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USMC Rules and Regulations
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Rules of the pledge

  1. No Player Killing!

  2. No Stealing! (this includes but not limited to, other members mops without permission and members drops)

  3. No Harrasing other members or players.

  4. You MUST help within the pledge! (If there is meeting, hunt, or siege, please make sure to attend)
  5. You MUST be logged on at least 4 times a week, or 12 hours total, to ensure constant membership)

  6. Do NOT steal from pledge box to sell. If you can use an item feel free to use it.

  7. Attending allies sieges is an option. BUT, you may not war with another siege against an ally!

If you can not attend meetings, hunts sieges, or you will not be logged on for extended period of time, please send prince a letter stating why.

All other violations of pledge rules will result in a commitee meeting to see what action should occur!