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CGI installation

CGI applications make website maintenance a lot faster and easier. At low cost, I can help you set up user-friendly Guestbooks, Message Boards, Chat Rooms, Feed Back Forms, Registration Forms, Online Journals and various other CGI applications.

Below are some interesting CGI applications I have installed in the past. Feel free to create new entries and fill out forms to see them in action.

  • Guestbook. allows users to sign in and leave their name, contact and comments. Also acts as a mini message board, allowing users to post responds, or follow-ups, to other's posts. The owner also have the aiblity to log in and moderate entries.
  • Online Journal. dates automatically inserted. You may insert photos or icons along with your posts. Also allows other users to post follow-ups to your journal entries.
  • Online Journal 2. nicely-designed diary board. dates automatically inserted. Displays your entries in a table.
  • Feed Back Form. receive feed backs from your visitors directly online via this simple feed back form.
  • WWWboard. a threaded discussion forum that allows users to post new messages, followup to existing ones and more. Includes a basic admin to maintain the board.
  • Chat Room
  • Clip Board. post your photos and share it here with your friends and family
  • News Board. inform your users about news and updates
  • More to come...