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You are a fool Strife.....a mark of a hero.

Name: Strife "Sprink or Sparky" TrueAim

Title: Strife the Black DragonSlayer. One of the Knights of the Wing.

First Apperance: Date- 5/20/01 RPG- Timmy's Secret.

Race: Half Elf/ Half Eulalian.

Liveability: Immortal.

Age: 26, but looks like hes 19

Birthday: January 12 .

Hair: Gold Blonde.

Eyes: Emerald Green.

Home: Nowhere in particular. Hes a nomad wonderer.

Dream: Its a secret.

Brother: Stranger {Adopted}

Parents: Squall [Elf] and Hope [Eulalian] TrueAim.

Worst Enemy: Bane

Fear: Failure and the hidden truth

Weopons: Sword--Shadowness. A long broadsword with a blueish hilt and blackish hint to the blade. And bow made from redwood, and occasional Thorn magic..but prefers his sword over all.

Steed: Fell, a buckskin mustang stallion. Hehe...and black Harley Davison Motorcycle.

Love Interest: None.

Bio: Sprink is a person with a unique personality...Hes kind, humble, brave, loving...and everything else packed into one. One in a million. He loves to battle, partly because hes so good at it. He is a battle demon, and feels one of his highest pleasures when blood is running down his blade and the heat of battle is upon him.... He is a TrueAims after all... A warrior and knight through and through...

He comes from a humble beginning from a farm in Sutters valley, which gives him ample skill in the smaller things, like farming, animals such as livestock and horseback...skipping ahead somewhat, he spent a long time alone...and so, that rubbed off on him a little, and hates the feeling of being alone like pains his heart. This time that he spent in the wild alone made him a survival maniac, and could find survive amounst the best. Hes someone who prefers not to sit around, but rather run head first into adventure and run through the long grass...and just be thankful for life. Hes very loving to his friends and family, very funlovin. But he has a other side as well, a side that longs to love someone...a side he keeps well buried in the dirt...out of the sun...never to grow. He really doesnt seem to be a flirty sort, and if he loves someone you would have to dig deep and rip the truth out of him... Cuz he keeps it well hidden.. So what can you say about him? He longs to kill Bane, and seems to know a secret, which he tends to keep buried also. You'll never find a better like the wind, and strong like the sun. A bred warrior and fighter, and one who beleives deeply in honor and truth, and chivelry. Understanding as well, could tell him anything...And would die for his friends in a hearbeat Im flattering him too much. He can be wicked and arrogant when he wants to, and when he gets in a blind rage with Shadowness in hand, you best stay out of the way. Even if it seems like he hates someone, cough*Squall*cough, he still respects and cares deeply... Thats just who he is....And will most likely forever be young at heart. And a devil on a Harley Davison.

So he's kinda sliding on a downward slope with all thats happening, but theres a flame of hope still burns deep in his heart, but the winds and waves of the world are slashing at the flame...

But hes always hopeful, always smiling... Always ready to give anyone a second chance. And he wouldnt dare give up on anyone....

He seems a little naive, because he didnt get much exposure to the events of the world... Of course he WAS exposed to his father, who, as you know, isnt the most pleasent man in Lylack. Not to mention the death of his mother and all the conch crap, and being excluding because of being a half. Then he was alone for those long years, where he brutely trained himself...So I suppose as time went on he got his share of pain, and now has to deal with Eulalia. But he keeps his hope and happiness close...

Hes helping his friends to find the whistles and fight against Ben, Bane, and Tinopy. But hes slowly losing it...Slowly having his heart eaten away from it all...

But hes a fighter.

In his heart is a secret in which he had forced himself to forget....forever... By using the ultimate power to forget... To cast out every shred of that thought that made him suffer so baldly....Sooo badly... SO much that if you even mentioned it and waved it up in his face, there is no chance he would recall it... But somewhere, out of the light, pushing up daisies is the secret...which he will someday recall... But until then... The world must suffer because he refuses to let the light back in on himself... And that horrid truth... If only he knew... Ix nay on that.... He knows... Just exiled it. And himself.

He is one of the Knight's of the Wing, and thinks very little of this so called blessing that is a curse...He hasnt figured out how to summon his wings yet, but hes getting close to the answer.

