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"What The World Needs Now"

More Hugs.

Hugs are the heart's way of smiling and saying
thanks, come closer, give more love.

More smiles. More dreams.

More kisses on steam-filled windows.

More stars in heaven, more lovers on earth.

More midnight dreams.

More dreamers to believe in, more believers.

More magical stories.

More heartstrings to pull.

More black-and-white pictures.   More color.

More swing sets under rainbows.

More prayer.

More dogs to pet, and cats to run after.

More eyes filled with joyous tears.

More collages.

More finger painting.

More flowers.

More mushy love notes.

More animal-shaped clouds.

More waterfalls.

More space to spin.

More songs to sing.

More freedom to be you.

More girls to dance on daddy's toes.

More Merry-go-rounds.

More lives filled with love.

More faith in people.

More conversations over coffee.

More laughter.

WhisperWillow 2003

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