Wisdom Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.... To define wisdom it means knowledge, learning. I always thought that only the elders could really know what wisdom is all about, Until I watched my 1 yr.old grand daughter learning to walk. Her parents call her "The little wall-walker" as she holds on to everything as she moves around a room. If she lets go, then she falls, she at her early age has already learned "wisdom". As a teenager I thought I knew everything. Or at least as much as my parents did. Only through many mistakes, and trials did I gain that knowledge, the steps to gaining "Wisdom". Having Wisdom does not make you smarter or wiser, but rather it is a feeling of compassion, empathy, humility and understanding. Experiencing life, making mistakes, and learning through it all. Growing in Wisdom means growing in love, tolerance, grace and acceptance. Suggested readings:
Wisdom-knowing and doing right- and
common sense.
WhisperWillow2003 Please submit your poems,
verse or story about Wisdom HERE