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The Response to the Questions that we cannot respond to.

Introduction: A rather new missionarie has been making ridiculously bias articles which are incorrect by even his own theologians.

He has seemingly selected a few Muslims (Not even proper Apologists I have honestly never heard of the Muslims he has dialogues with) put them on the spot with tricky questions. When they fail to answer he dubs his questions as infallible and unanswerable by Muslims.

First of all I would mainly point out that his site is ridiculously hard to locate which is okay because it is mere cordial regurgatation of older missionarie work. I was particularly interested to see him link many missionarie sites that have honestly been dubbed as unhonest and unchristian by their own scholars.


However humouring the site admins severe lack of knowledge in regards to science aswell as commonly known history the site can be at best dubbed "Decent" and thats by missionarie standards.

Meaning his deception tactics are good, his selective challenges to people who are simply not the appropiate persons for a debate is a brand new tactic, whether by choice or otherwise his site is indeed tucked away neatly from the apologists view. So in a nutshell he is a decent missionarie.

His questions are in PDF Format I will not type out the questions I will merely give the answers.


Here is his PDF File and here are the appropiate answers.


1. Yes


2. Yes


3. No holds no relevance apply the same question to Christianity.

4. Almighty God Creates everything Perfect (Surat al-Mulk: 3, Surah Qaf: 6-10) and all evil comes from man and shaytan (Surat AL-BAQARA: 169, Surat an Nisaa: 169). Man is created with free will thus Almighty God cannot be blamed for men choosing to commit evil acts on the earth. The Islamic Concept of Free will is simple. If your hand is paralysed and a Doctor invents an electric glove which allows you to move your hand all you want and how you want. However only until the Doctor turns it off. It’s very basic. Almighty God has given us the earth until the Day of Judgement and in advance approved our actions (Pre-destination) and over-ridden those that He did not approve (Turning off the glove).

5. You can see the Christian caught the Muslim off guard question 5 is answered in my above response to question 4.


6. *Yawn* I answered it as far as the discussion never taking place perhaps if the author stopped being a mindless pessimist he would realise that there is thousands of Tafsir Literature (Quranic Exgenesis) that tackles this subject aswell as hundreds of books of Ahadith aswell as work by Scholars, Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi has a popular book called "The Justice of God", furthermore Ayatollah Muhmmad al Shirazi speaks on this aswell as Sayed Mahdi Almodarresi. In other words the author gave a fictious idea that we sit in a room staring at a wall rather than discussing Aqeedah and Fiqh which is a enormous factor of Islam.

With Christianitys answers according to my Christian friends and Doctors of theology you have a similar view as us I will cover this as we progress.

7. Nope we dont carry out Gods Will so to speak He gave us free will and approved or altered are actions as covered in answer 4. As far as you being praised it is irrelevant to the topic are we talking about Almighty God or deceptive missionarie?

His next 6 questions are ridiculous and so far as I can see are groundless in this discussion and where simply imposed upon the Muslim because of the missionaries misconception on Justice and Free Will in Islam. So skip 6 Questions.

8. Yes indeed as already covered man has free will.

No it would not be Free Will per se however you are calling a cat a biscuit. Almighty God has approved all of our choices or over ridden them. A choice example is the Holy Quran unlike the other Scriptures it cannot be corrupted Almighty God Says in His Holy Quran
"We have Sent down the Reminder (The Holy Quran) and We shall be Its Protectors".

Thus the electric glove is turned off on this matter you cannot destroy the Holy Quran we have originals, various manuscripts, millions of Muslims who can Recite It in Its Glorious Entirety off by heart as such you cannot destroy It. Almighty God has Promised Its Protection. These are the instances when the glove is off the rest of the time any choice you may make has already been approved. Complicated yet simple.

10. Yes even the Bible explains that man is held responsible "The soul that sins shall die" (Ez. 18.4), "The wages of sin is death" (Rom. 6.23), "Do not be deceived; God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction. The one who sows to please God's Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life" (Gal. 6.7-8).

