9/1/02: Update: Timmys Diary is now more complete. (Meaning that i added more to the summery of our current rpg) It's updated all the way to last Christmas. (adding about 4 months worth of our writtings to the story) Enjoy.
8/30/02: Update: I just uploaded Lylack V 2.0 It is out of the ones now, since now some of the boundries are being tweaked. You'll notice this one changed a good deal of them. Also, i managed to get the counter back. i dunno what happened to the one i had before, but i made a new one. There is also a you know you are obsesed when up, if you need a good laugh go look.
8/25/02: Update/News: Ok, Arborlorn now had a more detailed map. All the more detailed maps now have info on the country they show. (except Xiaquat)
School starts tomarow for me. *Site comes to screaching halt* yeah well, that's about what'll happen anyway. I'll still be updating and stuff when i have time though.
8/24/02: Update: Not much today, just a more detailed map of Sharlehelm. Also i placed arrows on all the pages worth seeing that will take you back to the main page if you click them. ^_^
8/23/02: Update: Both kenderton and Xiaquat now have more detailed maps too. Lukes (first pic) bios and Alex (third pic) is working. (timmys 2nd pic is already working) There are also two more books on the bookshelf for ya. Oh, and Eurulia has some facts about it when you zoom in.
8/22/02: Update/News: Ok, i got some music going in various places on the site. Just the stuff from the board though, nuttin new. I also fixed the broken link that went to the gong and added part 2. One last thing. YOu can zoom in on eululia V1 now.
Alas, School is starting up for everyone, so the board is a little slow. I myself, start the 26th, so the site is going to slow down on new things too. :( sorry, can't be helped. I suggest going and reading up some of the stuff in the Library
8/21/02: Update: The book shelf is up. It has three things, and needs work. Sorry, ran out of time. So, for now its just there. lol. ~later~
8/20/02: Update: By clicking on sections of the lylack image you can now enlarge them so you can read it better. ;) Also i got rid of the add in the middle of the page.
8/19/02: Update: Lylack version 1.2 is now up. lol. these updates seem repetative. I'll try and make the text more readable for ya all.
8/17/02: Update: Lylack Version 1.1 is now up.
8/16/02: Update: The map of Lylack Version 1 is now up. Please ignore the stupid add in the middle of the page, i'll try and make it pop up somewhere else.
8/15/02: Update The news/updates section is now here! This is were we will give you board news and post what we've updated at this site. The following things are now working:
1. Timmys bio.
2. Earth