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Magical Colours

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SILVER: for spells of femininity, moon power and the night

WHITE: for purity, cleansing, childhood, innocence, truth and protection

GOLD: for masculinity, sun power and the daylight hours

YELLOW: for communication, creativity and attraction

GREEN: for finances, security, employment, career, fertility and luck

LIGHT BLUE: for calmness, tranquillity, patience, understanding, and good health

BLUE: for healing, wisdom, dream interpretation, knowledge and dreamscaping (using your dreams in a magical way to solve problems, find answers and so on).

PINK: for honour, friendship, virtue, morality, success and contentment

PURPLE: for power, medication, psychic ability, mild banishings, ambition, inner strength, divinations and physical fitness,

ORANGE: for adaptability, zest for life, social occasions, energy and imagination.

BROWN: for neutrality, stability, strength, grace, family, pets and decision making.

RED: for all matters of love and for courage in the face of adversity.

GREY: for cancellations, greed, anger and envy.

BLACK: for strong banishings, bindings, limitations, loss, confusion and defining boundaries.
