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beauty spells

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glamour spell

you will need to gather...

geranium and lavender essences


lavender talcum powder

take an aromatherapy bath or shower using geranium and lavender essences and fill your bathroom with candles. Spend time luxuriating in the warm water. After you have dried yourself with a fluffy towel sprinkle lavender talcum powder over your body as you say:


repeat this incantation whenever you feel tempted to hoe into that junk food!

You will need the following:

1 rose quartz

Six rose petals

Bottle of witch hazel

Look at your face in a mirror and all of its flaws. Visualise your face changing into the face you want and desire. Rub the rose quartz lightly over the problem areas and say the following:

"Stone of Beauty, Stone of Love, Erase imperfection as I rub, Bring to me the face I see, As I will so mote it be!!!"

Open then the bottle of witch hazel and insert the rose quartz. Take the six rose petals in your right hand and say...

"Venus, One of beauty rare. I offer you these petals fair. Bless them with your loveliness and bring the beauty I request."

Rub the petals over any line, wrinkle, imperfection ect. Then drop them in the witch hazel. Cap the bottle tightly and give it six good shakes a day for a week. At the end of the week, use it everyday as a toner after face washing. As you apply it say...

"Imperfections, go away. Beauty of Venus, come forth this day."

Spell to change eye colour...

Make sure it is night when you do this spell. Also, light one orange and one pink candle. Close your eyes. (You Must Have complete focus and be concentrating on the spell, ONLY.) Fill your mind with the colour your eyes are. Picture that for about five minutes. Then picture the color you want. Chant... '' Become of me,'' three times. Repeat this whole process two times and you will see changes through the day.

Balanced weight loss


Jasmine incense (if you are female)

Cinnimon incense (if you are male)

A Quartz Crystal


1. Bathe, dress, and sit in your "magickal place" weather that is in front of your altar, or in the woods somewhere, it doesn't matter, though I would not reccomend burning incense in the woods just incase.

2. Light the incense and put that and the quartz crystal in front of you, along with symbolic representatives of the 4 elements.

3. Begin to meditate, callin out to each of the elements. One of them will call back to you, showing you where the imbalance in your life lies that causes you to gain weight.

4. Inhale the scent of the incense and relax deeply. Ask your subconsious for a word. This word will be the key work for this spell.

5. For a few minutes, sit with you eyes closed. Relax and think of nothing.When you mind starts to wander, touch the quartz crystal to bring you back into focus.

6. Each night from the night you started the spell (full moon) to the new moon, rub a few of the ashes from the incense on your naked body. While you do this, keep you key word in mind. Relax, and visualize that the word means in you life. Think of how changing that part of you life will bring you more balance.

7. Once you have realized what you need to do to bring balance into your life, do those things. If you think you don't have time, or begin to lose ambition, hold the crystal for a few moments, and you will be brought back into focus. Keep the crystal with you at all times.
