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Thanks for replying.   I have read your document "The Response to the Questions that we cannot respond to" that responds to the pdf document  "Discussion with a Marabout" by J.A.D.   I will address several of your thoughts in the following email and then await a cordial reply.  


I have quoted your replies, and then respond under each.  Please note that I have only selected a few topics to begin discussing.  They should be enough to keep this discussion moving.


19. Do not blaspheme Almighty God promises forgiveness as covered before. If He did not forgive this contradicts the very Nature of Almighty God which in the Holy Quran is described 113 times at the very beginning of the Surats "Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem" which transliterated means "In the Name of Almighty God, the Most Gracious The Most Merciful.


I’m interested to see how statement B is produced out of statement A in your mind:

A: Allah is most gracious and most merciful.

B: Allah promises to forgive.


Those are two radically different statements.  I don’t discard the possibility of B being true after reading A.  Only, it is not possible to PROVE B merely by declaring A.


20. Anyone who recognises Almighty God and asks for forgiveness is forgiven however if one persistently lies they are obviously no longer a Servant of Almighty God rather the extreme opposite they would become servants of shaytan( May Allah SWT Protect us from shaytan).

By committing a sin and begging for forgiveness and using all of your willpower to not revisit the sinful act you are forgiven however do it say forget that lying is bad and continue on lying logically you simply do not want forgiveness.


Is it really true that ANYONE who asks forgiveness in Islam forgiven is forgiven?  I will leave it to your fellow Islamic Scholarly Judges to reprove you for that statement.


21. This is insane read the so called "Muslims" response and then read the Holy Ayaats I quoted before. Almighty God Promises Forgiveness to those who Serve Him and ask for forgiveness how then is it based solely on hope?


The next 3 questions are irrelevant due to the fact that he now has been answered properly rather than the claptrap of the poor unlearned Muslim whom the author throws polemics at in abundance.


I would like you to produce several Qur’anic and hadithic verses proving that forgiveness is PROMISED. 


22. The good actions are not urged on by threat of punishment per se but rather a mix. Understanding that Bad Deeds could if you do not guard yourself from evil could lead you astray and thus you would cease to be a Servant and God Forbid a Partnerist who forgoes his right to forgiveness.

And keeping in mind that good deeds strengthen your faith and make you appreciate Almighty Gods Mercy as such you will never want to cease being a Muslim so long as you do good deeds (Obtaining Knowledge is a form of worship in Islam so no Muslim could ever be seduced by moronic slap stick polemics such as the authors).  Christianity employs the same doctrine! "All persons are under the power of sin. None is righteous; no, not one; all have turned aside, together they have gone wrong. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Rom. 3.10,12,23).

Are we all doomed? The Bible answers again "The Lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should reach repentance" (2Pet. 3.9)


This is no more than sheer hypocrisy.


WHAT is hypocrisy? 


Rom3. is teaching us that ALL have come short of perfection, with which we need to see the glory of God.  We all have sinned and are deserving of punishment. 


2Peter3  does not say that He will not allow anyone to remain in hell.  Rather, it is merely relaying to the reader that God does not DELIGHT that anyone goes there.


23. Almighty God does not demand perfect Goodness I covered this in a concise however still comprehensive matter.


Then what is the purpose of forgiveness?  If God did not require perfection, then He would not require that we be forgiven.  The fact that we need to be forgiven proves that God requires perfection. 


32. God is infinite thus He can easily forgive all sins no death needed


Yes.  God CAN forgive sins without being just.  But then God wouldn’t be just, meaning God wouldn’t be God according to the Bible.  I’m not sure about what virtues the god of Islam is said to possess, but the Christian God is committed to justice, all the while granting mercy.


That is one of the chief arguments in the paper in case, that offending God does not come without a price.  God is holy, and man is everything but.  I am a bit surprised that even you, a self-proclaimed guru of the Bible, correcting Christian’s in their own theology, does not understand the magnitude of sin’s consequence and the necessary steps of its remediation as laid out clearly down through the repeated drum of the line of prophets.


Your one sentence response cannot erase whole volumes of warning and law of the messengers of God. 


41. What a Lame excuse you can dream all you want my friend doesnt make it so. Also the names are indeed confusing one guy three names I am very confused should God be confusing me? "For God is NOT the author of confusion . ." I CORINTHIANS 14:33 Okay now I am really confused.


So because it is confusing to Servidor, it means it is not true.  I’m picturing Servidor in an E&M Physics class raising his hand to the professor and when called upon says, “now, Prof, what you teach does not make sense to me, and what the books teaches is totally wack.  Therefore It CANNOT be true.”  I think the whole class would be laughing at him by now, just as anyone reading his great response above.  Even the Qur’an says that no one will understand God’s writings fully but God Himself.  To claim that God is supposed to fit inside Servidor’s head is blasphemy.     


38. Nope nobody suffers pray for forgiveness do good deeds be a good person recognise Almighty God no suffering.


I think that the above several topics should sufficiently keep us busy on the road through discussion.  I am grateful that you are nice enough to open up this door for further study by emailing me.  I believe that when we have open, thoughtful, and above all, prayerful discourse, God’s truth will be made plain.  In future correspondence, I ask that as you remain concise, please stay CLEAR (i.e. what is point 38 supposed to mean?).


I look forward to talking further.


For the Glory of Christ,