We merely differ on how these evident evil deeds are forgiven. According to well known Christian Doctor of Theology Dr. William Lane Craig he says in his Debate with Ray Bradley in 1994, at Simon Frasier University (Vancouver, B.C., Canada). Mr. Lane states "In order to receive forgiveness, we need to place our trust in Christ as our Savior and the Lord of our lives. But if we reject Christ, then we reject God's mercy and fall back on His justice. And you know where you stand there. If we reject Jesus' offer of forgiveness, then there is simply is no one else to pay the penalty for your sin--except yourself."


Us Muslims simply believe and it is what Islam is about, you submit to Almighty God, do good deeds, and rather than Jesus (a.s) dying on a cross you simply pray for forgiveness and so long as your intentions are good all sins are forgiven even if you die in the state of sin they are all forgiven so long as you are a Servant of Almighty God as specified in the Holy Quran

"Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. " Holy Quran 39:53

If you have no knowledge of Islam you are still forgiven so long as you recgnise that your Creator is One and do good deeds "Surely (as for) those whom the angels cause to die while they are unjust to their souls, they shall say: In what state were you? They shall say: We were weak in the earth. They shall say: Was not Allah's earth spacious, so that you should have migrated therein? So these it is whose abode is hell, and it is an evil resort Except the weak from among the men and the children who have not in their power the means nor can they find a way (to escape); So these, it may be, Allah will pardon them, and Allah is Pardoning, Forgiving." Holy Quran 4:97-99

The only ones who are not forgiven are partnerists (Surat an Nisaa: 48) this because "partnerists" are not Servants, all Servants and those who without knowledge did good deeds are forgiven while arrogant partnerists are punished which Doctor Lane refers to as "On the one hand are His justice and holiness, which demand punishment for sin, rightly deserved."

11. Note the eminent irrelevance man chose evil as did satan who cares? Is this his way of trying to prove the Bible answers the questions when in reality he is yet to quote even one single Biblical Verse?

Really? Your a sharp one *eyes roll*.


13. Nope this does not even make sense He created us perfect with Free Will as such His standards are as mentioned clearly and in a concise manner before. He expects to be recognised, worshipped, good deeds, and that we seek His Forgiveness. Very simple lenient and Merciful for us the creations : ) Alhamdulillah (Praise be To God).

Nope we covered this the Rules are simple as your knowledge grows you simply become better. One who does not know how to pray properly yet does good deeds and calls upon His Lord is still just as good as a Muslim who has access to knowlegeable men and books etc. Very simple.

A good act is simple, why the author is playing dumb is beyond me since Christianity is based more or less on two principles. Mr. Lane says "the whole moral duty of man can be summed up in the two great commandments: first, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your strength, with all your soul, with all your heart, and with all your mind," and second, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." On this foundation, we can affirm the objective goodness of love, generosity, self–sacrifice, and equality, and condemn as objectively evil selfishness, hatred, abuse, discrimination, and oppression."


Lets not split hairs in Christianity those are the basis for Good Deeds. Good Deeds as descibed in the Holy Quran are for example:


"And be steadfast in prayer; practise regular charity; and bow down your heads with those who bow down (in worship)." (Holy Quran, 2:43)


"And be steadfast in prayer and regular in charity: And whatever good ye send forth for your souls before you, ye shall find it with God: for God sees Well all that ye do." (Holy Quran, 2:110)

"but it is righteousness- to believe in God and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfil the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the God-fearing." (Holy Quran, 2:177)

Good acts are clearly defined.


16. Depends on intention and yes obviously in the Bible in Acts 9:36 Tabitha is described as devoted to doing good works namely giving alms.


17. Nope ridiculous word twisting. In Islam a small amount should be set aside for charity depending on the financial situation of the person in question if you would object to this then yes you are one terrible person.

