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Welcome to the Wiccan Web

Newly Added Links and Features

Currently Being Updated - A great site

Abaxion - Offers an online witchcraft course

What I Plan to do Here

I plan to offer a gateway into the internet for wiccans, or people interested in wicca. I will have numerous pages of links organized (hopefully) for easy access.

A Good Site Is...

Amas Veritas - A gorgeous "Practical Magic" fan site for the film. There is highly detailed, well researched information on the house and set, the garden, the characters' fashions, image galleries, cast interviews, production notes, lyrics, sound clips, trailers, even info on Wicca.


Im just beginning this site, after a year of leaving it to sit. I have a huge collection of links that I have to organize and check out before I post them up here. Hopefully I will have them done by the end of this week so I can get this page up and running.

Newest Links
My personal website
For Beginners
Introduction, Traditions, Classes, The Burning Times, Tools, Theory,
Tarot, Scrying, Geomancy, Astrology, Numerology, Tea Leaf Reading, Palmistry, Graphology, Dowsing, Horoscopes,
Online Stores
Books, Tools, Clothing, Music, Art Tarot Cards, Runes, Auctions, Classes, Herbs,
books, Authours, Editorials, Dictionaries, Short Stories, Poetry, Zines, Mailing Lists, Publishers
Movies, TV, Music, Record Labels, Online Radio, mp3's,
Canada, USA Europe, Australia,