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The feeling of being on hold and wanting to die is a cry of discouragement.
Most of us liked our old lives; they may not have been perfect, but they
were comfortable and familiar. The prospect of having to create a new life is
discouraging. All our dreams and plans for the future may have evaporated with
  the death of our loved one, and somehow we must begin anew. Sadly, we have
  little idea how to do this, so dying sometimes may seem like the answer. More
   than anything, we want our old life back. But we know this is impossible.....

 No matter how long or short a life,our loved one's presence had an impact on
                this world.  Acknowledging and celebrating their life is important and necessary,
helping us to move on and heal. There are many ways to give tribute to them.
We can offer compassion and understanding  to others.
    We can encourage others to share their stories and support their feelings~
     whether they are sadness, confusion, or anger.
           We can be their companion as they struggle to accept reality.
  Yes, death changes us forever.
   Remembering our loved one and sharing the bitter lessons of their death can
                help us make something positive out of our suffering.
 We may all  be able to relate to the feelings of being out of control and out of
                 balance, especially after our lives drastically changed. We are easily frustrated,
overwhelmed and out of focus. Decisions are difficult, we crack easily and at times
it may feel as if we are drowning.
   We may not be able to totally stop the hurricane at this point, but we may be
  able to do little things in our daily living to provide some positive
     balance. Pleasant thoughts, nostalgic memories, and adding brightness and
inspiration to our lives can bring momentary happiness.
    Thus we can build strength and renew our spirits, if but a few moments a a time.
 I can paint the walls of my mind with beautiful pictures and pleasant thoughts. I
  can reflect on past memories and inspirations that have brought me joy.........

    Sorrow eventually comes to us all.
We each have our false sense of immortality threatened when
  a loved one dies; our protective bubble has burst. The death
   of a loved one is a major crisis in our lives; it has brought sorrow and heartache.
  Although we could not prevent our loved one's death, we do
           have choices about how we handle this tragedy.
         We can have a positive attitude,
     face our grief, and try to keep the nests of sorrow from
    building inside us; we don't have to allow ourselves to die emotionally and spiritually.
               This is "Our Choice and Our Challenge ".

No matter the age of our loved one or their relationship to us, we feel partially
    responsible for their death and wish we could have saved them. Our lack of
  control may leave us feeling helpless. We may think we let them down, and be
overly hard on ourselves.
 It may help for us to repeat  to ourselves that we do not have control over  life
                      and death-that power rests somewhere else.
     We loved them and Still love them, and we can trust that they knew this.

 Feeling The Loss 
feeling a void in your life 
           feeling abandoned~ 
        fear of the future 
           feeling of relief~ 
            feeling you don't want to live anymore either~ 
    physical weakness~ 
             guilt when you smile again-laugh again 
                        guilt when you start forgetting 
      guilt that you have the desire to live again 
           guilt that you get hungry and need other people 
    Memories and more pain 
  someone else loses a loved one and everything comes back 
                 the feeling that the pain will never end~ 
      a Christmas that breaks your heart 
                       a day when you cry all day long. 
               And then-one day- 
                        you smile when you remember 
       your heart opens up for things around you~ 
                             You plan new endeavors 
                                    you rationalize: 
   you tell yourself you are a fool 
                     to put so much love in one person- 
     you tell yourself it is okay, you will survive 
                  the memories become more wonderful 
           you tell yourself you were fortunate 
                                to have felt so much 
   you reach out and hold a hand that may need it more tnan you do. 
          You see the world again and it fills you with joy! 
                                  you philosophize: 
     my own life will one day be memories 
                       only- to others  You will go on...
                                                                                       by Giesla Schubach


WhisperWillow 2003

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