As far as not giving alms just out of kindness for your fellow human being you are not perfecly good however as covered before you need not be have good intentions, do as many good deeds as possible, and pray for forgiveness very simple. Interesting to see a missionarie try and make a diamond with his bare hands.


18. Indeed Mercy is partially seen in Forgiveness there are several degrees of Mercy that many Christians do not recognise that us Muslims do. Breath in our lungs, the trees, the sun, plants, animals, family and so on and so forth. Apparently the author does not feel this is in the definition of Mercy not even in his footnote.


19. Do not blaspheme Almighty God promises forgiveness as covered before. If He did not forgive this contradicts the very Nature of Almighty God which in the Holy Quran is described 113 times at the very beginning of the Surats "Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem" which transliterated means "In the Name of Almighty God, the Most Gracious The Most Merciful.


20. Anyone who recognises Almighty God and asks for forgiveness is forgiven however if one persistently lies they are obviously no longer a Servant of Almighty God rather the extreme opposite they would become servants of shaytan( May Allah SWT Protect us from shaytan).

By committing a sin and begging for forgiveness and using all of your willpower to not revisit the sinful act you are forgiven however do it say forget that lying is bad and continue on lying logically you simply do not want forgiveness.


21. This is insane read the so called "Muslims" response and then read the Holy Ayaats I quoted before. Almighty God Promises Forgiveness to those who Serve Him and ask for forgiveness how then is it based solely on hope?


The next 3 questions are irrelevant due to the fact that he now has been answered properly rather than the claptrap of the poor unlearned Muslim whom the author throws polemics at in abundance.

Read my answers so far after reading his next 3 questions and you will see I answered them. Now come to the next question after the 3.


22. The good actions are not urged on by threat of punishment per se but rather a mix. Understanding that Bad Deeds could if you do not guard yourself from evil could lead you astray and thus you would cease to be a Servant and God Forbid a Partnerist who forgoes his right to forgiveness.

And keeping in mind that good deeds strengthen your faith and make you appreciate Almighty Gods Mercy as such you will never want to cease being a Muslim so long as you do good deeds (Obtaining Knowledge is a form of worship in Islam so no Muslim could ever be seduced by moronic slap stick polemics such as the authors).

Christianity employs the same doctrine! "All persons are under the power of sin. None is righteous; no, not one; all have turned aside, together they have gone wrong. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Rom. 3.10,12,23).

we all doomed? The Bible answers again "The Lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should reach repentance" (2Pet. 3.9)


This is no more than sheer hypocrisy.


23. Almighty God does not demand perfect Goodness I covered this in a concise however still comprehensive matter.


24. Dishonour can only be aquired through ones own actions I can not force you to be unhonourable however if you mean hurting a man or a child it is exacty the same depending on the veracity of the sin.


25. Same as I explained just before.


26. You cannot dishonour Almighty God and no sin can hurt Him (Surat al Imran:144) sins only hurts ones own soul.


27. Covered this already Forgiveness is Promised to those who seek it.


28. Very slick but according to Ezekiel 18:20,33:20, Deutromony 24:16, II Chronicles 25:4, Jeremiah 31:29-30, II Kings 14:6, Romans 2:6 the answer is no and as I mentioned above sins only hurt our own soul.


29. Refer to the above answer there is no need for an "infinite" human sacrifice.


30. Almighty God is already both Just and Merciful because we pray and He forgives. Alot more just in my view as opposed to sending down a sinless man to be tortured, beaten, and then subsequently nailed to a cross for a concept that is not cited once by name in the entire Bible.(Check never once in the Bible will you find the term "Original Sin")


31. Nope this is insane. The reasoning is so fictious its almost laughable the man can forgive the culprit and hand him some money to help his obviously bad financial situation.

If he broke the window on purpose go and confront the culprit however if he asks for your forgiveness and says he is sorry do exactly what I said before. Or do I need to murder my son to make things right?