Personality and Phycological reference: If you hadnt noticed, Sprink's personality can be as diverse as Lylack itself...changing often in a heartbeat, and unlike other people...He can be humble, yet arrogant, kind yet cruel, gentle yet forceful....and all the opposites..He has no fix...Not now at least. And from reference of the Charlses Miles Child phycology, I can explain a lot of his quirks through this. Sorry to say, Squall and Hope, you two wernt the best of parents. Oh sure, you have Hope, who died when Sprink was about 7, and before that she was often out, yet still showed him a lot of love that most mothers do. And his father was always the iron first, who often shunned his son cruely...and that only increased after Hope's death....So Sprink is now stuck between his mothers promise to never lose hope and his sheer will, and his fathers hard driving fist which beats him down into rebellious nature. Already utter confusion...and then those long years of training and solitude to uphold the TrueAim reputation....solitude...This came at a early age. And without adult's to lean on and guide him, he was unable to mentally mature like a normal child would... And with all those opposite emotions crammed in, you often see him being independent and aloof, then longing and desperate. It comes from long years of exposure to nothing but morals and experiences that canceled one another out. Because of this, he tends to cast off his worries, in fear that those sickening feelings he felt for so long would come back to him... And he doesnt want to suffer anymore. Thats one of the reasons he most likely is happy all the time... One thing thats noticed is Sprink smiles a lot. Most of the time because he is happy, But for the other times... Its because he thinks he can hide himself behind the smile... If death was looking him in the face, he would smile and shove his fear behind hide it. So if he smiles, dont think hes instantly happy... Hes most likely covering some other emotion up.

In the beginning of the story, Sprink is little more than a naive fool who likes to rush into battle without a clear thought. But throughout the war we see him become a mature and selfless man, in which he finally finds his place....And finds his mood fix, becoming more of a person and warrior than even he knew he was capable of. And being half aint so bad to him. Despite the fact that his elven side comes from a long line of Outcast and unwanted knights, their strenght and pride runs through his veins. And this gives him a lot of his warrior instincts. THe is beginning to feel more pulled towards his elven heritage even though he seemed to think little about it before. His Eulalian side gives him the utter freedom of the wild animal...letting natural freedom course through him...with all the spirit of the mother Lylack...

In a way, Sprink is running from himself, and hes a little hypocrite...He says that he fights for justice, to stop the spare those from their own pain....and yet with all the killling he does, he only causes more pain towards others... Another hypocrite thing he does is the fact that he is fighting to stop the war for peace....Now dont get me wrong, but Sprink is ill suited for a peace advocate. He is a knight and a soldier, and it seems his soul purpose in life is to fight, and seems to have difficulty defyning his identity without being able to battle. A thought he may have to overthrow from himself in later times. He runs from himself, because of the past that haunts him...and he is afraid to find out his identidy...his true path, and where it will take him... In fear that path will make him like Ben or Bane.... In fear he will fail and run into a deadend... That could end up losing his friends forever.... Another thing about Sprink is his sense of noblilty and humbleness. Despite his great skills, he seems to be rether of two things...extremely humble, or low self-esteem. Sprink excepts flattery with a bitter taste, and doesnt seem to think too much about himself....But he only seems to have this during time off the battle feild. When in combat, he seems extremly confident, if not cocky and arrogant in his own abilitly. This is probally best blamed on Squall for pushing him and putting him down so much for sooo long. Not to mention being around people for so long they can rub off on you. But even then, Sprink has a strong sense oy loyalty and justice...and will not stand for unfairness or other evils in the world....Thats something he'll stand up for in any case.

I said it once and Ill say it again, he isnt the saintly perfect character some people see him as, he just trys to cover his own problems up, mostly his emotional issues. And one more thing, He IS NOT a idealist or quixotic.

But is most likely the most emotionally challenged of all the characters.... He hides behind his smile and cherryness and how he handles it is beyond me, considering he tried suicide once a long time ago.... And almost got away with it.

occ-It just takes a little understanding of him to see all of this into porportion. But dont take a lot of this phyco stuff soo much that u change what u think about him in the story.

Typical clothes: Grey shirt made out of smooth died prongnorn fur, with a black leather jacket over it. A silver wolf head charm with a upside down arrowhead bottom that he wears on a small chain around his neck. Black belt to keep his black pants from falling down. Black timberland boots. His sword is sheated in his green and gold scabbard on his back. Black fingerless gloves.

Appearance: He has a fair and friendly face with a strong nose and fine eyes. Speaking of which, his eyes are a very strange silverish green that shine like stars...and are hes forever dreaming about something far away and out of reach. Fairly thin eyebrows. His hairs a deep gold with a twitch of black near the tips. Its soft and has a cowlick that hangs between his eyes. His ears are long with black lynx tips. Strong hands and large feet. His slim, and very muscular at the same time. His strength just doesnt show. Lanky and long legged. And handsome too!

ooc- Note, for more info on Sprink's personalitly, read up in the Whistle RPG. For information on his background, DO NOT LOOK IN HE LONG HALF TRUTH STORY OF BANE! GAH! LIES!