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This is about as good a history of this boards rpgs as you can get with out reading all the old posts over again. Sorry if it's a bit choppy and jumps all over the place to things you had no clue about. If I put in everything you'd be reading a book. It's updated to around last Christmas, and I'm currently working on completing it up to at least up around where they start on getting the whistles. Oh and if you have the time (most don't) you might want to read the rpgs too. They're in the library at The Points Board.

Dear Diary,
This is the first chance I've had to be alone in months. I have much to write, and as this is my first entry I will go back ten years or so. Let me begin with the name Ben. This is an evil name, or at least evil if you know the man it belongs to... Ben came to the thieves' guild where I lived under the guise of a boy named David. I never met him under that guise. His pet, whiplash, got to me first. I'd happened onto my friends whom he'd tied up to a tree. I went to free them and the pet got me from behind and I was just one more prisoner. Brit (my girlfriend) was also captured before Ben showed up. He took us to a cave and put in cages. I had no clue what he was going to do to us, who he was, or why he captured us. There was a scuffle, a whistle fell into Ben's hands, and I escaped. You see diary; I'm half elf. With the magic I had, I turned myself invisible and ran off. I met up with a scientist named Derf. Two of the ones Ben had captured worked for him. They hadn't come into work, so he was investigating... We found Anna, a fellow guild member, unconscious in the woods. Derf found a tall man, probably 7' 3'' that he know, and we dropped off Anne off with him to heal her. I met that man again years later and heard his name. The collector he was called. I didn't realize it was he at 1st then though. I'm not sure why exactly, I guess he had just changed so much. While all this was happening, Ben kidnapped the young twins, Chris and Becca. He brainwashed them with some formula and sent them out to guard his castle. Everyone managed to escape him except Chris and Becca. We couldn't find them nor get close to Ben and the action died down for a couple days... Then Ben struck again. He murdered the chief of police and blamed our thieves' guild. Stepping into place as the new chief, he formed his own elite group, dismissing the old group of police. They stormed our HQ and captured me Brit and Sean. (Sean was Timmy's partner at the guild) Sean and I escaped, but Ben later captured Sean again. We also rescued a talking wolf that turned out to be a half elf, an Eurulian. His name was Sprink... Derf and I were in the woods when a girl named Galadriel suddenly fell from the sky and landed on me. She was unconscious and I had no idea who she was. I opened a portal to the hospital and sent Derf to take her there. I found out later that she was escaping from Ben who had tried to kill her on the world of Lylack. He had been very busy it seems and was weaving a web so devious even now all the strands haven't yet been destroyed. He set Brit free and so it came to happen that she, Anna who had gotten better, and I were in the woods when a giant spider of Bens attacked. Galadreil saved us. We fled, but it had bitten Anna rendering her unconscious. We thought her dead, but gal knew better. She fought and destroyed the creature. It worked for Ben, but how much of a blow to him it was, I can never be sure. I noticed the runes on her blade; her pointed ears, and at once knew what she was. An elf. She thought a message to me to meet her at my old home. How she knew where it was, im not sure. Out loud she sent us to a cave. Once there I "explored the cave" Once out of sight I opened the portal to my old house... When I arrived there she was sitting, waiting for me to a appear. As much as I questioned her, all that happened was me answering her questions. I then confessed for the first time in my life since I'd joined the thieves' guild what I was. A half elf. Surprisingly she didn't despise me for it as most elves do. She gave me my old sword. The one I'd played with when I was a child and sent me back to the group. I think Brit was the only one suspicious I'd gone anywhere or done anything... But Ben had a trick up his sleeve. Brit was taken over by emerald, an accomplice in Ben's treachery, who was out to get Brit and she teleported both of them back to Ben's castle. Galadriel knew where they were and I wanted to rush off and save her, but Gal said no. Instead she had me call my cousin Dunny to help. He stepped through the portal and we went to the beach in search of help. Gal and a few of the ones at the beach we had found to help, who were also elves and knew gal, suddenly disappeared. Mime returned 1st blubbering about something, but I couldn't understand him. When the rest came back they tried to fool us with saying they went to get pizza. Right. I rebuked them in my head and they sent a message back about what had really happened. A Hooded man had summoned them, given them a riddle about defeating Ben, and sent them back. A kid named bobby who was at the picnic we'd found on the beach agreed to join in exchange for a sword. Sprink said he knew where some were and got them for us. We spent the night there. A Dwarf named Rifter appeared, claiming to have been sent by the hooded guy. He was grouchy and difficult to get along with at first. Sprink hated him. The group was together and we were ready to be off when I got a message sent to me from Brit. Ben and emerald had forced