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On 2/28/06, Servidor Esda <> wrote:

Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem

Asalamu Alaikum

My name is Servidor De Esda and I am a Muslim Apologist I saw umm your
little Debate or question and answer session with a reported "Muslim". First
of all I will be more than happy to answer those particular questions
however, you posed many and as I am sure you will agree they need proper
answers, I gave a time quota which would be around one week due to my

After answering them it seems you are the new missionarie on the block so I
will kick start off your little site. I am willing to debate on a few topics
with you Insha'Allah (God Willing) obviously I cannot use up to much time
focusing on your site as our site (One-Pen) is primarily aimed at answering
secularist polemics aimed at Islam however we do answer Christians and your
interest (Justice in Islam) falls under one of my courses (Metha-Ethics) so
it would be beneficial for both parties(Muslim and Christian) if we debated
on this.

We can also do the same and tackle Christianity as nearly every Christian I
have met Protestant or Catholic will dispute your theories on Christian
Justice which are rather fanciful rather than factual.

Please choose which topic first and we will set it for next week( I want to
answer those questions for everybody to see first) Furthermore read the
Debate rules

Furthermore if you can bring something that warrants even the slightest
basis of what I deem your own work from your own studies(meaning not
recycled older missionarie garbage) I will send my designer over to fix up
your site Insha'Allah (God Willing).

With Regards Servidor De Esda
