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The motel they finally stopped at wasn't as scummy as some of the ones they'd passed on the road. Kennedy had sneered and dubbed those as "Not fit for my Willow." But this one… there was something about it.

On the surface it looked the same as the other cheap places they'd passed; slightly run down, low single story stucco buildings, this one painted a pale pink; scrubby palm trees with large patches of dirt in between the grass. But there was just something about it. Tyler Motel, the small hand-painted sign said. With a shrug in Willow's direction, Kennedy turned into the lot.

Right now she just wanted a room with a bed. Her fingers were itching with the desire to strip Willow out of her clothes and touch all that alabaster smooth skin. No matter how many times she looked at it in wonder Kennedy would never grow accustomed to the contrast of Willow's paleness and her own darker skin.

As soon as the car was stopped Willow jumped out. "I'll get the room!" She called over her shoulder as she disappeared through the dusty glass door. Kennedy just shook her head and leaned back into the seat. Her shoulders ached, her back ached, her head… hell, pretty much everything hurt. But a nice long hot shower and some quality Willow-love would fix all of that. And, although Kennedy had really hoped to finish the road trip today, right now getting out of the car seemed like the best idea in history.

In what seemed like no time Willow was back, a key on a red plastic fob in hand. She jumped into the car and jerked the door shut. "She gave us number 3. It's on that end." Willow sounded breathless as she waved a hand towards the end of the motel furthest away from the road.

"Number 3…" Kennedy repeated to herself as she pulled the car to a stop in front of the room. The door was painted red, matching the keychain; and Kennedy finally noticed that each of the doors was painted a different bright color. Good idea.

There was a scramble for backpacks and the suitcase, then both women were through the door. The room was blessedly cool, the heavy shades drawn against the blinding late afternoon sun. There was only one bed, and it seemed enormous, taking up a good chunk of the small room. No television, but the bathroom had a huge tub, easily big enough for two.

When Kennedy looked at Willow the redhead smiled and shrugged. "Honeymoon suite."

In no time at all their stuff was stowed in a corner and the bed was stripped down to bright white sheets. Kennedy grabbed Willow around the waist and yanked her tank-top off over her head with a predatory smile. She casually tossed it aside, her dark eyes were locked on the smooth curve of Willow's small breasts. The jean shorts came next, gently tugged down Willow's lean legs along with her panties. Those were kicked aside to land in a confused jumble of fabric by the door. Just like that, and Willow was naked and smiling, her hands reaching for Kennedy's tank top.

With a smug smile Kenn pushed Willow back onto the bed and reached for her own clothes. She was more concerned with getting naked then putting on a show, but that didn't stop Willow's eyes from moving over her strong body like a caress. Her own clothes were far easier, seeing as how she hadn't bothered with any underwear that morning.

Kennedy stood there, her own nakedness forgotten as she took in all the bare Willow-skin on display. The smooth, swan-like curve of her throat, graceful collarbones, round soft breasts, the delicate arch of her ribcage, moving slightly as she breathed, the long slow glide of stomach into hips into thighs, long coltish legs… and between them, the wiry curly red-brown hair that framed her sex.

"You're beautiful." Kennedy's voice was soft, almost reverent. Sometimes she had a hard time convincing herself that Willow was really hers.

"So are you. Now get over here." Willow held out her arms, and Kennedy went into them willingly, their hips fitting together naturally, Willow's pointy little chin tucked into the warm curve of Kenn's throat.

Kennedy lay there for long minutes, feeling Willow's warm, smooth body beneath hers and inhaling her strawberry scent. Willow's hands moved slowly over Kennedy's back; up and down in long strokes, as if she knew that Kennedy needed a minute to try to burn this into her memory.

Eventually though, the siren's call of her lover's body reawakened the hunger that had been simmering since they had decided to stop for the evening, and Kennedy had to move. Her lips found the curve of Willow's throat, her tongue moving wetly, dragging the stud over all of the places that could make the other woman moan Kennedy's name.

Kennedy couldn't keep herself from nibbling on the sharp outline of Willow's collarbones, gently at first, then not so gently as the redhead arched up into her mouth. In the car Willow had asked Kennedy to ravish her, and she intended to. Kennedy wanted all of Willow; to taste every inch of her skin, to drag her tongue over all of her pulse points, to make Willow come over and over again until she collapsed in exhaustion.

And she would.

Kennedy pushed her thigh between Willow's, spreading her legs and rocking against her wetness gently. As her hips moved Willow moaned, her hands tightening on Kennedy's hips to hold their bodies together even more securely.

Willow's breast fit perfectly into Kennedy's hand, and she took advantage of that, kneading it gently and then closing two of her fingers around the nipple and tugging softly. Her other hand come up to do the same to Willow's other breast even as Kennedy licked a damp path into the hollow between them, pressing down with the tongue stud.

"Please, Kenn, please…"

Needy, but not quite desperate yet. Kennedy wanted to change that. She took one of the other woman's nipples in her mouth, sucking strongly, then rubbing the hardened peak with the stud. As she did that her now free hand slid down over Willow's flat stomach and into her bush. Willow's body jerked beneath hers, pushing up, towards both her hand and her mouth, begging for her touch.

Kennedy allowed herself a moment of victory tinged with carnal lust at that. She could do this to Willow with so little. Kennedy owned the woman beneath her, and they both knew it. With as little as a breath, ghosting along the inside of one of Willow's wrists or on the hollow behind her ear, and the redhead would be panting; moaning and begging. Kennedy lived for those moments; Willow beneath her, legs spread wantonly, her eyes half closed and glazed with lust, hands grasping wildly at the sheets. Those moments were as close to perfection as there was in the world.