her to take them back to the past. They were going to kill off the great grandparents of all who stood in their way. Brit is the keeper of time. Cool huh? Anyway, she also told me how to travel back in time and where to go to do it. Again I wished to rush off. I could tell the elves we'd picked up at the picnic were restless and I knew why. They didn't have the army they thought necessary. Instead they had me, a half elf, a dwarf, a wolf that thought it was a half-elf, and a bunch of humans. Not their idea of a raiding party... We walked along towards the cave we were instructed to go to. Suddenly Sprink had stepped on an ancient land mine. I dove knocking him out of the way before it exploded. He was hardly hurt, but I broke my right arm. My sword arm. I was determined to continue on anyway. Dunny was setting it for me when a big monkey put his large muscular arm on my shoulders. Its eyes were red and it uttered. "Kill Timmy!" Sprink, who considered himself in my debt, tried to protect me but got blasted by a beam it shot from its finger. It was about to crush me when Ben lost control of it and the monkey came back to its senses. He claimed Ben wanted to kill me himself, but I doubt that. I'm not real that important to the whole adventure. The monkeys' name was Bobo and it decided to come with us. We travled along for a while when I noticed Sprink was missing. I sent rifter to go find him. Rifter was by no means his friend, but reluctantly he went, taking bobby with him. Soon after they were gone an eagle-like creature attack and we all scattered, running. Galadriel stood firm and shouted for them to draw swords and face it so it wouldn't pick us off one by one... In the fight that ensued, Dunny and I slew the beast and we re-grouped. Bobby and rifter came back with Sprink and we were about to start up again when Galadriel asked me where we going and threw the word half-elf into the sentence, just the way elves do, when they think I'm doing something stupid. Stung, I took off to go rescue Brit by myself. Needless to say, we separated. Sprink, bobby, Dunny and I continued on. The rest decided to find more people before assaulting Ben. My group went through the portal shortly before it closed. Sprink found some nightshade ale that transformed him back into his old self. A half-elf. His ability to turn into the wolf at will remained though. We met a forest elf named fide. We had appeared in his tree village. Suddenly the rest of the group materialized. They'd changed their mind and used Derfs time machine to follow me. We were back together again, but suddenly Ben attacked us and chaos broke loose... The battle was rough, but other than much pain being spread around no one was actually killed. Bobo was hurt the most with a lost leg. Emerald got a scratch on the face, but otherwise escaped unharmed. I managed to untie Brittany. Why the brought her along I may never understand. It ended in Ben fleeing to his castle. We followed. Fide ran up with a group of eleven warriors from the village, prone for a fight. Some of us snuck in the back way, but waiting for us stood a score of gargoyles and about 150 trolls. We fought our way through, using every trick in the book just to stay alive. Bobby was the first to go down. He wasn't a trained warrior, and we were forced to leave him when he slipped into unconsciousness. We ran up a flight of stairs and into the next room. The goblins stopped pursuing us and left us to our doom. A lizard like creature was inside, it's spit would maim you and leave you in immense pain incapable of moving so that it could devour you later. We managed to kill it. Onto the next room we found a wrath. I believe it might have been some sort of a form of Ben. No matter what we did we wouldn't kill it. We fled back the way we'd come and ran into one of Ben's evil dragons. Slaying it was no easy task, but I managed to climb on its back, were it couldn't attack me, and then finished it off. Deeper and deeper into the castle we ran. Now the task was less of finding Ben, and more of a task of staying alive. Finally we came to him and emerald. I fought emerald, while Sprink took on Ben. Sprink was hit in the chest with Ben's poisonous dagger, but a book he'd had in his pocket saved his life. War and peace. He was at it again. And I was slowly defeating emerald. Then, Sprink managed to slay Ben. Or so it appeared at the time. The castle started to collapse. Sprink hopped out the window into a pond followed by everyone else. I stayed behind to rescue the unconscious bobby. A hunk of rock from the collapsing ceiling fell on emerald and I hoped that was the end of her. I ran back to the main hall dodging the bits of falling castle. The trolls suddenly appeared. They however were more interested in their escape than in me. I picked up bobby and got out of the castle as soon as I could, then met up with Sprink and the others. We found what was left of the group who had attacked the front of the castle to serve as a distraction and maybe even get in. Ben had sent his dark whistle creature loose and galadriel had responded with her light whistle creature. Unfortunately Galadreil had died falling in a hole in an attempt to save SL who also fell in. Bobo, the giant monkey, was also a casualty. She tried to hold up the falling roof so we could escape, but in the end, the castle collapsing had been too much for her. The twins who had been in Bens attack group returned to normal. It seemed like we'd won. We went forward in time and went our separate ways. It wasn't for 10 more years that we would discover just how wrong we were...

