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Last Point of Entry

Home Hard Core Logo Buffy Firefly x-Files eXiled

Joe listened to the faraway sound of cross-country connections being made; buzzes and hisses as the line linked to LA. He kicked the base of the pay phone, wondering if this was a good idea. Well, hell no, it wasn't. But since when were any of Joe's ideas good ones?


Joe closed his eyes and thought about the last time they'd seen each other; the two of them arguing, fighting about movies, money, the shitty motel, the tee-shirts Joe had given away to the skinny blond girls, the coke Joe had scored that day, Ed fucking Festus; anything but the thing that mattered.


That last night; sweaty, drunk, high on the music; their eyes meeting as they stepped off the stage, knowing that they could burn off all that adrenaline on each other.


Billy's hands on Joe's shoulders, his back; his bitten-down nails scratching, nearly drawing blood. Their mouths pressed together tightly enough to hurt; teeth biting into slick smoke-flavored flesh...
The sweaty, smooth skin of Billy's chest beneath Joe's mouth; his hands gripping hard enough to bruise.


The whole thing going further than it ever had before; further then even Joe intended. Fueled by coke and Jack all Joe had wanted was Billy's ass, and it hadn't mattered to him that Billy didn't want that. Joe, too strung out on the coke, whiskey, and blood-boiling lust to even hear, let alone understand the muffled 'No' that came from beneath him as he gripped skinny, boney wrists in his big hands. Billy, kicking, cursing, spitting, grabbing fistfuls of the cheap scratchy sheets as Joe pushed inside of him.


Waking up the next morning; head pounding, hands shaking, stomach rolling… finding Billy's blood on his skin, on the sheets below him. And worse yet, Billy, sitting across the room; bare-chested, skinny as a boy, fear and anger and hate twisted together in his eyes…


"'Lo?" It was his familiar voice; smoky and dark, rough like cheap whiskey.

"Hey, Billiam." Joe struggled to force the words out, shocked when he managed to put the right amount of self-assured cockiness in his voice. He'd ask, and Billy would come back.

He always did.
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