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Along with the rest of the country,
I am horrified, shocked,
and so deeply sympathize with the families
of the bombing victims.
My heart goes out to all of you.

What Can We Do?

What can we do in the face of such pain
To make sure what happened
will not be done in vain?
How can we honor
the loved ones we lost
and deal with
the grief of that ultimate cost?
We can make it a promise
to live every day
To the best of our power,
in our own human way,
To be kind to each other
and cherish what's real-
Our family, our friends,
and the love that we feel.
We can cheer all the everyday heros
we've met,
The stories and faces
we'll never forget...
We can reach out and give-
and then reach out some more,
We can help make a difference
like never before.
We can take a close look
deep within our hearts
And stop any prejudice
right where it starts,
We can vow to respect
every faith, every creed,
knowing each offers comfort
to spirits in need.
We an make this America's best,
shining hour
And ask for the wisdom
to help guide our power,
We can keep candels burning
and proud flags unfurled,
We can pray for our nation,
we can pray for our world.
We owe it to ourselves,
to our country,
to the cause of freedom,
and to each American
who suffered
so deeply,
to always remember
September 11th
in our hearts
and do whatever we can
to make a difference
in this world.

Author Unknown
I bought a Card with this poem on it
from American Greetings

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