(Here ends One rpg and begins the present one)

Every thing had calmed down and seemed fine. 10 years later Sprink visited me at the HQ. We'd rebuilt it and we still staying there, working as mercenaries since the thieves' guild had been shut down. It was all a nice happy reunion. But the whole place was becoming hectic. Sprink had met a kender that attached itself to him. This was the first sign something was wrong. Too bad I didn't recognize it right away. Kender always show up just before an adventure starts. His name was ambit and he drove everyone crazy. Later, Sprink left to meet someone, and came back with his brother Strider. The two didn't seem to get along very well. The twins, Chris and Becca, were dragged in by their furious mother for spying on dragons. They'd managed to conceal a baby dragon and had brought it back with them. After much convincing they were aloud to keep it. A 19-year-old came walking up to HQ and saw them with the dragon. I can't remember exactly what he said. His name was Alex. From the start, no one seemed to get along with him. He said he was from earth, but knew too much of things on Lylack. Sprink hated him.. I went up to the roof and gazed up at the stars. Alex followed. He talked of a constellation called Draco. The next thing I know, the twins had run off. Sprink, Strider, and Alex all went looking for them before Cassidy, the twins' mother, found out... it turned out to be worse than all that. There were wolves all over the place and they seemed to bent on getting us. This is where Alex gave up all hope of ever liking Sprink. It seems that Sprink had agreed to tell him why the wolves were so active, if Alex told him everything about him. Alex told Sprink many things about himself, but Sprink didn't tell Alex a thing. For this Alex despised him. I found out from Strider what Alex failed to get out Sprink. Sprink had stolen a conch from a tribe, then lost it. Now someone else had it. The conch was an item of immense power that could twist its owner into an evil being. That person had apparently turned his eyes towards us... Anyway, Sprink, Ambit, and Alex had been attacked by raptor like beasts, and Alex, who was fed up with Sprink by that point left Sprink to the raptors. Ambit however, got rid of all the raptors by sheer dumb luck, and he and Sprink went into a house, where Ambit found the twins stalking some wolves. He announced their presence rather loudly alerting the wolves. Meanwhile, Strider and I were looking for all of them. Alex however, solved our problem, by teleporting everyone in question to one point. Sprink suggested we go back to the guild now. Since the twins were with us now. But then a girl who looked much like gal appeared. She said her name was Adrie, and preformed some sort of a binding spell that paralyzed all of us. Then someone else came, and sent Adrie away, freeing us from the magic. Sprink recognized her as the real Gal. He told her what was going on with a mind message. Alex thought in, and learned too. Then Sprink and Alex started to fight again, and gal didn't exactly stop them. We were walking quickly then, and gal acted as though she thought someone was following us. All the while Sprink and Alex were still arguing. Then there was a light up ahead. The twins went ahead to check it out. What they found were cruchips named Arka and Snip. The cruchips questioned them, but then Ambit scared Sprink who fell out of a tree onto them, and we all went out to meet them. Then Nyft hopped out of a tree in fox form and landed on Sprink head, where he took up residence whenever he got the chance. We all talked for a while, and then an old man came wandering through the trees. He came up to us and insisted that we arrest a tree, because it was purposely blocking the sun and it had tripped him. He said his name was Tinopy, and insisted he could be helpful because he could do very powerful spells. Unfortunately, whenever he attempted them, he forgot what he was doing. Then we noticed gal had gone missing. Some cruchips had kidnapped her and taken her through the trees to an army. We followed, in an attempt to get her back. The twins somehow got separated from us, but we decided Gal was more important and the twins would have to fend for themselves. We found Gal in the middle of a large army of trolls cruchips, and gnomes. Spying on them from the brush, we decided the best plan of action would be to have the cruchips of our group go in incognito and see if they could learn anything. Suddenly, Tinopy decided he would go too and walked strait out into the army as though he owned the place. Luckily one of the cruchips pulled his hood over his face before anyone saw him, and gave us away. Also Sprink found a girl general named Arwen who apparently was almost Sprinks wife once. She claimed that Sprinks father had the Conch. The cruchips managed to gather that there was another army on the way, which also wanted to take gal. There were two armies who were fighting over her, and us, who also wanted her back. For without her, what hope had we of retrieving the Conch, which was what we had originally set out to do? Alex suggested we collect the four orbs of power. He recited part of a poem for us that explained them. With them, we could easily retrieve gal. There was one season for each orb, but before we did anything else, we were supposed to find someone whom the poem told