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Acknowledgements (and Thank You’s)

I wish to thank my Saqamaw and Keptin, Mise'l Joe, for giving me the opportunity to work on this commemorative work. A work of such special significance as this deserves a much more expert writer than me. I hope I did justice to your vision of this book and to our Nation’s desire that the FASTERS be acknowledged and thanked today, for their historic actions.

Thank you to the Heroes of the day, the FASTERS; the sixteen OCCUPIERS; and the ONE HUNDRED. Supporters and believers who participated in this event. This work was made to show your people’s appreciation for your sacrifice and dedication to our cause. I hope this book helps those people who who questioned our efforts realise the significance of what you all did. Future Mi’kmaw historians will ensure your efforts are dutifully recorded and our people will recognise your efforts, I am sure.

Thank you my family for allowing me to work on this. I did it to support you as well as help recognise my people’s efforts. Thank you mom for asking me if I ever got tired sitting in front of that computer, and thus encouraging me to keep at it. But more important for some of the material and pictures from the stuff you kept over the years.

Other people who had something to do with this work, whose help, comments and direction, made it all possible. Saqamaw Mise'l Joe, Darlene Joe, (who went around several times to get everyone’s picture) Sosep Jeddore, Shayne McDonald, Rene Jeddore and Salusal. Thank you all.

Philip Wejitu Jeddore


©Miawpukek Mi’kamawey Mawi’omi. P. O. Box 10, Miawpukek, Taqamkuk