Merry Meet and Blessed Be. Here you can find some basic info on Who Wiccans are and what we do.
You will learn the basics, and find out there is far more to just spells to Wicca.
It is a positive, earth-based religion, and here you will find no traces of negative magick or anything else of that nature.
Wiccans have only two standing rules to our faith, Known as the Wiccan Rede and the Law of Three (also called the Lawe of Karma).
The Wiccan Rede: "Do as ye will, but harm none." A true Wiccan never uses they're magick for negative purposes.
The Law of Three: "Ever mind the law of three: What ye sends out comes back to thee." This is the reason why we do not do any type of negative workings-we know everything we do, good or bad, comes back to us times three-hurting ourselves would be stupid, so we only focus upon the positive sides of magick.
That said, if you are still interested on learning more about Wicca, please click on the appropriate link listed below for your area of interest.
Please join the Jackals Den Wiccan/Pagan Alliance and show your support for freedom and knowledge.
The Wicca 101 Dens
13 Goals Of a Witch
What Real Wiccans DO and DO NOT DO.
Moon Power Chart
Princibles of Wiccan belief
Full Wiccan rede
Law Of Power
Egyptian Wicca 101
Working With Gods
The Goddess Aspect
The God Aspect
Anubis Isis Osiris Ra: Egyptian Magick For The Modern Era
The Other Dens
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