, fur, gaffer, gain, gang, gate, gay, gear, geese, gene, genie, genius, genre, gent, genus, get, gift, graft, grain, grant, grate, gray, great, guest, gun, gust, gut, if, in, infest, irate, is, it, nature, neat, nest, net, nugget, nut, raft, rag, rage, rain, raise, raisin, ran, rang, range, ranger, rat, rate, ray, reagent, rear, reef, refer, referee, regent, reign, rest, retain, rift, ring, rise, rug, run, rung, rust, safe, safety, sane, sang, sat, satiate, say, sea, sear, seat, see, sent, set, sign, sing, sir, sit, sitter, staff, star, stay, steer, stiff, stir, stuff, suit, suite, sung, tag, tar, tart, taste, tasty, tea, tear, tease, teen, ten, tent, test, tie, tiger, tin, tint, tiny, tire, train, trait, transfer, tray, treat, true, trust, try, tug, turf, turn, tyre, Uni, unite, unity, untie, year, yearn, yeast, yen, yes, yet

Game #7 - Greek Goddess Usuki
Winner - wey2kian - 65 acceptable words created
deed, deer, desk, did, die, dig, digger, dike, dire, do, doe, does, dog, dose, doss, dress, dude, due, dug, dusk, Eo, geese, go, goes, gore, greed, grid, gross, guess, guide, is, issue, kid, kiss, odd, or, ore, our, red, reed, reek, rid, ride, rig, rise, rod, rode, rogue, rose, rude, rug, see, seed, seek, seer, side, sir, sire, so, sore, sour, sue, surd, sure, use

Game #6 - Snowglobe Staff
Winner - wey2kian - 119 acceptable words created
ate, bag, ban, be, beast, beat, best, bet, blew, bloat, blow, blown, boat, bone, boss, bow, east, eat, false, fan, fast, fat, feast, feat, feet, few, flaw, flew, floss, flow, flown, foe, fog, foot, glass, gloat, gloss, glow, gnaw, go, goal, goat, gone, goose, got, lab, lag, last, late, law, lawn, least, leg, loaf, loan, lob, log, lose, lost, lot, low, nag, nest, net, new, news, no, nose, not, note, now, on, owl, safe, sag, sage, sale, salt, sat, saw, seat, set, sew, slate, slob, sloe, slot, slow, so, sob, sole, son, song, sow, stab, stag, stage, stale, stone, stool, tab, table, tag, tale, tan, tea, ten, toe, toff, tog, ton, toss, tow, was, web, west, wet, woe, won

Game #5 - Christmas Paint Brush
Winner - tikitavi - 229 acceptable words created
a, aim, air, Aisha, Amp, an, ant, Anubis, Apis, arch, aria, art, ash, ass, Atrabud, aunt, aura, ban, bank, bar, barn, bash, bass, bat, batch, bin, birch, birth, bit, brain, brash, brass, brat, brunt, bum, bump, bun, bunk, burn, burp, burr, burst, bus, bush, but, butt, cab, camp, Capara, car, Carma, carp, cash, cast, cat, champ, chant, chap, chat, Chia, chip, chirp, Christ, crab, cram, crash, crass, crumb, curb, cusp, hair, ham, harp, Harris, has, hash, hat, hatch, haunt, hem, him, hint, hip, hiss, hum, hump, hunt, hurt, hush, inch, ink, is, itch, main, man, map, Mars, March, mart, mash, mass, mast, mat, match, math, mink, mint, mirth, miss, mist, much, mush, must, nab, nap, nip, nit, numb, pain, pair, pan, pant, pants, parch, part, pass, past, pat, patch, pin, pinch, pine, pink, pint, pitch, pram, prim, prism, pun, punt, purr, pus, rain, ran, rank, rash, rat, rich, rim, rink, rub, rum, rump, rush, saint, sap, sash, sat, Satan, satin, scab, scam, scar, scram, scrap, scrub, sham, shin, ship, shirt, shun, shut, sin, sink, sip, smart, span, spat, spin, spurn, spurt, stab, stain, stank, star, starch, start, stir, stitch, strap, strip, stump, stun, stunk, stunt, tab, taint, tan, tar, tarp, tart, taunt, that, thatch, them, think, thirst, thrust, tin, tint, train, tram, trap, trash, trip, trust, turn, Uni, urn