32. This went to court? And okay yes the judge is a cool guy what relevance does this have in the light of the questions?


33. LMAO According to your beliefs but let us review.


1. God is Just and Merciful


2. God is infinite thus He can easily forgive all sins no death needed


3. However according to your reasoning He didnt just need to kill someone God Forbid you say He killed Himself!

This is not Just nor Merciful. Unless of course you claim God cannot Forgive sins without a death involved. If you say its because sinners need to be punished well according to the New Testament sinners will still be punished please see Revelations 20.10, Mathew 13.49-50 and many more.

In lamen terms God (God Forbid) killed Himself and still He refuses to forgive some people. This is neither just nor merciful.

Almighty God can Forgive everyone who seeks forgiveness minus a killing or two.


34. Preposterous


35. The author proved no such thing rather the extreme opposite his pure zeal and dogmatism has left him in a desolate pit of oxymorons and groundless statements.


36. More stupidity. Its never impossible I mean just burn the Tanakh bang your head against a wall and then count to ten and I am sure it makes sense. Want to be allowed to use your brain? Buy a copy of the Holy Quran.


37. No I dont agree with that nor would any reasonable human being. So as oppossed to just forgiving us He needs to (God Forbid) kill Himself? This is such ridiculous non sense I honestly liked the son theory better at least it makes some sense.


38. Nope nobody suffers pray for forgiveness do good deeds be a good person recognise Almighty God no suffering. Suffering and Mercy are extreme opposites how the author keeps infusing the two as though they are sister concepts is beyond me.


39. Okay buddy no need to disagree this statement was not a question and I will leave it to the reader to decide.


40. This I agree to its a nice little way to get a grasp on the concept of Almighty God no dispute here.


41. What a Lame excuse you can dream all you want my friend doesnt make it so. Also the names are indeed confusing one guy three names I am very confused should God be confusing me? "For God is NOT the author of confusion . ." I CORINTHIANS 14:33 Okay now I am really confused.

42. The Justice and Mercy aspect ended a few hours ago.


43. Not accepted makes no sense, is not reasonable, and the concept is very confusing which God should not be according to the New Testament.


44. Wow a nice little barb however doesnt fool anyone the Shamonian dance is pointless Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is the Seal of The Prophets and a Mercy to all of mankind and if you think little low blows will throw eyes off of your severe lack of facts and the disturbing fact that not even once have you cited a Biblical Verse to prove your claims true while on the other hand I have easily debunked them with your own book.

The only person who is need of prayers is the author of this article and or debate because he is a lying deviant who has more or less no knowledge on Christianity therefore I highly doubt that he has any honest reason to judge a man that lived 14,00 years ago. Once again public defiance of the Bible
"Judge not that ye be not judged." "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." (Matthew 7:1-2)

45. He was prophecised Jesus (a.s) himself in the Bible refers to himself as a prophet he said "...a Prophet is not without honor, save in his own country, and in his own house" (Matthew 13:57) Is the author calling Jesus (a.s) a liar?

People areound him said he is a Prophet, "And the multitude said, this is Jesus, the Prophet of Nazareth of Galilee (Matt. 21:11)

As far as the Prophecies is not the entire Christian claim of Jesus' (a.s) Messiaship based on the Tanakhs referrences to a Messiah and a Prophet?(Not a mangod which is considered as extreme blasphemy by all Jews even more so than a literal son).

As far as Jesus (a.s) judgeing people I cannot recall the Holy Ayaah and even if a Holy Ayaah does say he will judge people any clown would realise that it would be referring to his return to earth. Not on the Day of Judgement which is solely Almighty Gods day of Judgement.

What the? We covered this already he will not buy anyone free nor did he, nor will he.

The next 3 questions are irrelevant and based on the unlearned Muslims ridiculous ignorance which has seemingly sent the author into a state of hallucinegetic state of euphoria we covered this nobody needs to be killed nor suffer for Almighty God to forgive our sins. If that was so that would not be Merciful nor Perfect nor Just. Very simple.

