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Isis Arise

Beloved Isis, Hail unto thee! O Lady of light, Mistress of mystery
Queen of the heavens and earth beneath
Mother of all life, and bringer in of death
The Gods above adore thee
Thy children below worship thee
At the sound of thy heavenly voice
Flowers blossom... Stars rejoice
Arise, Lady Isis, and come unto me
I am thy priestess, I call and invoke thee
May my own star within be linked with thy great light
So that it shall arise in me and fill me with thine own qualities
May thy Love and Mercy
Power and Glory
Strength and Compassion
Grace and Beauty
Honor and Humility...
All be strong within me.
O thou Lady of magick
Teach me of thy mysteries
Help me to do thy work
For the fulfillment of my destiny
I, thy priestess, sing boundless praise to thee
O Lady Isis...
May the light of thy wings embrace me eternally

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