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Tuesday 3rd February 2004

Wow! I haven't updated this for so long!! I'm really sorry for lack of updates, I've been doing so much! Erm for start I've got a few new sites I've posted the links on the 'other links' page. but If you can't be bothered to go take a look lol, you can click on the following links, Signature Simplicity, Adult Signature Simplicity and Love Anthems If you look at them you will see I have been really busy. Also I have a boyfriend called Chris :) Basically things have been so hectic that I forgot to update... I sowwy!! But, I'm thinking of doing a re vamp of the site! I need new ideas though!! So basically if you want anything to be here then email it to me! I need new pictures for the galleries, I need your banners or links if you want me to link you and I need spells! so basically just email me what ever you have, you can send anything to me at (or just click the link at the bottom of every page!) anyways that's all for now, I'll try and update again soon!

monday 14th april 2003

ok i know i haven't updated the site for a while, but i do have a good reason!!! hehehe i've just got a job!! (woo hoo) so i've been working everyday, and i don't have much time to myself anymore! but the time i do have i don't spend much time on the net with it!! anyways, i've just started a new page 'fun things to do' so as you can probably tell from the title it's games and things like that, there aren't many wiccan/pagan games that i've found, they are more like quizes, but i will put some links for games aswell, but they wont be wiccan/pagan. anyways, that's all for now as i'm off to bed!!! i'll try and update soon

wednesday 5th march 2003

im sorry i haven't updated for a while. i haven't had the time due to personal reasons, that i can't go into on here!! anyways i've also been working on my 2 newest websites, if you would like to visit witchy_web_4eva click here or if you would like to visit my Signature site click here. i'll try and update again soon!!

monday 4th february 2003

wow! i didnt realise it had been so long since i last updated!! well as you can see from looking around the pages ive updated everything... i just gotta come on the site and check everything is working now!! ive got a few more links to add but i can do them once ive checked all the pages and links are working... anyway il update again soon!!

friday 17th january 2003

well as you can see i haven't updated for a while, but i've had a lot of stuff going on, and haven't really had the time. anyways, ive made a few changes and added a new page in the galleries, please check it out. over the next few days i'm hopefully (if i still have the time) going to redesign the site, il be doing it page by page so if you come on and you can't get onto one of the pages then don't worry about it simply try again later!! i'll update again soon.

tuesday 24th december 2002

well it's christmas eve, and i would like to wish you all a very happy christmas and new year!! i haven't had too much time to update for personal reasons, but hopefully i will get some updates done soon!!! i'm thinking about doing another site re-design but it won't be until after christmas. i will add a lot more stuff to the site in the new year. and i will sort out the picture gallery properly!!

wednesday 18th december 2002

ive added a new page 'good witch practise' check it out. and i can't believe today is finally here!! lord of the rings two towers is out today!! (sorry about that i'm just a really big lotr fan) anyways, im just doing a bit of an update to a few pages. il update again soon

monday 16th december 2002

i havent really had much time to update the site, but i've got a couple of spells i want to add on the site, so keep checking back for them!!

sunday 8th november 2002

added a few more pictures to the picture gallery, havent done much on the site today, been trying to fix some stuff on my brothers website. i'll try and get the other stuff sorted this week because i had started some things and not finished them on every page so il do that tomorrow hopefully. and i'm still thinking about putting a photo of me on my info page but i'm not sure if its a good idea or not. anyways il try and do the other stuff this week. oh and i've had 2 banners made for me, i'm not sure if i like them or not yet, but they're cool. so if u want one please take one (save it to your hard drive!!! NO BANDWIDTH STEALING PLEASE!!)

saturday 7th november 2002

yay!! i've finally sorted out my what's new? page!! it took ages to sort it out but its finally done!! sorry about not updating for a while, but ive been so busy trying to fix this page, and i've had some interviews and personal stuff to deal with, but anyways, ive got a few days so il try and get some new stuff up soon!! oh hope you like the new look of the site!! ive added loads more pictures to the picture gallery. hope you like them! il update again soon, i've got a few links to fix

monday 25th november 2002

i think ive almost finished constructing the site now, although i know their are some problems people are having with the links, so i'll try to fix them tonight, i've also got to sort out a problem with the enter page... which i'm just going to fix now! but hopefully everything else is ok! i'll update again soon!

friday 22nd november 2002

ok whole site redesign going on at the moment, so im sorry if everything is all over the place!! im trying to sort it all out at the moment!! as you probably noticed, ive learned how to add pictures on the site!!! so its at least a bit more colourful!! lol, anyways, let me know what you think of the new design!!! hope it looks ok, as ive not checked it myself yet!!

wednesday 20th november 2002

im going to start work tomorrow on a new page "the phases of the moon" so keep checking back for that page if you're interested in it, i will post it up as soon as i've started work on it, but it may not be finished for a few days, but il try to finish it asap, also i'm going to post some new spells that my friend emailed me, so you will have to check all the spell pages as i don't yet know what page they will be on, i'm also working on a page for witches' tools ive only written it on on paper at the mo, but il start that page as soon as i get the time! i'll update again soon, oh and if their are any other angelfire members who visit this page, can you please email me as i need some help putting pictures on my pages!! thanx!

monday 18th november 2002

i got some good books yesterday 'a witches' bible' by janet and stewart farrar, 'a beginers guide to spells ans rituals' by teresa moorey and 'everyday spells for a teenage witch' by marie bruce. i've had a little look through them, ive not read much but they look like good books!! and i've been told that the witches' bible is a really good book for witches'! oh and il do some updates tomorrow if i get the chance!!

wednesday 13th november 2002

wow, 2 updates in one day!! shows how busy ive been on this! right as i said earlier ive been working on a new section so as promised, ive added a page for love spells, theirs only 3 (i think i only did 3) spells at the mo, but hopefully now i wont keep getting emails requesting love spells!! anyways i did that earlier!! il update again soon!!

wednesday 13th november 2002

well ive been working on a new section but its still not finished... i will add it on the site some time this week, if i get the time! if not it'll be up next week by the latest... if you have any complaints about the site, please let me know so i know what to change to make it better!!! unless you tell me i wont know! lol oh and i still don't know how to add pictures on the site, so if anyone knows can you please email me and tell me!!! (this is my first site!! lol) il update again soon!

saturday 10th november 2002

ok i know i said i'd have the new pages up for thursday but they're still not finihsed. im sorry i've been to busy but i will get it done asap!! oh and i've got some more links to go up, i'll try and do them before monday

thursday 7th november 2002

well ive been working on trying to get my pictures on all day but ive had no luck, so im giving up on them for now, till my mate helps me!! lol, their will be some pictures up soon to make this place more interesting! anyways im just gonna put some more spells up, and mayb a few more sections, depends how long it takes to type out the spells!! il update again soon

wednesday 6th november 2002

right i'll have some links up tomorrow hopefully, a few people have emailed me with some links so il get them posted as soon as i can, ive got some more spells to be posted, if i get the time tomorrow then il add the new stuff on then, but can people please start emailing me any information about wicca, so i can keep updating!

monday 4th november 2002

well everything really!! this site has only just been created, thats why it would really help if u could donate any spells or info or anything you have!! to make this site better!! even if it's just your comments, id like to know what you really think! and il keep updating it as often as i can!! if you have anything that you would like to see on this site, then please email it to me and i will post everything!!
