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TITLE: Category Mistake 5
PAIRING: K/Sc, allusions to K/Ma
SPOILERS: Everything that happened in Requiem, except for the part where Scully finds out she's pregnant.
DISCLAIMERS: Uhhhh...sure. I own them. Riiiiiiiiiight.
NOTES: the first story was inspired by my Philosophy 231 Prof. I liked this little universe so much that I decided to stay and dabble a little while longer. Indulge me.
THANKS TO: everyone who kept asking about this series
SUMMARY: Krycek has to take Scully to the safest place he can think of. Marita has issues.

He burst in the doors with Scully hanging limply in his arms. Marita appeared at his side almost instantly.

"What do you think you're doing?" she asked lowly so that the security guards wouldn't hear. Krycek new better: he'd hired these men precisely because they heard everything.

"She passed out. There wasn't any other place I could take her."

"You could have taken her home."

Krycek bypassed the front of the house and headed for his private quarters, Marita hot on his heels. He didn't especially feel like discussing this with her now. Absurdly, he thought of a line from Star Wars, when Princess Leia was chasing after Han Solo and he barked at her 'I don't have time to discuss this with the committee.' He doubted Marita would appreciate the comment, even if she did catch the reference


"Not now, Marita." It especially bugged him when she called him by his first name, because it reminded him of old Spender. But Marita had insisted that she wasn't going to call him by last name, like he was her servant or pet or something. "I know what I'm doing."

"Not when it comes to *her* you don't," she said, voice louder, not caring who heard. The clenching of his jaw was the only sign that her comment had affected him. He reached the door to his room and realized that he would have to set Scully down in order to open the door. After a few seconds of struggling to see if he could reach his key without tossing her on the floor, Marita sighed and jammed her hand into the front pocket of his jeans. He tried not to display any hints of being incredibly uncomfortable with her actions. He was just glad that Scully was unconscious.

Marita turned the key in the lock and opened the door, gesturing for him to go ahead. She remained in the doorway, as usual. In all the months they'd been here, she'd never once stepped foot into his room. He shouldn't have been surprised--sexuality never had been Marita's weapon of choice. She was like Scully in that way. Still, after their strange interlude in that dirty motel bathroom, he thought he'd seen a minute melting of her glacier demeanor.

He pushed it to the back of his mind to concentrate on his current task. His shoulder was killing him and it was with no small amount of relief that he set Scully on his bed. As she lay there defenseless he felt the sudden urge to handcuff her to something. Instead, he pulled a blanket over her.

"Do you think she's pregnant?"

Krycek glanced back at the doorway. "Probably." Shit. He'd said that with a little too much assurance.

"Alex," Marita said in a warning tone. "Is there something you need to tell me?"

He just wanted her to go away while he figured out what to do about Scully. "Marita, there is nothing I *need* to tell you," he ground out, making the reality of their relationship clear. Yeah, they were partners, but they'd been partners before and Marita had screwed him over. Make no mistake, he was the one in charge here. Payback was a bitch, baby.

He could tell from the look in Marita's eyes that she wanted to fly into the room and scratch his eyes out. But that would have meant betraying her cool exterior to the guards down the hall. Instead she pursed her lips and turned to leave. And the last second she said, "You should call Dr. Anders." Clearly, Marita was washing her hands of responsibility. Krycek frowned at the vacated doorway. It had been Marita who wanted Scully's help in the first place. Why was she being so hostile now?

He shook his head, determined to forget about that for the moment. He didn't want to call Anders, but he didn't think he had a choice. It's not like he could just give Scully a home pregnancy test. The hybrid embryos didn't have the same biology, didn't produce the same chemicals during incubation. There'd have to be an ultrasound, special tests, and for that they needed Dr. Anders.

Krycek suppressed a shudder. That man creeped him out.

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