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WillowGlen Renaissance Faire Excursion Contract

Terms and conditions:

1)I will not antagonize other faire goers (including fellow WillowGlen members, members of other guilds, and patrons). I will respect others and refrain from unruly behavior.

2) I will not irresponsibly leave the WillowGlen encampment. I understand that someone affiliated with the guild must be present at the booth at all times during faire hours, and I will notify someone before leaving. After 10pm, I will tell a Guardian where I am going and have a return time if possible.

3) I will remain in costume and in character during faire hours. I understand that the booth will not be closed early, but will operate to the end of the faire's designated operating hours (You will be notified each faire) and despite any weather conditions (unless faire dictates otherwise).

4) I will treat the private storage areas with respect. I will not throw aside carelessly, especially that which does not belong to me. I WILL NOT put food, open bottles, trash, or other things inside the cooler that doesnĄ Ąt belong there.

5) All weapons are to be sheathed and peace-tied or other wise secured at all times. Any Guardian can show you how to peace-tie if needed. Under no conditions will a weapon be brandished at another individual. As of yet WillowGlen will not be participating in reenactments or tourneys so shanai and other practice weapons will be considered as weapons. Only period weapons will be allowed, no firearms.

6) WillowGlen prohibits the use of drugs and alcohol by its members. I will not attend guild or faire events intoxicated or under the influence of illegal drugs. I will not bring alcohol or illegal drugs onto the faire site or in the boundaries of the encampment. We are a dry (non-alcoholic) group in order to preserve the safety and reputation of this guild, its members, and all minors involved. I will ask any member of other guilds to abide by this in respect to our guild.

7) I will heed the advice given by the Guardians with regards to conduct at the festival. If there is a problem concerning myself, another WillowGlen member, anyone of another guild or a patron I will let a Guardian know. I know that the Guardians are here to make sure that the faire is fun for every person, including myself.

8) I will comply with all State, County and Local ordinances.

9) I have read and acknowledged the rules and conditions set forth by WillowGlen and shall comply with all the statutes given. Parents of those under 18 must also read this contract and agree to its terms.

Failure to comply with the above terms and conditions may result in my expulsion from the faire or event and may also result in suspension or expulsion from WillowGlen.

I accept

I Do not accept