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The Simple Soul

Lord let me be a simple soul,
No matter what life brings.
Finding joy in solitude,
And peace in little things.
Content to watch the grasses grow,
And all the flowers bloom,
Bringing sunlight to the lives
That may be touched with gloom.
Lord let me be a simple soul,
However grand this earth,
And never let me once forget
How much my soul is worth.
Blind me to the things of life,
That cause the heart to stray,
And keep me just a simple soul
....Forever and a day.

Isn't it amazing how much we take things for granted, we become so
busy in our lives, we forget what it is like to watch the flowers grow. 

When we simplify our lives we have more peace within, we feel closer to God, and can see the world for it's
beauty , how often does one get to
sit and watch the blue jays, and the
cardinals, splashing around in a 
bird bath. 

I still enjoy looking at the clouds, seeing different shapes and
animals, as I did as a child. Too much of this world is trapped in steel
and cement, credit card debts, just to keep up with the bills.

If only every one in the world could learn to simplify, it would be a
much happier place. 


Reserved for future stories...
How have you simplified your life, my Friend  ?


Best viewed  800 x 600
2002 WhisperWillow

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