Game #4 - Strawberry Fields Forever Paint Brush
Winner - wey2kian - 450 acceptable words created
air, analysis, and, apes, April, are, around, arouse, arrow, ash, away, awe, bad, band, base, bat, bath, bathe, battle, beads, bean, bear, beast, beat, beauty, bed, beefy, beer, believe, best, bet, better, bid, bind, bird, bitten, blew, blind, bloated, blow, blue, body, bond, bored, both, bound, bow, brain, brave, bread, breast, breath, brew, Bri, bribe, bride, brief, brother, bruise, brunt, brutal, brute, build, bulb, bump, burn, burrow, bus, buster, but, buttons, by, bye, dawn, day, dean, dear, death, deer, defense, deploy, deposit, depot, desire, die, dolphin, doubt, down, drop, dry, duration, dust, dustbin, ear, Earth, east, eel, elephant, eleven, Eo, eraser, establish, estate, evil, eye, faerie, fail, faith, false, fan, fantasy, far, fart, fast, fat, fatal, father, February, fed, federation, feel, fever, few, fifth, final, fine, fire, first, fish, fit, flaw, flew, flip, flirt, flop, floss, flow, flush, fly, foe, forehead, form, formality, fort, foster, fountain, fourth, friend, fur, further, fuss, hair, half, handy, Har, harbour, hard, have, heal, heat, heel, hobby, honey, horse, hose, host, hot, hotel, hour, house, hump, hunt, hunter, hurt, idiot, input, inspire, iron, is, island, issue, it, lab, lad, land, lass, lay, lead, left, lend, lesbian, lid, lie, life, lion, lit, live, load, lobby, lord, lorry, loss, lottery, loud, love, Lu, lust, man, nail, needle, neopet, nibble, north, nose, not, note, now, nude, nut, observe, obtain, of, operate, Orn, oval, over, owl, pair, pale, pan, panda, par, password, paste, pat, pen, pet, petty, phone, pie, pier, pin, pine, piss, pit, planet, plateau, play, points, port, post, poster, potty, pretty, priest, printer, priority, private, prod, profit, proud, provide, pub, puff, push, put, pylon, radio, rainbow, raise, rat, raw, ray, read, ready, reality, rear, reason, red, reinstate, relation, relationship, resolve, revenue, reverend, reverse, revision, ribbon, riot, rip, river, road, rub, rubber, ruler, rust, safe, sailor, salty, sand, sardine, sat, satiated, save, saw, say, sea, seal, season, seat, see, seen, server, ser, seventh, shine, ship, shoe, shore, short, show, shrine, side, sip, sir, sire, sister, site, slave, slide, slip, slit, slump, snail, snow, soft, soldier, sole, solitaire, sore, sorry, sort, south, spend, spent, spider, spine, splint, split, spoil, spots, stab, stable, stale, staple, star, state, station, stationary, steady, steal, steel, steer, stir, stone, straits, strip, stripe, stuff, suit, suite, superb, sweat, sweet, sweetheart, swindle, swivel, tab, table, tail, tap, tape, tar, tea, tear, tease, television, tent, tenth, that, the, theft, thief, thin, third, thread, threat, tidal, tin, tint, tip, tire, ton, top, tore, total, transfer, trash, travel, tray, treasure, treat, tree, trivia, true, trust, try, tub, tube, under, united, universe, user, usher, verify, very, Vo, war, wash, water, wave, weak, weapon, wear, weasel, weather, web, west, wet, whale, wheel, whine, wine, wire, wise, world, worry, wraith, wreak, year

Game #3 - Piece of a Treasure Map
Winner - snow_white_4 - 66 acceptable words created
ace, acme, acre, act, aerate, afar, air, amour, camp, carat, care, case, cast, cat, course, create, ease, erase, face, fact, fair, fast, fat, fire, first, foam, foe, for, force, fore, four, free, mare, mast, mean, moat, mop, out, pace, pact, pair, part, past, pear, pen, pie, pier, pot, pour, put, race, rat, reap, sat, seat, soup, source, star, storm, tea, tear, ten, top, tract, trap, use

Game #2 - Happy Thanksgiving Day
Winner - lizzieweirdo - 122 acceptable words created
a, ah, ain't, an, ant, anti, ants, as, ash, at, gain, gaining, gains, gait, gang, gangs, gas, gash, giant, giants, gin, gist, giving, gnash, gnat, gnats, ha, hang, hanging, hash, hat, hath, hats, highs, his, hit, I, in, inn, is, isn't, it, it's, its, khan, kin, king, kings, kit, kith, kits, knight, knights, knit, nag, nags, nigh, night, nights, nil, nit, nits, pig, pigs, sag, saint, saith, sang, sank, sat, satin, saving, shag, shan't, shank, shin, shining, sigh, sight, sign, sin, sign, sin, sing, singing, sink, sinking, sit, ski, skiing, skin, sky, stag, stank, sting, stinging, stink, tag, tags, talking, tan, tang, tank, tanks, task, thai, than, thank, thanks, thigh, thin, thing, things, think, thinking, thinks, this, tin, tins, vain, van, vast

Game #1 - Yellow Petpet Paint Brush
Winner - bblulu200191100 - 336 acceptable words created

~ Due to some technical problem, we lost the word list for this game. Sorry. ~

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