of to find. We did that, or rather HF (hooded figure) did that. He brought us to him. This left the twins stranded with out anyone to take them home. Apparently he knew Tinopy for he addressed him by name. HF told us that we would have to pass a test before he could help us. In return however, he promised to supply us with several items from our wishings. The next thing I knew, it was just Sprink and I in a maze that we were supposed to find the center of. We ran through the maze, until a Sphinx stood in our path. It would only let us past if we could guess its name. We spit off as many names as we could unsuccessfully, until it grew board and said we only had three guesses left. I guessed Brittany, and it said no. Then Alex thought a message to me to try hope. It worked, I had no idea how he knew, but I was just glad he did. Then as we passed, shadow like creatures started to chase us. We ran from them until Sprink stepped in a bear trap with on spike. It went through his leg, injuring him. It magically healed itself later, but for that moment we were forced to face the creatures. I drew my sword and something strange happened. It flashed, and all the shadows disappeared. We went on into the maze, until we came to an open field. At the end of it was a house, and in it, a voice called out to please help. Sprink and I went in and down into the basement where hideous looking creatures had a girl tied up. We slew the creatures and rescued the girl. In return, she took us to the center of the maze, which the others had also managed to find. Adrie was there, and she had brought the twins. Also, Emerald showed up, but she wasn't much of a threat anymore, and we killed her. Then a man came and told Sprink he'd meet him on his turf, then Strider disappeared and the man claimed that he had killed him. Unfortunately, we couldn't leave the maze until we had everyone at the center. A girl with fiery red hair showed up then, and claimed she was a fire witch named Fina. She decided it would help her become stronger if she trained in the maze, and as her first self assigned task, she would help us find Strider. We used one of Striders knives that had 'fallen' into Ambits pack to locate him. Fina put a spell on the knife, and it shot down a chamber. We followed it, until it disappeared into the ground. The ground gave way underneath us, and we fell into a level below. There the man who had gotten rid of Strider was, and he wanted to kill Sprink. Of coarse we wouldn't let him, and he blew all of us back. Alex made a barrier to save Sprink, but it drained all of his powers, and he fainted from exhaustion. None of us could stop him, but then an image of the Hooded Figure appeared, and told him not to interfere while we were under his protection in the maze, then both he and the man disappeared. Fina reinitiated her spell, and we continued to look for Strider. The knife embedded itself in a wall, and from the other side came a tapping. Mores code. Strider was on the other side. Having completed her task Fina ran off into the maze to train more. Once we got him over to our side, we proceeded back the way we'd come, carrying the unconscious Alex with us. Tinopy remembered a set of stairs he'd passed with Ambit on their way to the center, and proposed we find those. He couldn't remember, so we followed Ambit, who proceeded to lead us to a dead end. Alex then revived, and took over leading us back. Once in the center again, we all stood on the silver disk at the very center, and appeared in HFs Tower. He gave us what he'd promised, and sent us to a Mountain to search for the orb of winter. There were strange hooded creatures on horseback all over the place, searching for something. Us. Once they got eye contact with you, they would slowly try to convince you that you are nothing, and they are you. Only strong-minded people can remain in control when they do this. One caught Sprinks eye and tried to do just this. Sprink prevailed though, and it disappeared into nothing with a great shriek. The shriek brought the attention of an army of goblins that were out patrolling everywhere. Nyft, Sprink, and Strider went into the trees, luring them away from us. We made camp for the night in a grove of trees, and waited for them to return. Just as I was starting to fall asleep, Alex cried out in pain. I ran over to see what was wrong and there he was. There was a knife in his back. He moaned about a traitor, then sunk into unconsciousness. We woke Tinopy; the only one of us left who knew magic powerful enough to heal him. Tinopy however, failed to remember the right words, as usual, and couldn't do a thing. During this time, the twins had disappeared on us to rescue the others. They now returned, flying on their dragon, with the rest of our group. Everyone was awake now, but we didn't know how to figure out who the traitor was, unless Alex woke back up. Sprink remembered an elf he met on his way back to us, and suggested we send Alex to him to go get help. So we loaded Alex on the twins' dragon, and sent them to find him. We tried to sleep again, but another cry rang out. Galadriel was back, only now she'd just killed Arka. We all ran, and Adrie stayed behind to hold her off. We found a cave and ran in. Inside was a seer who told us to wait until morning, but then he would send us into the cellar of the castle in which the orb was hidden.

To Be Continued