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Islam's Truth
I s l a m 's    T r u t h

   Please address comments to:

Below will be found discussions /articles pertaining to the Christian and Muslim dialogue, most of which took place over email.  Topics include:  



*Prophecies of Muhammed in the Bible

*Corruption of the Bible in Qur'an, early Islam

* Honour and Insults (i.e. Danish Cartoons)

*Love portrayed in Islam & Christianity

*Faith / works / forgiveness

*Resurrection of Jesus Christ

*Qur'an in light of history and science

*Evil and the free will

*and more....


To help further these discussions I welcome any questions or comments through email.  Truth is at a prime in the kind of world we are living in today, where it is either despised by pluralism or condemned by intolerance.  Please help let truth reign again; offer liberally your thoughts so we can test them together.        -Brian Lucero



Bible browser, search     

     Qur'an browser, search

     Hadith and Sunnah browser, search


Discussions/ Debates:

(Similar Outside References)








