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Holding out for a Hero

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"You're a sweet little thing, aren't ya?"

Kennedy cringed as the overly loud voice floated past her. She hated that tone of voice, all sugary-sweet and taunting, like he was talking to a small child or a puppy. She hated it when other people looked at her Willow with that greedy grasping gaze, their eyes moving over her pale skin and beautiful shining hair. Even more then that Kennedy hated knowing the she could soundly kick the guy's ass in about thirty seconds; because it made it that much harder to keep control of herself. She dropped her hand from where it rested on Willow's back to her hip, staking her claim on the redhead. The tense muscles under her hand told her that Willow had heard the catcall and was doing her best to ignore it.

They slid into a booth, both on the same side of the table, shoulders pressed together. They'd been driving all day, and had stopped at 'Mike's grill' simply to get out of the car for a while. Somehow a quick check-in at the Cleveland hellmouth with Faith and Wood had grown into a week and a half long road trip, and now, about eighty miles from San Diego, it no longer seemed like a good idea. As Kennedy watched Willow massage her aching shoulders and neck, she wondered why it had ever seemed like fun. Of course, a week ago, the windows rolled down in the car, the stereo blaring, and speeding along back roads had seemed like heaven. They had stayed the night in a variety of funky motels, making love with abandon and enjoying the time away from classes full of newly awakened slayers, and the watchers-in-training and their stupid questions. It had been fun, but now Kennedy just wanted a comfy bed. Hell, what she really wanted was Willow in their familiar bed, she thought with a smile as her dark eyes slid over the smooth line of Willow's collarbones. The pale skin there still bore tiny little bruises from last night, marks made by Kennedy's teeth.

A shadow fell over the table and both women looked up, expecting to see the waitress. Instead they were confronted with the man who had spoken to Willow when they came in; a huge hulking behemoth of a bearded trucker, his belt buckle nearly large enough to use as a dinner plate.

"You'all wanna come sit with us?" He motioned back to the table near the door, and the three other slightly dirty, greasy, leering men sitting at it.

"No, thank you." Willow said politely before Kennedy could open her mouth and tell him to get lost.

"We're fine." Kennedy added, glaring at him.

"You girls shouldn't be out all alone... dangerous don't'cha know?" He hitched his jeans up, displaying huge and tattooed biceps.

"I said; we're fine." Kennedy put as much ice into her voice as she could, hoping it would match the cold look she knew was in her eyes.

"What about you, Red? Gonna let her talk for you?" He asked, reaching out a callused hand to touch the loose length of Willow's red hair.

In a split second Kennedy was on her feet, shoving the table so hard it hit the other side of the booth, and wrapping her hand around his meaty wrist. "Don't you dare."

"What the hell do you think you're doing you little bitch..." His voice was outraged as he reached out to pull her hand loose.

"Kenn." Willow's soft voice cut through Kennedy's anger, and she let go of the man, sitting back down in a huff. "No, thanks." Willow said again, her eyes never wavering from the man's face. "I want to sit here, with my girlfriend." The words were perfectly polite, but the tone held nothing but dismissal. Kennedy was proud.

The guy drew himself up to his rather impressive full height. "Fucking dykes. You'all just need a real man..."

Before Kennedy could even get back to her feet the man lay on his back on the dirty tile floor, groaning.

"You must have slipped." Willow said softly, as Kennedy tried to hide her smile. Sometimes the slayer forgot that Willow was damn near the most powerful person on the planet.

The guy stood slowly, rubbing at the back of head and muttering. Kennedy heard the word dyke again, but let it go when Willow gently touched her forearm. He went back to the table full of his suddenly quiet friends without even looking back at the pair of women.

Before hed even sat down again an explosive giggle escaped Willow. "Whoops." She muttered in between laughs. Kennedy couldnt help but join her in the near hysterical laughter.

"Thats supposed to be my job." Kennedy wheezed out, holding her stomach in pain. "I defend YOU."

"Sorry, I forgot." Willow wiped at her teary eyes, fighting to get herself back under control. "Wont happen again."

They had finally got themselves calmed down and had reached for their menus when a single muttered word from the guy's table reached their ears. "Witch."

That set them both off again. "If he only knew!" Kennedy commented, struggling to get her breathing back under control.

"Damn right." Willow answered, smiling brightly.

For just a moment Kennedy could almost see a halo of blinding white light around her lover's red hair. "My hero." She said, gently touching the side of Willow's face and pulling her into a kiss.
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