Okay what ever let us assume you are exempt from the punishments of the Law.


48. Hallulejuah!


49. Okay thats a wonderful little verse who cares we have various reasons not to accept the Bible I just finished a lengthy discussion with an Atheist lady where I pointed out that the New Testament is so historically unreliable only a half wit would accept it here is one link to one of my articles and the link to that particular discussion


50. Actually he did not he vividly changed the Law several times. Compare Deuteronomy 24:1-2 with Matthew 5:31-32 and Deuteronomy 19:21 with Matthew 5:38-42.

This arguement of fufillment is groundless since Jesus (a.s) admitts and explains why he abrogated some laws refer to Matthew 19:7-9 and then read Matthew 5:17-19 you will see my point.


51. LMAO Read the so called Muslims response the question contains no relevance read the links I gave and you will see why we do not care who says what about Resurrections.


52. *Yawn* You say so not the Bible it is of no consequence to me nor is it my responsibilty to point out all of the flaws in your selective interpertations. They are just that yours I couldnt care less what you or any other Bible thumper over the last 300 years has come up with in these never ending fanciful oxymorons that let you sleep at night.


53. Dont mix apples with oranges you are not dead therefore you can not free your self from responsibilty apply the same straw house arguements to child support, parking fines, or murder wraps call me when they laugh you out of the court room.


54. Agreed except Almighty Gods Laws of course.


55. Garbage we covered good deeds in the light of the Bible and the Holy Quran refer to Answer 15.


The next 4 questions are not questions lol they are merely dogmatic social commentary so to speak, hypotheses that contradict the Bible itself which no seriously respected Doctor of Theology would support.

It all is illogical and it is all unnecessary it is literally just ridiculous to claim that Almighty God in His Infinite Power would not just forgive us when we ask for His Forgiveness and do our best to do good deeds. The Christian has no legs to stand on so he resorts to oxymorons and eminent dogmatism far from any real logical thought pattern.


56. I agree that is why we do good deeds seeking to please Almighty God not out of fear I covered this please refer to Answer 22.


57. Ridiculous use your minds here people. He has replaced seeking forgiveness with crucifixtion. Think! We believe you earn the punishment through being a Partnerist and not even seeking forgiveness he thinks you earn the punishment for not believing that somebody was punished for you. Which is logical? Honestly?


58. Same with us replace crucifixtion doctrine with parternism and persistent sinning without repentance (2Pet. 3.9) and we are on the same page.


59. Those are not the options at all refer to Answer 33, 28 and 10.


His little Questions that Have not fit into the "Larger whole yet" are garbage to he misused some Holy Ayaats when trying to defend his work on the forum here is an explanation on that.

The Holy Ayaats you quoted are highly out of context for example Holy Quran 81:29.

According to his Eminence Ayatollah Muhammad al Shirazis Tafsir he explains that when Allah SWT Glorified be He explains that you will not be on a straight Path unless Allah SWT Wills It this refers simply to it is up too Allah SWT whether He will send down the Ayaats (Signs) for you to heed i.e the Free Will is still there except you cannot force Almighty Allah SWT to send Prophets etc.

Holy Quran 76:30 and other such Holy Ayaats all refer to it being Allah SWT Choice as to whether He will send Signs to clarify the Path. Not whether you can choose to be Guided or not.

Of course He The Exalted could over ride Free Will also for example on the Day of Judgement however the Holy Ayaats where simply not referring to this and also Christianity has the same concept in the Rapture.

Deceptive, ignorant, arrogant, dogmatic, unlearned, offensive, delusional yes this new missionarie qualifies for the job of Islam Basher perfectly. We now merely have to wait and see if he will agree to a Debate. But it is obvious to see that we have answers to his questions and that his entire article and or debate was non sensical clap trap devoid of any intellectual worth.

