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the witches sabbats

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imbolg - 2 february

beltane - 30 april

midsummer - 21 june

lughnasa - 31 july

samhain - 31 october

yule - 21 december

imbolg is a celebration of light and the coming of sping, it marks the end of winter, and is a time when life begins

beltane is a celebration of summer's begining

midsummer is the longest day and shortest night, and the sun god is at his zenith.

lughnasa is the end of summer, and beginging of autumn. we should honour the harvest with a picnic and a good walk up a mountain or hillside with a good view of the area.

samhain, this ancient rite falls on the same night as Halloween, the most Pagan, along with christmas, of all the traditional Christian holidays, this is also the closest we have to a national witch day. on this night we remember the dead, light a candle for someone who is no longer with us, and sit quietly recalling all your fondest memories of them

yule, the shortest day, and the longest night. at this time the sun king is reborn, protected by the mother goddess. decorate a tree in their honour.