The sharp edge of Kennedy's teeth closed carefully around the nipple in her mouth just as her fingers stroked across Willow's clit, just barely touching. Willow went wild, crying out, hips bucking uncontrollably as she came. Kennedy pushed two fingers inside of her spasming body, curling them towards her own body. Her fingertips pressed against Willow's g-spot and the breathy cries became deep moans as Willow came a second time before she even had a chance to recover.

Kennedy let Willow's tender nipple slip out of her mouth and slid up her body to press their lips together. Willow was nearly breathless, still panting from her orgasms, but she devoured her lover's mouth greedily.

After a long minute Kennedy released Willow's mouth the draw back to look at her. Her face and chest were flushed, eyes sparkling and hungry, chest heaving with her panting breaths. Kennedy could feel the hunger in her own eyes as she began to move her hand, long deep thrusts, her thumb rubbing across Willow's clit.

Willow's eyes flew open all the way, a shocked look on her face. "I don't want you to rest." Kennedy murmured into her ear. "I want to make you come over and over again." Willow moaned, her hands grasping fistfuls of the sheet beneath her. "And we're just getting started."

Kennedy lowered her lips to Willow's again, kissing her deeply; her agile tongue tracing the slick curves of her lover's mouth even as she came again. Kennedy took Willow's gasping moans into her own mouth, returning them at the sweet slick feel of her body and the heady scent of her arousal.

Willow's hips moved against Kennedy's hand, taking her deeper, her sweet voice begging for more, harder, faster. Kennedy gave it to her, pushing into her with three, then four fingers; sweat beading on her back as the long muscles of her arm twisted as she moved in Willow's body.

"You love this don't you baby…love to take all of me… you're so hungry for it, aren't you? One day, one day very soon I'm gonna give you even more, gonna give you all of it…" Kennedy tucked her thumb in towards her palm and pushed forward just a little, letting Willow feel the width of her hand. "And you'll take it for me won't you? You'll love how it feels." Willow shuddered beneath her as the filthy words spilled into her ear, and all it took one last thrust and she was coming again; hard, her voice babbling, and the only thing recognizable was Kennedy's name.

As Willow's whole body shook with the aftershocks, Kennedy gently slipped her fingers out and pressed small close mouth kisses all over her lover's face and throat. Kennedy held her tightly as she started to calm down.

"My god." Willow's voice was hoarse as she slowly brought her limp arms up to Kennedy's shoulders.

"Glad you feel that way." Kennedy muffled her laugh into Willow's red hair. "You think you got one more for me?"

"Oh, I don't know. What did you have in mind?" Willow sounded tired, but not completely exhausted, and Kennedy wanted to make sure that she did her job in ravishing her.

"This." Kennedy slipped out of her arms and down the bed. Braced on her knees and elbows, Kennedy's long tongue came out to lap softly at the slick wetness on Willow's thighs. The redhead shivered beneath her as Kennedy's mouth moved closer to her sex.

"Oh yeah…" Willow murmured, her voice shaking even more then her body. "I think I could do one more."

"Good." Kennedy pushed Willow's thighs further apart with her elbows and licked a path along the wet seam between her legs. She used her thumbs to spread Willow's swollen lips apart, moving her tongue between them, swirling her tongue stud against the sensitive flesh. Kennedy knew how good this felt, and she wanted to make Willow insane with it.

She pressed her tongue into Willow's body as deeply as she could, moving it gently. Willow cried out again, her hips already beginning to move into Kennedy's mouth. My god, Kennedy could do this for hours; had, to the woman under her. Willow tasted like life; like the sea, and the dawn and a field of green grass and wildflowers. She was smoky and dark and thick in her mouth and Kennedy had to fight back her own desire. Willow seemed to be able to read her frustration, because one of her legs slipped under Kennedy's body, her knee pressing into Kennedy's own weeping cunt.

Her tongue slipped out of Willow's body, only to move to her clit, slick and swollen and red as a strawberry. She laved it gently, slowly dragging the head of the slick silver stud over it. Willow's gasping moans told her when to speed up the movement of her tongue, and when to gently press two fingers into her dripping warmth. A half dozen thrusts as her tongue worked even faster and Willow came again, her hoarse voice rising nearly into a shriek.

Kennedy kept up the movements of her hand even as her tongue withdrew, savoring the thick taste of Willow's essence in her mouth. Willow's whole body convulsed under and around her, and Kennedy took the opportunity to thrust her own hips down against Willow's thrashing leg. She was so hot from the taste, the feel, the sound of Willow that it only took a few seconds for her to follow Willow into orgasm. She couldn't hold back a near scream of her own even as Willow collapsed into a loose limbed pile beneath her.

She finally withdrew her fingers, hissing in sympathy when Willow moaned a little. Kennedy eyed the wreck of her girlfriend spread out on the bed, red hair wild, mouth open and glistening wetly, the sheen of sweat on her skin and smiled triumphantly. This was her Willow.

"Kenn?" Willow muttered sleepily, her voice barely audible.

"Yes, baby?"

"I love you."

"I love you too, Willow." Kennedy stretched out on the bed, tucking the exhausted redhead along her body so that they pressed together.

"Kenn?" This time her name was even more slurred with sleep.


"I needed that."

"Oh, I did too." Kennedy pressed a chaste kiss to Willow's sweaty forehead and closed her eyes. "Go to sleep now, baby."

Willow nodded, her head tucked into Kennedy's throat. "My Slayer."

"Yeah. I'm all yours."
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