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My Portfolio

A few of the websites I have taken part in creating over the last few years.
Date: June, 2000 - present
Description: mason bees and its related products, workshops, and seminars to assist gardeners to optimize pollination of their crops and plants.


Date: June, 2002 - present
Description: the website of Western Apicultural Society

Date: April, 2002 - present
Description: The website of British Columbia Honey Producers Association.


Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
Date: September, 2000 - July, 2000
Description: The website of Sir Charles Tupper Secondary.



Date: January, 2002 - January, 2003
Description: Selling online merchandise.


F a n t i c.E x p r e s s
Date: March, 2000 - March, 2003
Description: A tribute to snail mailing.



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